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Here's a sneak peak at some of the effects and flight-dynamics modeling that we're considering for the Korean Air War mod. The terrain-set used in the video is the default SF2 Desert terrain. This was done for as we needed a fast-loading terrain for test purposes, the new Korea terrain will be, shall we say, quite target rich :grin:



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What was with the engine before and after that spin? That wasn't a compressor stall was it?

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Cool sounds features.

How did you managed to have an external and only exhaust oriented rumble sound? Over the standard engine sound.

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Hi, is this errain SF 2 compatible? :clapping:


The terrain is the default sf2 dessert terrain.

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The new Korea terrain (and by inference, all aircraft,weapons and ground objects) is being built at the 03 patch level, so there'll be no water effects, no trees, no clouds, no "special effects", no seasons, or any other eye candy of any type.




---- GOTHCA !!!!! ------




actually, I think KAW mod might be the very fist one, built from scracth, with ONLY SF2 in mind, and not something ported/tweeked/fiddled/diddled with (although the terrain is easily back-dated for use in 08 level 1st Gens -because I've tested it. As are most of the aircraft/ground objects. However, there ARE many internal changes in the aircraft to make the 'fit' better in NextGens; the game reads LODs and data ini slightly different, in my experience, than 08 1st Gens.


here's another screenie, just for fun



kevin stein

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But don't expect anything soon. Tons of new stuff is being build :cool:

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SF2 only ?

Well i guess i'll have to buy SF2 this year so ... that's irresistible ya know >3

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Fubar; interesting. What is your contrail philosophy here. In the video, the contrails are formed with discrete particles, at least for the first few seconds behind the exhaust.


If you are having issues with the stock style contrails vanishing at certain viewing angles, that can be fixed by going BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA_ADD_SRC connected sprite. As a FREE bonus, the contrails then brighten up in the brightened sky effect near the SF sun, depending on how you set that up.


The wingtip contrails seem to be connected sprites, so they are still in SF2. I'm still at SF 2006 ror.

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