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Bullies Tattoo Vile Image, Words on Learning Disabled Teen

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I'm confused why they are being classified as bullies. If they were 12 (the age that they are acting btw) I would understand. But they're all (with exception to the one 15 year old that will be charged) at or over the age of 18. These are legal adults who have violated a minor. Shouldn't they be classified as sex offenders instead? Any crime involving areas of sexual reference should be classified as a sex crime. These jerk***s are getting off way too easy.

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Somehow i got a feeling that they'll do no more than 4 years tops? If they plead out the sentence will be a joke if they have no notable priors.

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Somehow i got a feeling that they'll do no more than 4 years tops? If they plead out the sentence will be a joke if they have no notable priors.


Then the kid they violated grows up and kills each one of them later in life. Now that would be justice. Ok maybe not. :yikes::rofl:

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What the f*** is wrong with people...seriously.


Did they think that there wouldn't be consequences?


Simple punishment after a short time in heavy work prison...tattoo 'Dumbass' on their foreheads. Have them wear THAT for the rest of their lives.



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They should bring back a degree of physical punishments in school to teach these idiots about consequences far earlier in their school life, i.e. when they first started picking on this kid, a swift ass paddling might have brought them back in line. As young adults in the general prison population they could well learn a new meaning for poop dick soon, but more likely they will just learn new tricks from older criminals, get themselves indebted to gangs who fix them up inside and generally continue being idiots. Pessimistic, prejudiced? Maybe, but it's from my experience (it's a long story) of young offenders when they come out, usually being more criminal than when they went in. Of course, the same thing applies to prison as it does to school based punishments, being that if the consequences are harsh enough to make receiving punishment undesirable only then it can be effective in turning an idiots attitude and behaviour around. Maybe some people just need a gentle reproach to get back on track, but this is not going to work on so many more people that I know personally, it leaves me wondering if the playstations in prison mentality for young offenders especially as well as adults, is actually only effective for a tiny proportion of the population.

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Looking at the four of them, I would say they are the ones with 'Learning Difficulties' rather than their unfortunate victim.


Sadly, I sometimes think my father was correct, in that "There is nothing like a good World War, to get rid of societies detritus...all the countries thicko's, usually end up trained, shipped..and dead within months!"


Harsh words indeed...but, I vote for hard Labour at the very least!

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If they tried to do that to me, they have a fight on their hands and steel between their legs (imagine a motorized wheelchair running over groin area..).




Yeah!! Get mecha on the f***ers



How can those cowards breathe with the shame of being such a rat?

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This bunch of young pisspot faces is the most excellent advert I could imagine for using condoms!

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This bunch of young pisspot faces is the most excellent advert I could imagine for using condoms!


Best comment up to nowgood.gif , one to remember !!


Hou doe,



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Then the kid they violated grows up and kills each one of them later in life. Now that would be justice. Ok maybe not. :yikes::rofl:


Oh that would be perfectly fine in my book. Especially considering he's definitely not the only person they've been such savages to. If any of them have ever had a girlfriend, and any future significant others they'd probably be abusive to them too.


These are exactly the kinds of f***ers I had to deal with for the better part of my life, but back then the school wouldn't do anything.

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Why don't they allow sentences like permanently disabling them so they have to become the very image they tormented?

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