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Does the Claim Form cover the duty roster board? This is the second time I've tried to make a claim, and forgeting the rank and name of my wingman I'm going to forfeit the kills.




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Best advice pen and paper to go to war... or if you have dual screens you can use notepad... It's the little things sometimes...

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Best advice pen and paper to go to war... or if you have dual screens you can use notepad... It's the little things sometimes...


What? a windows product mod that doesn't have windows functionality? It's incontheibable!


OK *sigh* So I should write down the entire flight's crew names before I hit the field? Are you pulling my leg?


The annoying thing is, in both cases, the forms for the claims came up, but when I tried to click and drag the claim form down or to the side, or tried clicking on the roster chalkboard to bring it topside, the Mission generator loaded another Mission that failed to execute, caused a runtime error, and then it CTD and erased my just finished mission.


You guys tolerate this?

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Yes, Lewie. I make me prints from the whole Squadrons pilot roster. Then I number the pilots.

Before I go to field, I now note the numbers of all Sqdn members in this sortie.

This will bring you closer to the Sqdn members, to your wingmen.


Another thing to avoid in claims: don't use semicolons. They make the claim report uncomplete.

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OK,...:prankster: I guess this is to keep one more aware of the social aspect of being in a squad. Sorry if this isn't computing for me, but I figured the claim forms would be subject to all the normal bureaucracy and mayhem of something being filed in a state of high chaos. But to actually have a bit of user encouraged non functionality of the sim. I mean it's crashing to desktop!?


I'm sorry guys but this is just so nuts..

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Most of the time you don't need to remember any other name in addition to your wingman. Just put his name as a witness and most of the claims get accepted, if you've otherwise described the action adequately.


And yes, I'm willing to tolerate these small quirks, because the sim is otherwise so very good and enjoyable. There aren't too many sims around that actually simulate the process of claiming of kills, now are there? Usually they are just confirmed automatically and that's it.


That doesn't mean there's no room for improvement in the graphical user interface. I'm hoping to see such improvements in P4.

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Most of the time you don't need to remember any other name in addition to your wingman. Just put his name as a witness and most of the claims get accepted, if you've otherwise described the action adequately.


And yes, I'm willing to tolerate these small quirks, because the sim is otherwise so very good and enjoyable. There aren't too many sims around that actually simulate the process of claiming of kills, now are there? Usually they are just confirmed automatically and that's it.


That doesn't mean there's no room for improvement in the graphical user interface. I'm hoping to see such improvements in P4.


It would be nice if the claim forms could have an option of automatically filed, or... The full-on St. Omer, "Can Can you find my claim claim? No-ones around to blame blame, were the hells my claim, claim...

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There's a workshop setting of Easy Claims, might be what you're looking for. Not sure what it does, I've never used it and it might need HitR to be there.


Can't believe you're forgetting the names of the other chaps in your flight though... I suppose it excuses you writing any letters of condolence, but OTOH they might have very pretty sisters to hang on your arm when you're next on leave... which you're missing out on. :grin:

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Quite right, Uncleal, quite right. However Lewie, as noted here by Dej and Hasse Wind and Olham and Slarti, getting to know your virtual squadmates and keeping track of their names and who's in which flight and such really is part and parcel of the immersion that is OFF. If you allow yourself to do this you will will become far more invested in not only your own pilot, but in the rest of the lads flying with you as well.



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There's a workshop setting of Easy Claims, might be what you're looking for. Not sure what it does, I've never used it and it might need HitR to be there.


Can't believe you're forgetting the names of the other chaps in your flight though... I suppose it excuses you writing any letters of condolence, but OTOH they might have very pretty sisters to hang on your arm when you're next on leave... which you're missing out on. :grin:


It's my pilot's first mission after arriving? :dntknw: He hasn't yet finished the first day, it's kinda like Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.


So far he's got 3 hours of flight and shot down two Albatros DII's and yet he's not flown any or had any claims get past the CTD.


Sounds like he needs to buy several round of drinks and get to know the chaps.

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Quite right, Uncleal, quite right. However Lewie, as noted here by Dej and Hasse Wind and Olham and Slarti, getting to know your virtual squadmates and keeping track of their names and who's in which flight and such really is part and parcel of the immersion that is OFF. If you allow yourself to do this you will will become far more invested in not only your own pilot, but in the rest of the lads flying with you as well.




Is this in some part of the OFF Forum called what "Noob's Need to Know"? 'cause this needs to be stickied.:dntknw: I didn't have a clue..

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It might well be somewhere in the threads that Uncleal likes to refer the new flyers to. But then again, it might not be. There are so many little things about this sim that we've all learned going along that we forget sometimes what it was like coming into it for the first time.



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I recomend the "easy" claims form Lewie. The "hard" claims are for those who enjoy the immersion of a sim. Filling out a form with all the names and locations may or may not lead to a confirmation.

Many people enjoy feeling a part of a squadron of pilots, while others just enjoy the excitment of wwi air combat.


Would it be nice to have the duty roster board visible (or accessable) while filling out a claim? Yes. Maybe something for the next update via p4. For now we live with it how it is. If thats a deal breaker

I would recomend skipping the form all together. Just my opinion though.

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It's my pilot's first mission after arriving? :dntknw: He hasn't yet finished the first day, it's kinda like Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.


So far he's got 3 hours of flight and shot down two Albatros DII's and yet he's not flown any or had any claims get past the CTD.


Sounds like he needs to buy several round of drinks and get to know the chaps.


Hasn't unpacked his toothbrush yet either I'll bet. A good C.O. would have given him a chance to fly around getting his landmarks locked in first too... doesn't auger well, I fear.


Louvert's sig piccy is pretty much how I'd advocate looking into the Duty Room... give those names faces.

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Yea, just set to Easy claims in the workshop and you'll be good to go.


I'm in the habit of making taking a screencap of my flight before every mission. I do it so I know who didn't come back, but on the rare occasions when I can make a claim (only 14 confirmed kills in 85 sorties so far) the screencap comes in handy too.

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Javito, 14 kills in 85 sorties is something I personally find quite impressive, especially if you are flying with the realism settings cranked up and are not using much in the way of in-sim aids. Our RL counterparts could fly hundreds of missions and only have a handful of kills to their credit, and I would rather try and emulate their records. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the odd QC shoot-em-up from time to time. But it's those long, ongoing 'DiD' or 'Die Roll' campaigns that truly separate the men from the boys in the OFF skies.



Edited by RAF_Louvert

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Lewie, just check the "Workshops" functions a bit more. You can even bypass the claims, if you want.

But I like it, to write in a short report of the fighting.


For P4, the dreambirds wispered in my sleeping ear, that there might be an intelligent claim report form,

that can extract and understand enough details from your report, to judge if it will be confirmed or not.

Maybe it was just a dream - maybe not.

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Javito, 14 kills in 85 sorties is something I personally find quite impressive, especially if you are flying with the realism settings cranked up and are not using much in the way of in-sim aids. Our RL counterparts could fly hundreds of missions and only have a handful of kills to their credit, and I would rather try and emulate their records. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the odd QC shoot-em-up from time to time. But it's those long, ongoing 'DiD' or 'Die Roll' campaigns that truly separate the men from the boys in the OFF skies.




85 sorties with the same pilot is something I personally find impressive, in 'Blimey, how many years is it now' years of playing OFF I've never had a pilot go beyond 67... and roughly 70% of my otherwise most long-lived pilots have died in collisions... still need stabilisers :lol:

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Well, me - I just can't bring the patience about, that would be needed to fly for hours, days and weeks,

without getting into fights much. It is mostly the fighting I'm after. So I guess, I'm still a boy there.

Or to say it more heroically: rather Voss than Udet.


But there's hope: I notice I am constantly changing more into the other direction.

I think I just haven't had all that flying and fighting, that many of you here had before, in earlier sims.

So I still have to catch up with all this.

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You're probably not squinting enough Dej. :grin:




Well, I do squeeze my eyes tight shut just as I hit 'em, does that count?

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Yea, just set to Easy claims in the workshop and you'll be good to go.


I'm in the habit of making taking a screencap of my flight before every mission. I do it so I know who didn't come back, but on the rare occasions when I can make a claim (only 14 confirmed kills in 85 sorties so far) the screencap comes in handy too.



I'm looking in the workshops right now and I'm not seeing a choice for 'claims', so I'll assume this is something that comes with HitR? Or is it one of the post OFF purchase downloads I seem to have neglected to install. Yup, I think I know what I did wrong, I didn't patch the game.. :feeling like a dumb$#!#:

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Well, me - I just can't bring the patience about, that would be needed to fly for hours, days and weeks,

without getting into fights much. It is mostly the fighting I'm after. So I guess, I'm still a boy there.

Or to say it more heroically: rather Voss than Udet.


But there's hope: I notice I am constantly changing more into the other direction.

I think I just haven't had all that flying and fighting, that many of you here had before, in earlier sims.

So I still have to catch up with all this.


Then you're not going to like that my first two missions with my newest RFC pilot, flying an FE2b he managed to shoot down, ( well his gunner did the shooting.) one Albatros DII per mission. And these were just CAP's

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Well, me - I just can't bring the patience about, that would be needed to fly for hours, days and weeks,

without getting into fights much. It is mostly the fighting I'm after. So I guess, I'm still a boy there.

Or to say it more heroically: rather Voss than Udet.


But there's hope: I notice I am constantly changing more into the other direction.

I think I just haven't had all that flying and fighting, that many of you here had before, in earlier sims.

So I still have to catch up with all this.





I avoid fights unless I have the advantage, so about 50 - 60% of encounters with enemy air I avoid. And when we do engage I'm very selfish with my altitude and won't pursue the bad guys if they dive, or let my guys pursue them either. Also I tend to leave enemy planes alone after I cripple them, so I'm sure a lot make it home. Not out of any particular compassion, it's just to conserve ammo / avoid becoming fixated.


Most times I never see enemy aircraft really. The tough missions are escorts, because those damn R.E.8s are flak magnets and that attracts all the Boches like fireflies but we only ever fight just enough to keep them away from the two-seaters.


I've had several close shaves but all in all I'm doing good. If I can survive about three more in-game weeks I might even get pulled off the line since it'll mark my 6-months of war anniversary.

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One word for you, Lewie: Kneeboard


Edited by NS13Jarhead

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