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Get rid of Shrek

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Is it possible to get rid of the Shrek (Movie character ) sounding voice that says "Contact clear"


DC Snr

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you could also take a look into the downloadsection under Creaghorns Homebrew. There might be also useful things for you, including hangarfademusic etc.

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Wow how flattering lol ...Shrek has a supposed Scottish accent though.


For the record that's my voice and I'm from the North of England,

At least it's reasonable choice as many of us poor sods would have been pulling props or getting shot at in the trenches.

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Although I live in the US (25yrs) I was born and raised in South Yorkshire and at 63yrs young i am as proud of my heritage as any other Yorkshireman . Laddie I have to tell you, that is so close to a Scottish Accent you must have been conceived in the land of the Heather and born in Yorkshire thats the only explanation for it. Enjoying the Sim but getting a hang up as it goes into the final World loading screen.

No doubt a good meal of Roast Beef Yorkshire Pud and veggies all washed down with a pint of Ncastle Brown Ale will help.


DC Snr



Wow how flattering lol ...Shrek has a supposed Scottish accent though.


For the record that's my voice and I'm from the North of England,

At least it's reasonable choice as many of us poor sods would have been pulling props or getting shot at in the trenches.

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"Contact clear" is in a Scottish accent?


Er, no, no it isn't. Not even close.


Have to say though, Mike Myre's Shrek accent is uncannily good, and no mean achievement for a Canadian.

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According to Myers, providing the voice for an animated character is a strange experience, with the actor isolated in a glass booth, similar to "being a goal judge in hockey or being in a witness protection programme and surrounded by Plexiglas".


His first problem, when he made the original Shrek film in 2001, was finding the right accent.


"It was weird," he recalled. "It took a few times for me to get the voice right. I first tried it in a sort of Canadian accent, but it just didn't connect, and, because fairytales are a European thing and ogres are more earthy, the Scottish accent just felt right."


I rest my case sir





DC Snr

"Contact clear" is in a Scottish accent?


Er, no, no it isn't. Not even close.


Have to say though, Mike Myre's Shrek accent is uncannily good, and no mean achievement for a Canadian.






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"Contact clear" is in a Scottish accent?


Er, no, no it isn't. Not even close.


Have to say though, Mike Myre's Shrek accent is uncannily good, and no mean achievement for a Canadian.



I like his accent for Fat Bastard even better.


PS... You think that's Polovski sounds bad?? Heaven forbid he was Welsh... rofl.gif

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When I first heard the "Contact! Clear!" I thought that Ringo Starr had been hired to do the voice over for OFF. I was just about to delete it when I found out the voice is Pol's. Didn't have the heart to delete it after that. :grin:

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Do you mean I would hear sheep Bleating LOL



I like his accent for Fat Bastard even better.


PS... You think that's Polovski sounds bad?? Heaven forbid he was Welsh... rofl.gif

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LOL well I'm from Lancashire originally, so that's a Lancs accent plus a bit of London these days.


I always thought Mike Myres' was OK but not great Scottish accent. I'm sure a few Scots might chip in and tell us.

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Lancashire eh .... Gads it all fits wink.gif Pol is George Formby ! And he soonds aboot as Sco'ish as Dick Van Dyke sounded cockney me old mucka !



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LOL well I'm from Lancashire originally, so that's a Lancs accent plus a bit of London these days.


I always thought Mike Myres' was OK but not great Scottish accent. I'm sure a few Scots might chip in and tell us.


When Shrek first came out, the accent got right under the radar and I don't recall anybody even reacting to it. That's unusal, because false accents usually sound like fingernails down a blackboard. It sounds authentically Scottish. You would struggle to tie it down to a distinct area, you couldn't say it was Glaswegian or Aberdonian for example, - but that can be common anyway. You get folks from plummey private schools who are taught to speak 'properly', and you want to here them trying to fit in down the pub where the 'might' be mistaken for being English.


It's like the Gaelic. Different parts of the hebrides had different accents and dialects, and you could tell right away if somebody came from Barra, or Lewis, or wherever. Kids can now learn Gaelic at school, but its kind of universal gaelic, you know it's gaelic, but can't tie it down to any particular place.


Full credit to him, by luck or design Mike Myres got Shrek just about right.



I'm sure John Rhys-Davies put the same amount of time into his scottish accent for Gimli in Lord of the Rings, but in my opinion he didn't quite nail it. It wasn't bad, nice touch in fact, but you just knew he wasn't a scot.

Edited by Flyby PC

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LOL well I'm from Lancashire originally,




Yea, me too! From the correct side of the Pennines :grin:

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just amazed how two short words (contact clear) can give so many conclusions what dialect it is and where one is from blink.gif .

in germany every village has a different dialect. but i don't think that two short words would reveal it. besides saxony, the most terrible dialect in german language...

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Mat...........the devs have given us all the choices you could want...including this one. In "workshops" turn off the "menu music". The whole thing loads faster too.

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To my ear, Pol's startup commands do sound Lancashire, but certainly not Scouse (Liverpool) and no trace of Scots.


I'm from Birkenhead (across the Mersey from Liverpool), but transplanted to Canada at an early age.

I've a lot of relatives still in Liddiepool and I can still do a "Ringo" that's gear.


Canadians are lucky as we get mixed exposure to both U.S. and British media. It sometimes gives an interesting perspective.

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I like his accent for Fat Bastard even better.


PS... You think that's Polovski sounds bad?? Heaven forbid he was Welsh... rofl.gif


Not so sure there's anything wrong with a Welsh accent :grin: And it's 'Heaven forbid he were Welsh' - subjunctive mood, expression of wish or possibility. I also know some very nice sheep, as it happens, wool-mannered, wool-educated, BAAs every one.


And 'Contact Cle-eh-eh-eh-ehr' would sound perfectly reasonable to me.

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Thank goodness it isn't Geordie!


Wor cannit start the bloody engine like...I kicked the bastard six times...but it div'nt wanna go mon...I'll hoy it against the waaarl if it dinna pack it in like!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Thank goodness it isn't Geordie!


Wor cannit start the bloody engine like...I kicked the bastard six times...but it div'nt wanna go mon...I'll hoy it against the waaarl if it dinna pack it in like!


Speak English old boy there's a good fellow thats too close to gibberish for my liking...

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Wow how flattering lol ...Shrek has a supposed Scottish accent though.

For the record that's my voice and I'm from the North of England,



I thought he [the voice of "contact man"] sounded like Ringo Starr...


EDIT: Oops! Going back and reading the whole thing I now see someone else thought so too...

Edited by Bandy

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Just wanted to say that I like the "Contact ... clear!". clapping.gif I only wish we could have sort of a Voice Buddy program to use these phrases ourselves in the sim and get the prop spinning. Wouldn't it be nice to shout "Clear my tail" to a wingman and see him move accordingly? Maybe Voice Buddy does work with OFF, does anybody know?

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Just wanted to say that I like the "Contact ... clear!". clapping.gif I only wish we could have sort of a Voice Buddy program to use these phrases ourselves in the sim and get the prop spinning. Wouldn't it be nice to shout "Clear my tail" to a wingman and see him move accordingly? Maybe Voice Buddy does work with OFF, does anybody know?


there is a tool (forgot the name) and i used it for the startup sequence, but i stopped using it because speaking with a screen made me feel somehow strange blink.gif .

wingmen commands would be possible, but of course unrealistic, since there were no radios in ACin that time good.gif

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