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One Year To Go...

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...starting tomorrow, February 21.


So, I'm turning 29. I'm prepared for all of the "you're still just a damn kid..." comments you can fling at me. In fact, they will probably help as 29 just doesn't even sound like the right number. To be honest, they stopped making any sense around 25. Every since then it's been a feeling of "okay... so I'm how old now??" I remember announcing my 18th birthday over on the Delphi Forums. I'm pretty sure I was "the kid" by a pretty decent margin back then.


Aw Hell, I guess the "getting old" part starts now...and I had just gotten really good at being young.:dntknw:

Edited by _CaptSopwith

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You lucky, lucky bastard!


Just remember:

(the rest of your) life begins at 40!

So make the most of the next 10 years, before - like most of us here - you truly are an 'Old Chap'!


oh ... and happy birthday!! :drinks:

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30 is not the day you feel old.

you will feel old when you realized that people you work with weren't born during major life events (in my case Challenger, 1st Gulf War, Berlin Wall coming down)

even had a lil sh!t ask me when i was on active duty what Vietnam was like. the older one was messin with me. the 17 yr old he got to ask really thought i was there! i am 33 btw



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I'm rather jealous of your age, I used to be a better cyclist when I was your age, rode to work almost 12 miles round trip nearly each day.

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Ah yes, I remember 29 as if it were only 27 years ago. Here's hoping your birthday is a great one Soppy! :drinks:



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Well I roll over to 40 this year and for the past 10 years I have been saying life begins at 40... seriously though life begins when you want it to... Age is a number... and the youth of today don't realise that the older you get the wiser and more cunning you become... which is why the older types manage to beat the younger ones... :drinks:

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Ah yes, 30.


It was 1992, good salary, fast cars and loose women... or was it loose cars and fast women? I turn 50 this year so I can't remember, I'm sure it was good either way!

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Hihihi! Yes, I remember those old worries of mine quite well, CaptSopwith - I was always sure I wouldn't get older than 40.

And it may feel worse heading towards 30 than it does heading for 50 or 60.

But you are a good mix - you always appeared quite "grown-up" here, with a good portion of being able to enjoy things you

like a lot, like OFF. If you keep using that "mixture", you won't need to worry.

Me, I had been quite a "beanstalk" type of appearance until my 42nd year of life - then I decided to change that and visited

a fitness studio. I got in pretty good physical shape (without going for any body building craze).

Whatever you want to change - the most you need is determination. And I'm sure you have enough of it.


Let me send you a heartfelt "Happy Birthday!", olde chap, and remember: it's the "now", that counts.

Edited by Olham

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Well I'm 40 in August....time flies....felt like I was 20 only last year...


As you get older you realise the saying...


Youth is wasted on the young.....


is very true indeed.

Edited by Wodin

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Don't remind me. . 4 month to go, I hit 60. Then I can really be a curmudgeon

You mean, you think you'll be able to top it??? :grin:

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You're only as old, as the woman you feel!...Woof Woof

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