UnknownPilot 33 Posted April 6, 2010 Anyone else find it extremely satisfying to pop someone with a missile, or is it just me? lol Maybe it comes from being a prop (sim) guy. Up until LOMAC had come out, I really never did jet sims. My first was a WWII sim, then I got a WWI sim. And several more WWII after that, culminating in 9 years of IL2. I love a guns kill, for sure. But.... like I said, maybe because it's the 'norm' for me, or maybe because it doesn't seem as hard to work for in jets; I've noticed lately that it's just incredibly satisfying to see a missile track and nail somebody. Either through zoom view, watching the trail and seeing the lead then watching them connect, or, for some longer shots, hitting F9 and watching it track all the way to the target. 60 mile Phoenix kills are awesome! Heh, and then again, maybe it's because the early missiles are so damned ineffective that when they actually do track and hit it's a cause to celebrate. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted April 6, 2010 I like a gun kill myself. But the popping of a Mig at 35 miles with an AIM-120D is such a satisfying thing. They just disappear from your radar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Russianbuild 0 Posted April 6, 2010 Couldn't agree more, popping a target with an amraam is a nice feeling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted April 6, 2010 Hitting a barn door with AIM-4D is a good reason for celebration. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vampyre 24 Posted April 6, 2010 Well, I do know what you mean. I'm in an on again off again Mercenary campaign in which I have used up all my good missiles (AIM-7E's and AIM-9E's) and have to use either the AIM-4 Falcons or the AIM-9B, both of which have very narrow launch parameters. It is really satisfying having the Falcon hit anything other than the dirt a few miles in front of me (99% hit probabliity on terra firma)... Of course it has to be fired like an unguided rocket from about 50ft away from the non manuvering target to actually score a hit. I liken it to threading a needle while riding a unicycle and balancing on a beach ball. The AIM-9B is the superior missile in this case. Hard to believe the Air Force actually fielded that hot stinking load of garbage we know as the AIM-4. I did manage to get a 100% hit ratio with the AIM-9B on one sortie where I caught about eight MiG-21PFM's lined up for landing. It was like clubbing baby fur seals... I almost felt bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted April 6, 2010 Hitting a barn door with AIM-4D is a good reason for celebration. No kidding! I mean the fact it hits anything is a reason for a party. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnknownPilot 33 Posted April 6, 2010 Hard to believe the Air Force actually fielded that hot stinking load of garbage we know as the AIM-4. Can't be any worse than the Aphid A or B or the Akalai. I've never once seen them track anything. The early Atoll isn't much better. I've managed about 25% success with the Atoll D, and about 65% with the R-77. (but come to think of it, I don't shoot at US planes if I can help it - I either pretend the Israeli's stole some Russian plane, or if it's late enough, I go as post-Soviet Ukraine. Maybe the Soviet designs just have low IR signatures? ) I don't think I've managed better than maybe 5% with the AIM-9B. Pretty much anything less than the H has been about worthless for me. The L is my favorite. Quick locking, all aspect, and accurate. I just love running hot straight toward someone coming right at me and hitting them in the face with a 9L. Hmm... come to think of it. When I take a Tomcat (A - that's all I have installed) in 78 against 21s, the 9L is a near sure thing. As are the Phoenix missiles, and the Sparrows... well.... sometimes they track, much of the time they just blow up about a thousand feet out and piss me off. lol (regardless of whether I take 7Es or E-2s) Yet... when I fly one mission I edited - was Su-30K vs Su-27 in 2007, I swapped out the 30 for F-14s for me, thinking the Phoenix would be the ace in the hole; I find that none of the missiles do very much. The Phoenix starts acting like a Sparrow (not tracking and blowing up pre-maturely), the Sparrows act like early 'Winders (going dumb and missing), and even the great 9Ls drop down to something like 30% hit rate. In fact, if a Flanker and Tomcat are in my FoV and I fire a 9L, it hits the Tomcat. Did that twice so far. ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slartibartfast 153 Posted April 6, 2010 (edited) Best missile kill I ever had was flying a F-4G with 2 Aim-7F's... Fired one below into a Flanker and it was so gratifying that it hit even though the Flanker was chucking out Chaff like confetti at a wedding... was even better that I still had all my other missiles onboard... Harms etc even the 610 Tank on the centreline... Shame his wingman nailed me 2 minutes later... Edited April 6, 2010 by Slartibartfast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted April 6, 2010 Best missile kill I ever had was a snapshot of an AIM-9D (I did this the other day) from my Nesher against a Mig-21 that popped in front of me while I was covering my wingman. He was all of sudden there and I am sure he had my wingman in his sites. So I just fired it off hoping to maybe scare him off (and hoping I wouldnt hit my wingman in the process.) The missiel trackes right into his tail pipe. I was stunned! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fubar512 1,350 Posted April 6, 2010 And the absolute best missile kill, is when one takes out a strike group at 100 NM, before they even have a chance to call feet wet, right over their own territory http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1219754548/gallery_279_43_32287480.wmv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnknownPilot 33 Posted April 6, 2010 And the absolute best missile kill, is when one takes out a strike group at 100 NM, before they even have a chance to call feet wet, right over their own territory http://forum.combata...43_32287480.wmv Awesome. What is your install? I haven't played with any 14 other than the A, so I don't recognize that one. The carrier battle group was awesome too (my install it's always the carrier all by itself). Pretty serious explosion effects as well. