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My list,

1 Multiplayer

2 Multiplayer

3 Multiplayer


thanks for the '-1' whoever voted my post down...sorry.gif

I happen to like multiplayer, so what....

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last one worked for me :rolleyes:

oh, airplanes aren't magically spawned mid air over runway in real life? :grin:



only when it's Marines flying Harriers into Kandahar AF!

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I would love to be able to save a customized loadout and "paste" it to my own plane, for example for the next similar mission, or to my wingmens.


By being able to save more than one loadout, it would even ease the preparation to an "Alpha Strike Junior" like mission in which the player bring some friends, like 18, to the fight.

Edited by FrankD

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3. Choppers in action. This might take time since we need all new models and FMs for choppers.


2. Mixed aircraft flight for mercenary campaign. (check this out:



1. Adjustable flight plan, including waypoint location, height, airspeed, and add/remove waypoints, etc.


ps. Actually, I would like to adjust map screen in mission briefing. The icons are way too large. I would like to reduce the size and add more information on enemy anti air locations. Oh, of course, add more zoom options.

Edited by Talez

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instead of a new planeset, I would buy a hi ress terrain update, lets say, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq and the balklands.

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.... and the balklands.


Is that some kind of cross between the Balkans and the Falklands??

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Is that some kind of cross between the Balkans and the Falklands??



what you dont remember Gordon Browns response when Argentina conducted an airborne invasion of Pristina, Kosovo?:lol:

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1) Wingmen who don't take "terrain following" literally. It's like having Rollercoaster Ronnie watching your back from 500ft above while you're just evading the hilltops - well, until he eats a SAM, flak or a 23mm projectile anyways.


2) Rain on canopy just to strain the GPU a bit more. :>


3) Possibility to start and end flights on the ramp with engine(s) off.



Also, I second the motion for a more dynamic war and ejections.



Regarding the AI and limited fuel...I get the feeling that the Reds break and run from the fight at one point...and not necessarily because they ran out of ammo.

Edited by Heretic

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This may have been said before - I didn't read the whole thread - but fragmentation weapons would be useful. Flak shells, and so on - at the moment you can fly through a wall of the stuff and not get a scratch.

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Just realised that one of Dave's wishes came true! (Page 1, Post 2).


Lucky old Dave.



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Just realised that one of Dave's wishes came true! (Page 1, Post 2).


Lucky old Dave.





well going back through this thread and looking round the landscape many of the wishes will be coming true in the nearer rather than farther future.

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Just realised that one of Dave's wishes came true! (Page 1, Post 2).


Lucky old Dave.





Very true.....also number 2 is sitting on my HD at home, after the B-57's, RF-8A.....its on...

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Well, I just have to update my wishlist now as a couple of the things I wanted now reside on my hard drive.


1. Mirage F-1C, F-1A, F-1E, F-1B, F-1D with as many of the varients as possible


2. MC-130H Combat Talon II


3. Functional A/G radar for targeting ground objects outside of visual range.

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1. Aerial Refuelling...


2. Better targeting pod modeling.


3. Taxiing from the start point to the ramp and so on.

Edited by EricJ

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I think I need to update my wish list too.:cool:


1. in Are refueling.


2. communication with the AWR.





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