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isn't that Ironic? don't you think?

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Three officers visiting Israel to question Israelis whose passports were allegedly used in Dubai hit get into road accident with Tel Aviv bicyclist, keep driving. Cyclist, Oshra Bar, claims Australian reporters later attacked her




don't know if the Mossad did or did not kill the scumbag in Dubai

but the world is better off.. so someone may used your passports, big f***ing deal..grin.gif



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The Mossad gets rid of a terrorist, and now there is a man hunt for the terrorist's killers and the world is ouraged. How ironic eh?

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it's like getting fired for doing your job lol.gif

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The problem isn't that they killed the man...


The problem was they did it "on tape".


Makes Mossad look very un-professional.


They should've whacked the cameras out, too! :grin:

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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Or they just send a clear message to the terrorists. We don't care where you are! We are going to get you anyway.

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Maybe they should've sent a singing telegram first?

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Agree with TX3RNOBILL. Really unprofessional. Next time, perhaps they will kill the wrong guy in Room 99 rather than the bad guy in Room 66. Perhaps they have done it before. It seems that the Mossad's best skill has been to keep his failures hidden. Until this year.


Next time, perhaps they should dress as clowns rather than tennismen. It could surprise the opponent, and if they get filmed once more, they would be less easily recognized - and the pictures would be more fun!

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Next on TV: Mossad Reality Show!!!


Zohan anyone?:rofl:

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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So wait... there's a manhunt because they were seen on camera doing the world a favor (and their job)?! Yeah, that makes sense.


They should get a chewing out from their bosses for being caught on film, but that's IT. It's not like they did anything wrong. You may get a dressing down for getting rude with a customer, but you won't have a manhunt out for you, ya know?

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btw, it's not officially the Mossad's work...

and about being caught on tape

it could have been part of the plan, i don't think who ever did that was that uncareful and unaware to the cameras that are in every hotel in the world

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Hell yeah, we did it, wassup?

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Perhaps the ones on the camera DIDN'T do it, and the one who really DID remains safely hidden while these decoys divert attention?

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you are smart Jedi... that's probably it

may the force be with you :)

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I see it this way...


The guy who got slotted has been a key General or money man in Hamas who have declared that they will not rest until Israel is defeated, that to me is a declaration of war without saying it... So if this was Mossad and I am not saying that it is without further proof of the matter, then the Israel's have a right to defend themselves okay getting caught on camera could be one of 3 things :-


As Jedi stated decoy's

To warn others

Or they screwed up...


It doesn't matter to me as it's one more terrorist scumbag written off the planet...


Maybe it was this guy trying to forment more unrest well he does have Jewish roots or so they say...




(If the pic requires removing let me know and its gone)


Hell the guy could have decided to pass information to the Israeli's and was snuffed out before he could do so. As the Guy is Hamas everyone could rage and rant about it saying bad Israel and they had nothing to do with it...


I also saw a flying cow yesterday apparently...


And on a final note I one dated a beautiful Israel woman (Whatever your feeding them over there keep it up) and she quoted ot me once "Out of all the places in the Middle-east we chose to inhabit why did we choose the place with the Oranges and no oil???"


I know the real reason is religous before someone moans at me...


Thats my 2pence worth or should it be 2 shekel's worth either way go Israel...

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Thats my 2pence worth or should it be 2 shekel's worth either way go Israel...


Then it would be .11 shekels since 1 pence = .055 shekels (or rounded to .06 shekels). Or .08 shekels since 1 penny (1 cent) = .04 shekels. Sorry, had to post that... was bored.

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Then it would be .11 shekels since 1 pence = .055 shekels (or rounded to .06 shekels). Or .08 shekels since 1 penny (1 cent) = .04 shekels. Sorry, had to post that... was bored.




Its been one of those days but that made me laugh... also those 2 pence are English 2 pence's...

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Its been one of those days but that made me laugh... also those 2 pence are English 2 pence's...


That's what I figured.

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