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Which is the best dog fighter

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trying to write a mission for myself to play around for fun.


don't like using missiles, short range less accurate IR missile is fine.


i like to try out shooting something down with just the guns.


which fighter should i use? and then which is the best adversaries for my chosen fighter?

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As I understand it...


The Pit Bull is an excellend dog fighter, though some would argue that a Bull Mastiff or an Akita are just as tenatious...



... Wait. You meant aircraft! Sorry about that... I'm a little dense these days. :blink:




You sir have asked a loaded question that has far to many variables to give an agreeable or cognative answer.


That said... I offer up the venerable North Amaerican F-86 Sabre against the MIG-15bis :good:

Edited by Zurawski

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Thanks! I thought pretty much the same. would Mig-19 better against the sabre?


if i want a couple of inaacurate ir missile just for close combat firing, what are the best choices?

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for IRM if you dont want to hit anything without being at 0.0 range go AIM-9B!


also alot has to do with what your looking for in game play. i am quite sure that Erich Hartmann, Gunther Rall or Galland would call dogfighting fun. much like the Red Baron himself they would advise to come up behind while the enemy is unaware blast him where your weapons cant fail to kill him and get out of there macht schnell! personally i like air to mud with the option of self defense, it's why Phantoms are so phabulous! but if ya gotta turn and burn then go for props or Sabres and Mig-15. everything between there and the Teen Series fighters wasn't designed for dogfighting and if they could use BVR weapons the pilots of the era most certainly would have

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The best dog fighter? A cat! Ask Garfield! :grin:

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P-47N vs Mig17... Stay low and hi-yo...

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The Mig-17 is definitely the best jet dogfighter in my opinion. Just keep speeds below 460 mph and you'll out turn anything else jet powered. But be careful if your foe is an F-4 or anything with radar missile capability, because they'll shoot you down from 10 miles away with an Aim-7. So stay low and execute small maneuvers until you're within dogfight range, then you'll beat anyone. Also if you use a Mig-17 with an afterburner you can fight in vertcal maneuvers with some success but keep the fight horizontal as much as possible.



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If you know about P-38 vs Zero, you know how to do F-104.

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If you know about P-38 vs Zero, you know how to do F-104.


The gaspipe is the ultimate BnZ machine.

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Things get interesting when both are good high energy fighters, say, Ki-44 vs Lightning, or F-104 vs Lightning. We really need multiplayer to explore the second option, oh man/manette.


A fascinating discussion on Pacific fighters I ran into some time ago...




The 87th Fighter Regiment, equipped with Ki-44s defended the oil fields of the

DEI. The 49FG (P-38s) had some terrific fights with Tojos over Balikpapen in

the fall of 1944. Ops Exec Gerry Johnson got into a desperate one-on-one with

a Tojo over Manggar airfield in Oct., the fight dropping from 24,000 ft down to

the deck and back up to 19,000 ft before he was able to nail the Ki-44. Both

planes could dive AND climb like sonsuvbitches so the dogfight wasn't the usual

nose-below-the-horizon spiral.



~ http://www.yarchive.net/mil/ki-43.html


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I'd assume the F-106 would be a pretty capable dogfighter too, after the Project Six Shooter upgrades.

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What about a Scooter, like the Top Gun guys, the "Super E". That thing was capable of wringing it out, for a 1 holer with no afterburner she did really well.



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