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P4 AI suggestion / request

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The one problem area is pilots. When I altered the pilot hit points, it screwed up the way the game determined if a pilot was dead or injured, resulting in "undead" pilots. In order to adjust the frequency of getting hits on the pilot, I think we are looking at having to adjust the size or shape of the pilot damage box. Unfortunately, that is beyond my level of incompetence and will probably require the intervention of one of the devs.


understand. ok, pilot was just an additional factor, but not too important IMO. so maybe leave pilot hit box as it? it isn't bad as it is now. if you hit the pilot or get hit, than you'll die soon enough, also when it needs to take more than one bullet.

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It would be nice if the AI 'pilots' of opposing squads went through the same problems that the player pilots encounters. In QC dogfighting I've just experienced flying through a big cloud in a Nupe 17. And I have to say it wasn't the near instant loss of 4000 feet that bothered me, it was the G-force blackout and the structural damage to the poor kite. And I was just chasing a Halberstadt into it, who ended up staying at the altitude I was suddenly ejected from, and yet he managed to handily get on my six and shoot me up as I was making a forced landing on my airfield. Dead is Dead, even for the AI pilots..



Edited by Lewie

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Well, honestly: if the AI had a way to post here, they would probably have their own requests.

Flying into thick clouds was dangerous - let the AI have some advantage, and don't do it anymore.

(I also learned this some time ago - also the hard way: my Albatros was fire wood after that.)

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MvR had 80 victories, Udet had 60 - but the way we are doing in OFF, we can achieve that in

only one month of flying. That is just too far away from the real air combat of that time.


Part of the reason we get too many kills in a short time is that real pilots had a lot more boring 'no contact' flights than we do. I recall Rickenbacker's memoir mentioning flying patrols for 2 weeks and never seeing an enemy plane.


I have no desire to fly that many un-eventfull flights, but I would like it if the OFF campaign engine would simulate them on a random basis, move me ahead in time, and stick a report into my campaign log ... something like "You flew two uneventful sorties on June 4, 1917. You flew three uneventful sorties on June 5. It is now June 6, 1917."


That way I can fly the interesting parts of the pilot's life (where he meets enemy planes), avoid the boring parts of the pilot's life (where he flies uneventful flights or does latrine duty), but still get a realistic progression of kills over time.

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Interesting idea. I don't know if it can be done, but that would be one way to deal with it.

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Do it yourself! If you want to simulate missions where nothing happens, just roll a couple of dice and then manually advance your campaign a couple of days or so. You could even go in and edit your pilot dossier if you wish.

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Another good idea, and quite easy!

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Well, honestly: if the AI had a way to post here, they would probably have their own requests.


Yes, they would say "We're not flying Sopwith Triplanes against Olham anymore. Forget it! Mission cancelled!" :rofl:



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Yes, they would say "We're not flying Sopwith Triplanes against Olham anymore. Forget it! Mission cancelled!" :rofl:



"Mmuahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!" :rofl:


spot on about the cables. I get those shot away in almost every fight

They may get shot away. They may break due to desperate manoeuvering. Or you may have Gremlins on board? :grin:

Edited by Olham

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It would be nice if the AI 'pilots' of opposing squads went through the same problems that the player pilots encounters. In QC dogfighting I've just experienced flying through a big cloud in a Nupe 17. And I have to say it wasn't the near instant loss of 4000 feet that bothered me, it was the G-force blackout and the structural damage to the poor kite. ..

Just for your info Lewie make sure you updated BH&H to the latest version. We found a way to reduce the standard CFS3 cloud turbulence for OFF this is included in the later updates.

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Just for your info Lewie make sure you updated BH&H to the latest version. We found a way to reduce the standard CFS3 cloud turbulence for OFF this is included in the later updates.


Well I would if I had the full installation, as it is my laptop's DVD drive isn't playing well with the OFF disc, but my ancient desktop's DVDdrive does, so I'm running these kites as additions to CFS3. Is there a way to port some of the campaign scenery, terrain and other files from OFF into a CFS3 install and run it from CFS3? Just so I can run some of the OFF campaigns?

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After installing OFF, you don't need to leave the disk in the DVD drive, Lewie.

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No Olham, my laptop's DVD drive has major trouble reading OFF at all..


It reads CD's, and certain video DVD's, OK. On the other hand my old desktop's creaky old DVD/CD reader writer does fine, but I'm not installing OFF on a machine that's has trouble even running CFS3 at acceptable frame rates. This is why I'm going to buy a new system.


Cameljockey offered me a OFF vers.2 disc set, I was willing to part with some money to expedite this, but he's not responded back to my PM.

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Hmmm - now you make me worried; I haven't seen Cameljockey here for a while now - hope he's well?

But the "good old Phase 2" is looking sooo old AI-wise, that you should rather go for a new rig and P3.

I will also build a new rig soon.

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Well I would if I had the full installation, as it is my laptop's DVD drive isn't playing well with the OFF disc, but my ancient desktop's DVDdrive does, so I'm running these kites as additions to CFS3. Is there a way to port some of the campaign scenery, terrain and other files from OFF into a CFS3 install and run it from CFS3? Just so I can run some of the OFF campaigns?

Try the disk in another PC Lewie? If your laptop DVD drive is playing up take it to another PC and copy the files off into a USB drive or onto another DVD?

No apart from craft most of OFF is not transferable manually into CFS3, you are missing out on the main part of OFF which is the OFF Manager, AI, missions, effects (FMs too will not work correctly and many other things). Best not to comment on how it flies until you have OFF running properly (with OFF AI etc).

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Lewie, you can't know what yer missing, boy!

Go, sell your grandma, microwave, sofa - you need the money for a good rig!!!

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Here's an idea that came to me while reading about the balloon busters.


How feasible/historically accurate are barrage balloons? Were they used often enough to be worth modeling and would they be difficult to implement?

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I have never heard of barrage balloons being used in WW1 - I think they only came up in the second world war.

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Here's what I was reading this morning: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_buster


"Due to their importance balloons were usually given heavy defenses in the form of anti-aircraft artillery and standing fighter patrols stationed overhead. Other defenses included surrounding the main balloon with barrage balloons; stringing cables in the air in the vicinity of the balloons; putting machine guns in gondolas for observers to use; and flying balloons booby-trapped with explosives that could be remotely detonated from the ground. These measures made balloons valuable but very dangerous targets to approach."

But yes, I've never actually seen or heard of their use anywhere else but in this article. So I don't know?

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Looks like one of these cases, which show that Wikipedia is fed with the knowledge

of many people - sometimes contradicting each other.


Any experts about WW1 balloons here?

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Another idea:


Sometimes when one of my wingmen don't come home I'm curious to know what happened to them.


Would it be possible to include a filter on the 'Review Missions' so that it reviews only events related to your squadron? And perhaps listing the pilots in your squadron by name so you know who exactly they are?

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