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A mission every 10 days?

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Planning to start a campaign. Ideally a good thing will be fly a mission more or less every 10 days so 3 missions a month and 100 missions a war If I can survive, but ehre is any setting that let me select this big space between missions?


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Maybe I'm missing something but can't find the mission frequency selector.

Also, is not possible to have a "never die" pilot in a campaign? He can be hospitalized or made prisoner for a while but never killed?

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Click on "Workshop" in the low right corner; then almost in the center, you find "Mission frequency".

Set that on "Light" and see what you get (I never tried it).

Also, you can set "Mission advance" on "Manual" and click on "Advance time" in the mission briefing window,

until you get to the desired date.


A third and easy way would be to change the date in the pilot dossier file.

They are here:

(your game folder) > campaigns > CampaignData > pilots


Choose one number higher than your ingame pilot nr. - Pilot 7 would be file Pilot8. Open his PilotDossier.

Before you change anything, you should make a back up copy of the file.


Then open it with Editor - you see text like this one of my pilot:




Jasta 6








The seventh and eighth lines show the current date (here. November 5th); the nineth is the year.

Change to the date you want and save the file.

Next time you enter the sim, you will have that date.

Edited by Olham

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:yes: Saved me a lot of work. My pilots always dies. I was wondering has anyone made it thru a campaign . 1916- end of war ?

on a more realistic setting then easist and never dies ? :download:

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Not me, Carrick.

On Entente side, I consider it as being pretty much impossible. Even RAF_Louvert, who I'm sure would fly most carefully and

well planned, without blood-craving outburst - in a word: like a real pilot - did not make it through the "Krauts vs Crumpets" campaign.


Your chance should be much better on German fighter side, cause they should not cross the lines very often.

But even there, you would have to fly most defensive. Creaghorn may be still alive in the "K vs C" Campaign (not sure);

he should have the best ways to survive it. If even he should fail, it must be impossible for us mere mortals.

Edited by Olham

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The mission frequency setting only adjusts the number of missions you fly per day...lowest is about one a day and highest is two to three missions a day if I recall correctly.


To skip days, one easy way is to simply hit the 'advance time' button (assuming you have manual time advance set in the workshop).

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You also can set time advancement to "manual" in the workshop. This would allow you to advance time manually 10days after each mission.



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"I was wondering has anyone made it thru a campaign . 1916- end of war ?"


Not waving too violently yet, but Vic started on 01.02.15 and it's now - 104 misions on - 28.06.17. That's a pretty good run I think. Anyone improve on that?

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Wow! That's quite a record, mighty! But the most terrible time is yet to come - 1918! That's hell!

I wish him all the best!

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Wondering what you do when you reach the front as warping doesn't work and you can't accelerate time cause there are enemies around. It can be really boring to bypass that area flying over it until you can accelerate time again. Or I'm mission gsomething?

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You can even warp in enemy terrain. Warp only stops, when there are enemy aircraft within your range.

Ground troops don't stop warping.

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Stratos, if you hold down CTRL-SHIFT-E you can accelerate time when enemy planes are near. When they are not about each time you hit that combination of key strokes you will double time passage; CTRL-SHIFT-R likewise will bring you back down by the same increments.


But let me add this caveat: You are depriving yourself of a very large part of the OFF WWI aerial combat experience by not flying missions in real time. The boredom you allude to when having to fly in real time can be eliminated by actually attempting to fly the mission without all the in-sim aids. Print out a paper map and take the time to learn your AO and you will have a much more immersive and exciting experience. I can't desribe the thrill of encountering a flight of enemy planes after you have actually flown for 30 minutes or so, all the while looking about for threats while keeping track of where you and your wingmates are on your route. Now I realize not everyone has the time to fly a 90-minute mission on the regular clock, but if you can it is well worth doing so, IMHO.







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A very good point of RAF_Louvert here, Stratos.

You may still need to learn the flying and handling of your kite right now, but even then it is better to fly in real time for that purpose.


Or do you come from the jet fighters, who are used to shorter mission times? :grin:


I am flying after a paper map recently (with occasional glances on the inflight map), and it is very rewarding.

Actually, you wouldn't want to miss any part through warping - it would feel like watching a DVD, and suddenly running through the

fast forward mode, to save time.


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Unfortunately I have not tihe time to play such missions. With the work, the university, the sports... The flying time is really reduced so such long missions are out of all discussion in my case sadly. :(

Now I understand your points, and I like to fly some missions without a real purpose using free-flight, BUT If I want to advance a campaign, fly different planes against different opponents etc, I need the feature to accelerate the time. CTRL+SHIFT+E accelerate the time, but NOT when there are enemy planes around, and I'm not sure about enemy ground troops, maybe I'm doing something wrong? It accelerates in short burst before saying that there are enemies around and getting back the normal time, maybe is an option to accelerate the time EVEn when there are enemies around?

Another thing is, can the radar difference betwen enemy and own side planes? If yes, how please?

Want to say a big THANKS for the help you guys are giving to me! Is really apreciatted and hope you can continue the help to this poor noob.

Thanks again!

