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Simple question: Photoshop or not ????




This second picture is fake for 99% ...



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hard to say, most because we already have seen an J-10 with the AIM-120 dual rails.

anyway, in a combat situation, how the hell the J-10 pilot manage to fight with this s**tload of missiles?

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Edited by suicidal

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Guest rscsjsuso5

i don't have any sources but as i can recall when surfing the web the j-10 is in service with plaaf and right now undergoing several small variants including a double seater and a advance version and also the weapon loadout is various . right now those pictures/screens you are seeing is for real but in testing phase only for the extral oadout on a j-10 with and without a refuel probe. the aircraft is very agile and to clear up the missile confusing about aim120 on a j-10 , it is basically a pili12 missiles. right now the j-10 primarily is of 25% of the chinese air force where the other 50% is j-11s in service. remember j-10 still in development/loadout and fuel capacity developement and very new only small batch is in service. the one in yellow skin is in testing skin and phase as you can see the probe and loadout configuration is tweaked .

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hard to say, most because we already have seen an J-10 with the AIM-120 dual rails.

anyway, in a combat situation, how the hell the J-10 pilot manage to fight with this s**tload of missiles?


If they're BVR fire-and-forget missiles he'll just have to fire the missiles... and then what, is the good question. Either turn tails to rearm or... hmm... :dunno:

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If they're BVR fire-and-forget missiles he'll just have to fire the missiles... and then what, is the good question. Either turn tails to rearm or... hmm... :dunno:


not against a stealth, for sure


btw, we are talking about china...PLAAF-versus-ROCAF-1.jpg

Edited by Silverbolt

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Either turn tails to rearm or... hmm... :dunno:


The J-10 will be able to mix it up and then some! It'll totally outclass the Ching Kuo.

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The J-10 will be able to mix it up and then some! It'll totally outclass the Ching Kuo.


But then we Chung Kou is over 20 years old and the Taiwanese pilot's will know what it can do better than a Chinese pilot who has been flying a J-10 for 6 months or so... Pilot skill comes into it a lot...


Someone once said a Good pilot in a mediocre plane will always beat a bad pilot in a great plane... but nowadays it's all push button and the Chinese if they attack Taiwan will go in mob handed and outnumber the Taiwanese Air Force 5 to one... but hey lets not go there...

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Actually, my question was rather one of armament practicality / combat strategy; if a fighter has expended the ammo, if it mainly consists of bvr fire-and-forget missiles, all that's left is the internal gun, and maybe two IR-guided short-range missiles. From what I've read in the past, for instance, the Mig-23's had orders to fire their long-range missiles and as soon as they had done that they were supposed to turn tails to rearm back at base and sortie again, if necessary. I guess it would depend on how many enemy planes would be left alive after the BVR's had their run, wether it would be sensible to get into the fight up close and personal just with your internal gun and a pair of IR short-range missiles, but I wasn't doubting the J-10's agility to hold its own in a dogfight...

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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The real question is whether BVR combat would actually work as intended during a real conflict.

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Depends how concerned you are about blue-on-blue and collateral damage. The tech works fine, it's just ROE that can hamstring it.

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Perhaps, but other than A-10's strafing there hasn't been much recorded use of guns on fighters in the last 20 years. It's been all missiles and bombs.

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