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Here's another question for the Terrain Guru's.........................I made a target runway which looks really nice and tempting to destroy.... I increased the Target Value and now I get orders to bomb it quite often (what I wanted). BUT....then I and my wingie drop 2000,1000,500 pounders all over the target point (center) and NUTIN!!! No "Mission Complete".....no points......NO CIGAR!! What gives?




FullName=Bombing Range Target Runway




















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historically runways are hard to destroy. even when you score a hit on it push the dirt back in put matting on top and your back in business. frustration was the first time i tried hitting a runway with a nuke. 119 kills but mission failed! as for the ini edit your lookin for that would be for the terrain gurus to tell ya

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I've had to use 2000lb bombs (regular or JDAM) to get effects. I developed a JSOW with the same capability but to keep it reasonably realistic I have to launch two. But also, checking off the "Penetration" box helps too when runway busting.

Edited by EricJ

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JP233 of the bottom of a Tornado... the BAP-100 series of the French jets failing that large amounts of bombs all the way down the runway i.e. B-52 with 750lber's good for re-arranging the tarmac...

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slarti, are you forgetting the pure joy of an A-4, F-4, 111 or 16 screaming down the runway at 350 feet and 500+ kts sprinkling snakeyes or some other form of retarded iron booms on the concrete? just start releasing before your nose is over the end of the runway and break towards the barracks ground fire always seems less in that direction.........

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slarti, are you forgetting the pure joy of an A-4, F-4, 111 or 16 screaming down the runway at 350 feet and 500+ kts sprinkling snakeyes or some other form of retarded iron booms on the concrete? just start releasing before your nose is over the end of the runway and break towards the barracks ground fire always seems less in that direction.........


Totally agree!


Also with a Thud + 117HD! :cool:

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Well, i use stock runways, but the aircraft i usually employ for bombing runways are B-52s. Once you drop around 80 M117s, even if you fail to hit directly on the runway itself (harder to miss than to hit), it is done.Even Snakeyes with Aadvarks or Phantoms are usually enough to get the job done. However, i´m with daddyairplanes about the nukes issue. I used to drop AN-52s from Mirage IIIEs, destroying the whole base BUT the runway.


To summarize, i would see at the stock runways to rebuild your own. On the other hand, "If brute force isn´t working, you are nor using enough of it" drop a lot of bombs.


Also, you might check if the runway is UNDER the surface of the terrain. It used to happen in 3rd party terrains, preventing targets to be hit and destroyed succesfully

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slarti, are you forgetting the pure joy of an A-4, F-4, 111 or 16 screaming down the runway at 350 feet and 500+ kts sprinkling snakeyes or some other form of retarded iron booms on the concrete? just start releasing before your nose is over the end of the runway and break towards the barracks ground fire always seems less in that direction.........


At present I am seeming to be early years flying and modern era flying... as I havn't doen either for awhile especially WW1... and how could I ever forget the Scooter its one of my all time favourite jets... its just right low tech but extremely able... 12 Snakeyes down the length of the runway at 400kt's normally do the trick...

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I think you may be right about the target being "under" the terrain....it is a third party terrain I'm using (the SF2 Range). Is there a quick fix for this or does it require ALOT of brain and finger work?? Champ

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TE work


it'll need to be flattened



kevin stein

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The range?


Easily my most used area, but never take the runway as a target.


You can't kill it.


That and the cast concrete shape aircraft are all destruction proof.


Planned for? I dunno, but that is the way of it.


The "New Range" has boatloads of targets east of the runway area, and even a boat!


There is a Medal of Honor's worth just ripe for the picking...

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Actually if you can't destroy the runway, strafe the tower. It usually gives me the "mission successful" radio call. I think the tower is tied in to the runway some how. I don't know about third party terrains though but it works on stock.



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The "New Range" has boatloads of targets east of the runway area, and even a boat!


ah, yes the famous beached cargo ship.... I thought that was a nice touch when I added it. I almost added a shipping route, so it would sail in circles around the inner target area. :rofl:


I still can, if anyone wants me to...



kevin stein

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The "New Range" has boatloads of targets east of the runway area, and even a boat!



Actually the west from the runway if you're flying from Home base...


I did manage to put another airfield on the southeast part of the terrain though, just to practice but never get the runway cycled in.

Edited by EricJ

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just figure out the coords:

post-5735-033744300 1288456782.jpg

post-5735-045779600 1288456795.jpg

post-5735-081634200 1288456805.jpg

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That's what HUDDataini




is for



kevin stein

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Yeah thats what I did :good:

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