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MigBuster 2,893 Posted April 6, 2010 The AIM-9B is the superior missile in this case. Hard to believe the Air Force actually fielded that hot stinking load of garbage we know as the AIM-4. From what I have read we have it easy - with the real AIM-4 once you had set the coolant running - which took about 4.5 seconds to cool the seeker - you then had to launch it before the coolant ran out.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakai 2 Posted April 6, 2010 Yes MigBuster I believe you are correct. I have to say that it is very satisfying to get a kill with any of the early missiles, IR or SARH, they both feel good. I actually rate the AIM-9B a little higher then most, after countless Vietnam campaigns I have learned the proper way to use the early winder, and it is very effective if only used well inside its parameters. Its just like a guns dogfight, just with a missile shot at the end. I have to say that the AIM-4 is the worst tracking missile in the game. I have taken a lot of flights with the all weather Mig-19P and scored fairly well using the AA-1 as long as I don't get creative with how I think the missile should be used. Only dead astern (or in some very rare cases, head on) and from about 3 miles. I will wait until I am well latched on an enemy's tail until I launch, sometimes they will level out in a fight for no apparent reason, thats when I nail them. I also like to be able to take a pair of Atolls with me if I can, the AA-2D is an effective missile. It's just like the AIM-9B, and is used in the same manner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted April 6, 2010 That's why I like the Genie...who needs accurate guidance anyway?? BOOM! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slartibartfast 153 Posted April 6, 2010 That's why I like the Genie...who needs accurate guidance anyway?? BOOM! But where's the style... ??? It's a much better kill if you have to work for it in my opinion... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Crusader 2,104 Posted April 6, 2010 Stock AIM-4D data is way off the real values Try those values: Release Delay 1.0 Arming Time 1.4 ( missile arms right after booster burnout ) Booster Duration 1.4 Seeker FOV 6.5 Seeker gimbal limits 48 AIM-4 firing modes besides Boresight are Scan and Seeker Slaved modes , enable them Stock min firing range is off too, iirc. but I cant remeber the value. have to check.. I gave this data to TK long ago, but he hasnt updated the AIM-4 yet.. probably forgot about it :ph34r: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnknownPilot 33 Posted April 6, 2010 Stock AIM-4D data is way off the real values Try those values: Release Delay 1.0 Arming Time 1.4 ( missile arms right after booster burnout ) Booster Duration 1.4 Seeker FOV 6.5 Seeker gimbal limits 48 AIM-4 firing modes besides Boresight are Scan and Seeker Slaved modes , enable them Stock min firing range is off too, iirc. but I cant remeber the value. have to check.. I gave this data to TK long ago, but he hasnt updated the AIM-4 yet.. probably forgot about it What will that do to the AIM-4D in game? (make it more useful or even worse?) I am at work right now so don't have the ini file to look at. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnknownPilot 33 Posted April 6, 2010 But where's the style... ??? It's a much better kill if you have to work for it in my opinion... Fly Oleg's borked Hellcats, or early P-47s or even for that matter 190A4s or 8s, solo, online, for a while. You'll have your fill of "working for it". hehe It's arguable that getting a front lock with a 9L during a merge and shooting the bandit in the face, or nailing a bandit 60NM out where he can't even SEE you on his scope is not working for it, but damn is it fun! (I often try to imagine what it must be like for the enemy flight, just crusing along, then suddenly BOOM! one of their members just goes away ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted April 6, 2010 getting a front lock with a 9L during a merge and shooting the bandit in the face ... is not working for it Tried that once in a duel on F-15A vs. Flogger. Caught 23mm round with my teeth while waiting for the tone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serverandenforcer 33 Posted April 6, 2010 I think the best missile kill for me was when I launched all 6 Aim-54Cs on individual targets in rapid succession. Each target was about 50nm out. All 6 Pheonixs hit their targets. Targets were SU-33s and Mig-31s. Now that's air superiority! However, I think the funniest missile kill I ever got was when I launched a 9L at a Mig-23, it lost track and started going after my wingman, then lost track of him and locked on to a Mig-23 that was going after him. Wish I had recorded it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vampyre 24 Posted April 6, 2010 The best missile kill I ever had was an AIM-54C fired at a formation of four MiG-23M's. I killed three of them and damaged a third with one shot. That was the best $2 million dollar shot I ever took. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted April 6, 2010 But where's the style... ??? It's a much better kill if you have to work for it in my opinion... That's just it, its style at it best. Nothing more than satisfying in taking out an entire bomber formation with a unguided nuke! Yeah, nukes are fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted April 7, 2010 40 mile AMRAAM kill: Link to video. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnknownPilot 33 Posted April 7, 2010 Great vid. I soooooo wish we could get more comprehensive systems modeling in this series. That is part of what made LOMAC so epic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted April 8, 2010 Wait till you see the systems modeling now. They've changed some things and added some things and now BVR is how most fights end up. No more dodging the majority of missiles when you're inside NEZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites