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Monty CZ

did something change after the last patch?

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Ok BVR fights are easy but I am interested in gun fights in early planes,

Just tried one mission, me in Mig-15 with one wingman against 4 vampires.

I tried to fly straight enough all the time that there wont be vortexes active

but my planes were slowing even in dive and vampires could dance all over me

Tied to fly down (worse for me) tried to fly up (same thing) each small turn

slowed me down, even light touch (really, movement was 1-2mm) to my joystick

caused that stall sound. It ended when one sniper shot me down from 1,3km.

I dont want to fly 50m above the terain and wait when they fall, or order my

wingman to fly straight as a bait and I dont want to turn down hard settings.

I want fight like I supposed in each specific plane. Do I want that much?

Or might be something I have changed in my instalation?

WOI+Exp1+War for Israel 1948 mod

Monty CZ


Why so upset? :drinks: there are many ways to say something.

well if i was you, i should have checkd the FM of the MiG-15 verifying the engine thrust, and to see if lowering lift drag and zero lift drag or checking control surfaces to see where the problem is.

Just that some flight models are based on normal difficulty setting and others in hard setting.. so they must be finely tuned.

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Right, the MiG-15 isn't a flyable so you've modded it somehow to get it flying and it sounds like yours has some FM issues. Try one of the other MiG-15 FMs uploaded here to see how it works for you.

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I'm not certain, but I was able to get the June 10 patch over a span of time and it seems like the enemy AI planes have less physics working against them. In the MF F-14A at about 40% fuel and out of missiles (I'm at about 1:1 thrust to weight here) I'm still being out-accelerated by the MiG-21 for a good chunk of the persuit. Also, the Mirage 5 is able to sustain its turn as well as I can, even though I have superior wing loading at around half fuel quantity/guns only (where I try to jump into the dogfight). For obvious reasons, I have an easier time with the F-14B. Now, I'm flying with the AI set to HARD, so I'll recheck on NORMAL and see if there's any change, but having read this thread, it has made me curious. It's also not just the Turkey, but also the Eagle and Phabulous Phantom, I've noticed similar issues (also noting the Phantom isn't a turning fighter).

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yeh delta wings should have a lot of drag due to lift and drag due to AoA... like MiG-21 and Mirages.

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Ok I am upset again - I was just out turned by F-104! They turn like Mig-17s :-(

Is anybody working on some AI patch? I dont want to add new AI parmeters to all data.inis


Monty CZ

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It is sad but after this I instaled Il-2 again (and I hate that sim because of AI cheating)

but "come on, this is too much"...dot know if I want to finish my add on planes I have in WIP status :-(

Monty CZ

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Ok I am upset again - I was just out turned by F-104! They turn like Mig-17s :-(

Is anybody working on some AI patch? I dont want to add new AI parmeters to all data.inis


Monty CZ



In the horizontal? - What were you flying a 747?

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I was flying stock F-100 in that time - I was checking damage model

of my red side plane, so I chose western plane from that era and shot my own wing at that time.

then those F-104 arrived.


Monty CZ


In the horizontal? - What were you flying a 747?

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yea, the 104 is definitive way too good turning.. could be intentional , maybe AI limited (vertical fight)

and thus to prevent blue side slaughter in campaigns ( all 104 are AI only in SF2 )


or just FM not properly done for whatever reason



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They fly at normal, no stalls, spins, no nothing. I already got used to fighting every plane like I would fight a Spitfire in IL2... :rofl:

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It is possible to stall and spin the AI. Unfortunately they don't like it and will most likely eject.

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But then why to make unique and historically correct flight model for each plane?

when AI flies all the planes the same way (ok some of them are faster than others)....

Long time ago you had to recognize the enemy plane and think about your tactics.

Today I feel that the only tactic is Tab/1/1 or Tab/2/1 :-(

This sim had bigger potential...


Monty CZ

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Won't asking TK about his FM tweaks potentially yield more info and a greater chance to affect them? :wink:

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It is possible to stall and spin the AI. Unfortunately they don't like it and will most likely eject.


I never saw them stall, and they would only spun if one of the controls would be shot off. Thus they can pretty much hold max alpha ad infinitum.

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I've seen Two spin an intact fully loaded stock F-15A and then eject. The plane recovered all by itself and crashed. Overly zealous Fishbeds can be sometimes pulled into prolonged vertical where they suddenly realize that the plane has lost airspeed and is going into a spin - then they eject. Or you can pull a prank on wingmen by giving them maximum load and flying a clean plane yourself. Zoom climb on takeoff and watch their attempts to follow. I don't remember spinnig anyone that way, but they come pretty close. Mind, that comes from someone who managed to fly stock F-4 backwards.

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Backwards? If you mean vertically than I did it, and actually that's the first thing I try with nearly every new plane. Horizontally though....is another story..

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