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Poll: Choose the next SF2 Expansion Pack plane!

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Well, seeing as a MiG was in there, I hope he puts both in the next release to give a little balance. If they were both NATO planes I could see him putting one off till the one after that....

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Mirage F.1C & Mig-17F made it. :drinks:


So we'll get fot the next expansion pack at least the F1C and the Mig-17 (this last one shouldn't be complicated to model in terms of avionics)


great day


a french plane and the first soviet plane to be player modeled in a TW game. :cool:

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For all those shot down my Mig-17's you can now do the shooting instead... well thats if you survive the barrage of AAM's coming your way...

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No, the MiG17 won't be included. Just the Mirage F1.c.

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Haven´t been told that the 1st 2 planes will be made? :blink:

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I was going to say, TK himself on the TW boards said only the F1 was in the next Expansion Pack.



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I read it too, but i ment that it was told before there.

Equal for me, the F.1C will be done. :drinks:

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all this talk about A-6's i didnt know we were doin write in candidates. in that case how about F-16C? i know i know avionics aren't really in line with whats available and it'll take time money and many bugs but one can dream can't they? we might see it right before Dave gets his pony:lol:


I don't think anyone would compain about a TW F-16C using the current avionics engine :D ( i know i wouldn't :P )

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Didn't TK once make a comment along the lines that the reason the A-6A was dropped from SF2:V (after being in WOV) was he felt a pure ground-attack plane (especially one with no gun) didn't "offer enough gameplay"?

He seems to pick planes that are either AA only or more usually capable of being fighter-bombers. AI-only are a different issue, of course.

In other words, if you offer planes that can "do it all" you don't need as many in the game for people to feel like they're getting something good ie 3 multirole planes = 3 AA-only + 3 AG-only as far as gameplay value but costs only 1/2 to make.


Finding out planes missing that were previously released is kinda let down, to my personal view. No reason can justify such choice enough i think (except external factors like legal issues). Not good policy me thinks. Great thing ofcourse that with minimum tweaking they can be imported from 1st gen.

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Didn't TK once make a comment along the lines that the reason the A-6A was dropped from SF2:V (after being in WOV) was he felt a pure ground-attack plane (especially one with no gun) didn't "offer enough gameplay"?

He seems to pick planes that are either AA only or more usually capable of being fighter-bombers. AI-only are a different issue, of course.

In other words, if you offer planes that can "do it all" you don't need as many in the game for people to feel like they're getting something good ie 3 multirole planes = 3 AA-only + 3 AG-only as far as gameplay value but costs only 1/2 to make.


This probably explains why the Buccaneer is still missing as an official add-on. TK mentioned before that it may appear as an AI plane even though with the Lightning F.6 cockpit much of the work to create a flyable has already been done.

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Well, when he did SF2 releases most of the stuff for every plane was redone to some extent and I guess he figured he could save himself some time and money by not bothering to update the A-6's pit from WOV and making it AI only.


I'll be honest, I only flew the A-6 a handful of times in WOV myself. I spent a lot more time with the fighter bombers and pure fighters. So from my own personal experience, I can affirm that if you have several planes to choose from the ground attack-only plane will get less attention than the multirole or pure AA planes. That goes for all the stock and 3rd party planes I've used in SF1 and 2. Bombers and pure AG planes I do fly, but no more than 1/4 of the time. The remaining 3/4 I'd say I split between fighters and fighter-bombers. Take note that if it's a ground plane with a good gun, like the F-105, I count that as a fighter-bomber. :grin: The A-6's weakness is it has no gun, so all you have is your bombs and the ability to (slowly) run away.

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