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Israeli navy becomes deep water

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Guest Raden

things are heating up:



The first two Germany-made Dolphin class subs ARE carrying each 15 Nuke-tipped SLM/Sea Launched missiles! And are targeted to some BIG cities in Europe. Check it out in www.globalresearch.ca..............







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expending Israel's navy capablity is very important... good news indeed cool.gif

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The first two Germany-made Dolphin class subs ARE carrying each 15 Nuke-tipped SLM/Sea Launched missiles! And are targeted to some BIG cities in Europe. Check it out in www.globalresearch.ca..............


This is strictly bulls**t!!! :heat:

Israel is threatning no one.

If anything then Israel is the one being threatened by Iran, Hisballa in Lebanon and Hamas.

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The first two Germany-made Dolphin class subs ARE carrying each 15 Nuke-tipped SLM/Sea Launched missiles! And are targeted to some BIG cities in Europe. Check it out in www.globalresearch.ca..............



Targeting european cities? Unlikely.

Israel has enough enemies as it is, and I don't think they're interested in getting more.

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I am not much of a crack in geographics, but, are Damascus or Teheran in Europe?

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What do you mean with enemies?! Rather, friends! Since they're buying european hardware instead of US...  :good:


I do wonder though, if this is a trend to maintain, seems US-Israeli relations have cooled down some, with Israel also banning the Ipad... what's up with that...  :blink: ridiculous imho...



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What do you mean with enemies?! Rather, friends! Since they're buying european hardware instead of US... good.gif


I do wonder though, if this is a trend to maintain, seems US-Israeli relations have cooled down some, with Israel also banning the Ipad... what's up with that... blink.gif ridiculous imho...





With the take over of that terrorist friendly communist, it's not surprising to see our relations cool down. It has been known to be coming, and it sucks - severely.

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What do you mean with enemies?! Rather, friends! Since they're buying european hardware instead of US...  :good:


I do wonder though, if this is a trend to maintain, seems US-Israeli relations have cooled down some, with Israel also banning the Ipad... what's up with that...  :blink: ridiculous imho...


The iPad has been banned for now since it does not comply with Israeli communication standards...and that will most likely be resolved once the iPad is sold outside the US.


Why did Israel buy German and not American submarines...well, one reason would be that no American company builds conventional submarines anymore. Why is the Israeli Navy looking at a German design for their new vessels? Because the American design they initially looked at has become too expensive. Does the US-Israeli relations have anything to do with this? Not really, right?

Edited by Gocad

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The iPad has been banned for now since it does not comply with Israeli communication standards...and that will most likely be resolved once the iPad is sold outside the US.


Why did Israel buy German and not American submarines...well, one reason would be that no American company builds conventional submarines anymore. Why is the Israeli Navy looking at a German design for their new vessels? Because the American design they initially looked at has become too expensive. Does the US-Israeli relations have anything to do with this? Not really, right?

They're not only out to get conventional subs but also german-built frigates as well... Hmm, must be one of those "whole-package" deals...  :blink:

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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lol, the day a dolphin can carry a single ballistic missile....

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And the Germans do have experience of building good submarines...

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lol, the day a dolphin can carry a single ballistic missile....


You don't need a ballistic missile to launch a nuclear warhead at an unfriendly neighbor... :tongue:

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Targeting european cities? Unlikely.

Israel has enough enemies as it is, and I don't think they're interested in getting more.


"Now listen here London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Warsaw, Lisboa and the rest of you Europian Capitols.

If you don't make friends with us, WE'LL NUK YOU!!!" :grin::rofl:


Now realy gentlemen. Does that sounds reasonable to you?


Now, I'm no big fan of our PM.

I don't like him anymore then Obama does.

I can say a lot of things about him, but one thing he isn't. He is not crazy!!!


Edited by Mannie

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Would appear that Isreal is taking the threat of Iran very seriously (wise move)

You don't really use Submarines or Frigates to target Palestinian Insurgency......and as for Isreal Targetting Europe?...Utterly Ridiculous!......Isreal would be vaporised in minutes!