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I like the way the campaign is handled, medals and claims. In campaign you fight for a thing. But this time unaccelerable feature is killing me. Sorry is only a matter of available time.

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Stratos, if you hold Ctrl. + Shift + E, you should get an acceleration even with enemies near, as RAF_Louvert said.

It worked for me.

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Stratos, if you hold Ctrl. + Shift + E, you should get an acceleration even with enemies near, as RAF_Louvert said.

It worked for me.



Then I'm doing something wrong, as I can't get this result. Maybe a dificulty setting I have in the wrong pselection or something like that? Seems that I'm missing a config screen or I can't see it, cause can't see the "pilot never dies option" either, about my game, when I hit CTRL + SHIFT + E, time passes to 2x, then to 4x, 8x and 16x If I press the combination again, BUT If there are enemies around, time got back to normal time inmediatly and I get a message that IIRC says: "that I can't leave the area cause there are enemies around" trying warping gives me the same result.

The hability to accelerate time to 16x even when there are enemy planes around will make this game perfect for me as I will be able to play the missions so much faster so I will be able to enjoy a full campaign. Really looking forward to this, hope you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

BTW If I don't have the Hat in the Ring expansion I will never see the Nieuport 28 as a enemy?

Edited by Stratos

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Must admit I generally set aside at least 2 hours a week for flying a Sortie normally on a Sunday Morning... And to be honest it is a worthwhile effort... 2 hours of roaming the skies and getting shot down keeps my old brain active oh and the getting lost is part of the attraction... Was lining up to land at what I thought was my home base and flak was coming up checked above and behind me and realised they where shooting at me... oops wrong airfield don't ask it had been a heavy night the night before... schnapps wine good food great company... lost they nearly shot me down... must learn to read the compass correctly... :heat:

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Stratos, to get to the setup options of the sim, you need to:


start the sim, and then click in the bottom right corner on "Workshop" - there you get a full screen menue

where can set up an amazing lot of things.

Very important are for example the "Graphics Settings" - click on that bar, to get into the Graphics setup.

There you choose the right screen resolution for example.


And for the time acceleration (Ctrl. + Shift + E) you must HOLD the keys down as long as you want to


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Then I'm doing something wrong, as I can't get this result. Maybe a dificulty setting I have in the wrong pselection or something like that? Seems that I'm missing a config screen or I can't see it, cause can't see the "pilot never dies option" either, about my game, when I hit CTRL + SHIFT + E, time passes to 2x, then to 4x, 8x and 16x If I press the combination again, BUT If there are enemies around, time got back to normal time inmediatly and I get a message that IIRC says: "that I can't leave the area cause there are enemies around" trying warping gives me the same result.

The hability to accelerate time to 16x even when there are enemy planes around will make this game perfect for me as I will be able to play the missions so much faster so I will be able to enjoy a full campaign. Really looking forward to this, hope you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

BTW If I don't have the Hat in the Ring expansion I will never see the Nieuport 28 as a enemy?



Just to add that without HITR you will not see the N28 N24 and some other craft and variants as well as the latest P3 terrain and a host of other updates:





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Stratos, to get to the setup options of the sim, you need to:


start the sim, and then click in the bottom right corner on "Workshop" - there you get a full screen menue

where can set up an amazing lot of things.

Very important are for example the "Graphics Settings" - click on that bar, to get into the Graphics setup.

There you choose the right screen resolution for example.


And for the time acceleration (Ctrl. + Shift + E) you must HOLD the keys down as long as you want to



Hold the keys? Really? wow, have to try this as soon as I get back to home. Will come back with some feedback. Didn't know that about the graphic setting either, thanks a lot for the tutorial.

Seems that HIR is a must have addon, will be cool to try the Nieuport 28 in a game, I can't even take off with it on ROF :rofl:

Is interesting specially this:


Personalised AIRCRAFT skin!

player can now fly with his own unique custom skin IN SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN!


Now I will need someone to paint my skin :grin:

Also is me or the terrain textures are changed too?


BTW: The select season works on quick combat? It seems that I always get a summer terrain no matter what I select

Edited by Stratos

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Seems that HIR is a must have addon, will be cool to try the Nieuport 28 in a game, I can't even take off with it on ROF

"Hat in the Ring" is more than an add-on - it was almost a new sim.

If you make victories quite easily now, you will find it much harder (and more realistic) in "HitR".


Is interesting specially this: Personalised AIRCRAFT skin!

player can now fly with his own unique custom skin IN SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN! Now I will need someone to paint my skin.

In OFF you could do that since HitR - you only need to make a skin - or know someone who can do that for you.

Tell you what: if you get HitR, I will make you a personal Nieuport 28. Deal?


Also is me or the terrain textures are changed too?

Yes, they got improved wonderfully.


BTW: The select season works on quick combat? It seems that I always get a summer terrain no matter what I select.

It should work. I always create a non-Campaign pilot for QC, and then it works definitely. If you use a Campaign pilot, it could be so,

that the season of his Campaign is kept - not sure.

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Stratos, I think I was wrong with that holding the keys for acceleration - it worked that way rather accidently.

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