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Back at the Front after 2 Weeks of Turnips

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Breathing in the North Sea air with it's salt and iodine cleared and cleaned my lungs well;

long walks and bicycle trips through the juicy green marshlands and woods brought peace

to my eyes and mind; and the freshly caught fish in many variations, cooked and fried by my

old mom gave me new energy -

but boy! did I long for getting back into my Albatros!!!


It's so good to see you all again!

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Welcome back Olham! Great to see you in such fine fettle Sir. Now then, did you bring us any postcards, hmmmm?







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SWEET! The pic of Gretje Bothe looks like my old Grandma Gunhild. And, "The Four Knight's, mit Olaf Gebauer" ... I love it! Sounds like a polka band that plays right down the road from my house, in the little burg of New Germany. biggrin.gif



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Welcome back Olham well my plans for getting back into the Skies WW1 style for next weekend have been nixed this morning as my Boss wants me in Vienna tomorrow night again... such a hard life I know... :drinks:

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Welcome back Olham! Sounds like you had a good time back home. Good for the soul, eh?

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Welcome back Olham!

Sure wasn't the same w/o you around here

Have a brau on the house


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cool.gif I knew that we should have toilet papered his Albatross while he was gone. Welcome backgrin.gif

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Good to have you back Olham. I hope you had a great time. Back to the Front for you now though. Somebodys gotta keep those damn Allies in line.


Oh yes and umm...sorry about your plane.



Edited by Hellshade

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Thank you all for the warm welcome back, guys!

Now I know, why I couldn't find my mechanics - they were tied together in a barrack,

cause they tried their best to avoid, that I found my bird wrapped in toilet paper.

Everybody was laughing loud, when I came to the field.

A shame, that Hauptmann von Mahlo saw it, and that he punished us all for wasting

"valuable military resources", by cancelling our pudding for three days.


Lou: SWEET! The pic of Gretje Bothe looks like my old Grandma Gunhild.


We're all not very different, are we?

Pioneers, who settled in the America, even came from Ostfriesland. See here:



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Breathing in the North Sea air with it's salt and iodine cleared and cleaned my lungs well;


So too, I expect, did that tea you all brew up there. I've got to find a local supplier of that stuff. It does wonders for my gimpy joints when they're predicting cold and/or rain, so I figure life in Ostfriesland would be impossible without it drinks.gif

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So too, I expect, did that tea you all brew up there. I've got to find a local supplier of that stuff.

It does wonders for my gimpy joints when they're predicting cold and/or rain, so I figure life in Ostfriesland

would be impossible without it.


No joke - for the Ostfriesen it is the magic potion, and no one could imagine being without tea one day.

If you can't find a supply, I could send you some packages - perhaps in exchange for an Osprey book

about the Albatros aces?

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