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lol the shout for the europe thing is obviously a rant/joke... If anything they will wanna keep their freinds close with Iran and HezBollocks issue...


seriously though, I think isreal would have been a bit more wiser in designing systems to shoot down those blasted rockets; did ya hear about the 'mystery rocket' a few days back? apparently fired from Egypt to hit a isreali resort...instead landed in Jordon...


Then again they could use the funds to take down the berlin wall reincarnate XD I joke :P


Perhaps this fits in well with the news of Iran's own 'navy' (whatever they are called) practising manouvers and boardings also O.o So corvettes and small subs sounds good, more than enough to take out what Iran has, though I wouldn't call it blue water just yet - they need support ships etc etc and really, they have no need to have one, far more cooler kit to spend the money on I bet :)

Edited by Mikeone

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Mineone, you mean Iron Dome or Arrow ?

also you the Patriot to encounter the ranges between those 2

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Re: iPad ban


Israel reverses its iPad ban


Like I said above, that was just a question of time.


What this has to do with the original subject...well, to be honest, some posters in this thread went a bit over the top with their statements. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes it would be nice if some would actually think about what they want to post instead of just posting it right away. Sure, everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but some are so far away from reality that it hurts.

Edited by Gocad

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Gocad, My Settings -> Profile -> Manage Ignored Users, add the pseudonym of the culprit and you won't have to suffer his worthless epistolary diarrhea ever again...

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Mineone, you mean Iron Dome or Arrow ?

also you the Patriot to encounter the ranges between those 2


Yep, but still those rockets and the madness continues DX

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The reason that the Israel's are buying their new Submarines from Europe is simple the US don't build conventional powered subs anymore just nuke boats and the Israeli navy cannot afford those in both finacial term's and firepower terms. As to the Warship purchase the Israeli's took a look at the latest US ships and the cost for those was nearly twice as much as the German Meko A100's for roughly the same capabilities. Also the missile's that the Israel has on the Dolphin boats is most likely a modidied Anti Ship missile with a nuke warhead so range is going to be around 200km's area or there abouts. But it is still a worthwile weapon to have as it allows for the problem that if Iran (and lets face it they are the very likely to do so given half a chance) hits them first with Nukes they have a viable strike back weapon which the Iranian's have very little ability to defend against.


Also the German government does provide the Israeli's a subsidy with regard to weapons that are purchased by Israel.


As to Israel Targetting European Cities not a chance as they know they would be totally destroyed by the British Royal Navy's Trident missile's and the French missile's both land based and shore based... And for the patriot system and Arrow they might down a few of them missile's but not all and for Israel only 2 missile's need to get through as they carry multiple warheads... and 6 or 7 warheads hitting Israel spaced out correctly will mean no more Israel they know it and we know it. Also why attack your friends when most of the middle east wants to vapourise you...


But hey that's my 2 pence worth...

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the Arrow 3 can handle multiple warhead missiles...

that is a scenario that was thought about long ago i believe


Israel will never target Europe, we have no reason nor inted on doing so

we have enough enemies close to home and even not so close (*cough* Iran *cough*), we don't need more!

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the Arrow 3 can handle multiple warhead missiles...

that is a scenario that was thought about long ago i believe


Israel will never target Europe, we have no reason nor inted on doing so

we have enough enemies close to home and even not so close (*cough* Iran *cough*), we don't need more!


that's it my friend...

i have two theories for such a bizarre alegation that the people do against israel most of time looking like it was intentionally pure levity


1- that's just ignorance

2- craptastic religious/pollitical leaders that want in vain the end of Israel.


media campaing against Israel...it just don't stick anymore.

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that's it my friend...

i have two theories for such a bizarre alegation that the people do against israel most of time looking like it was intentionally pure levity


1- that's just ignorance

2- craptastic religious/pollitical leaders that want in vain the end of Israel.


media campaing against Israel...it just don't stick anymore.


For me one of the best comments came from an Israeli Girl, of the Orange's, I knew...


IF the Arab's where supposed to be able to take over Israel and have failed many times maybe it's god/allah's way of saying that it isn't going to happen???


Seriously though I hate all the trouble caused for Israel by the troublesome press...

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