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MiG-21 kills in Skyraider

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I just flew a strike mission with 4 A-1H Skyraiders against a railway bridge in Vietnam which resulted in two MiG-21 kills. Our flight was bounced by a flight of MiG-21MFs on the run in to the target. I downed two MiG-21s who were chasing other members of the flight with high-deflection cannon shots until I ran dry, then chased off a third MiG by firing LAU-3A rockets at him. There was no chance of a kill, but the sight of the unguided rockets whizzing past his cockpit convinced him to break off and dive for home. We then rejoined and destroyed the bridge with rockets and snakeyes before turning for home. I was pretty stunned because I was sure we were goners!


I don't think this was a likely outcome in real life, but the Spad could out-turn the MiGs and force an overshoot, especially down in the weeds. We all made it home, but I think I will have to shovel out my cockpit!



Edited by harryleith

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While the MiG-21 is faster, I think I heard that Skyraiders had confirmed kills on 17s, and they are much more manouverable then 21s.


During the war, U.S. Navy Skyraiders shot down two Soviet-built Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 jet fighters: one on 20 June 1965, a victory shared by Lieutenant Clinton B. Johnson and Lieutenant, junior grade Charles W. Hartman III of VA-25;[12] and one on 9 October 1966 by LTJG William T. Patton of VA-176.[8]


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Guest rscsjsuso5

for fun use aim-9b on a mig-21 for thirdwire game/sim , so amazing seeing a skyraider in sfp1 then you change the data.ini and then you have aim-9b , fire away when you hear the tone of the heat seeker , missile goes forward and the mig is slightly below your gun sight and then the missile drops and direct hit right on the tail of the mig , i'd use guns but i like the chase and the heatseeker missile/ close range , sometimes flying inverted and then fire the missile is very fun watching the mig plane parts go apart in the skies.


by the way nice screen/pic , if i was that mig pilot i would have been scared and maybe i duck down a little bit and then decrease my throttle and then catch you at your six with aa-2 missiles .

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Not surprising as I do a little dog fighting with it myself. A-4 is one of my faves due to ease of handling. If armed with sidewinders, it's more deadly. In Israel, I can naturally arm the A-4's with AA missiles without fiddling with the ini.

Edited by jomni

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JohnathanRL: I saw that MiG-17 vs Skyraider engagement on the DOGFIGHT TV series as part of their Gun Kills of Vietnam episode. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZORulFLikzo). They double-teamed one of the MiGs in a head-on pass if I recall correctly.


Jomni: I was flying the A-1H Skyraider, not an A-4 Skyhawk. The Skyraider is a piston engined aircraft designed at the end of WWII and used in Vietnam as a ground attack aircraft. )http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-1_Skyraider). No AAMs for me!

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To say it simple: all piston engine planes can easily outcurve all jets of the 60th 70th era. This Yak-9 was able to outcurve the F-86 and the Mustang was able to do the same with a MiG-15. This is simple aerodynamics. If a jet pilot is so stupid to fight a curve combat against a A-1 Skyraider he will loose. If he use the hit and run tactic, tha climb and dive he will win.


Unfortunatly the game engine does not realise this simple fact. So the MiG-21 will try to curve out a probplane. And the F-4 will do the same with the same result.


And a last word. The air to air missiles model is to simple. All AAM have in real life a minimum launch speed. For the R-3S (AA-2) and the AIM-9B it is if i remember right about 750 kilometers per hour at low levels. It climbes up to over 1.100 kph at high altitudes.

What means, that not all planes in game who carries Sidewinders or Atoll would have had in real life to used this weapon successfully.

Edited by Gepard

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And a last word. The air to air missiles model is to simple.


Yeah - but thank the lucky stars TK didnt bother to implement the real firing procedure for the AIM-4 Falcon!!

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I think the only MIG kill by a Scooter (A-4) was with LAU-3s


We can kill migs with SPADS?

Imagine my surprise.





I couple of times after getting bounced by MIGs in a flight of OV-10s I was surprised to see in the log that #3 or #4 splashed one with the 4 M-60s in the sponsons.


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