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Guest Pfunk

The "Liberty Belle" Has Crashed

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A great loss :shok::salute:

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They're saying an onboard fire right after take off.

The pilot tried to return to airport,but fire got too big too fast.

You get all that fuel and aluminum burning and it's hard to put out.

It's a shame a beautiful old warbird has to crash. Fortunately all passengers and crew were OK. :good:

Salvage what you can and build another one if possible.

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While the loss of the aircraft is a shame, I'm happy that the crew made it out ok.

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holeee crap! thats where i went to high school at! terrible loss though great news on the crew and pax getting out.

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she will be missed...

what a damn shame but as STORM said, at least the crew made it out okay!



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That's too bad that such a rare and incredible warbird has been lost. I guess that leaves 12 flyable B-17s left. I'm glad the crew is fine though, that would have made it 100 times worse

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Ah hell...that sucks!


Glad they made it all out okay, but a terrible loss.


I'm split on the whole 'fly or don't fly' vintage bird thing.


Personally, I don't like the idea of a flyable bird not flying. Unless it is literally the last aircraft of it's kind, anywhere, static or flying, I think it should fly. People need to see it. Especially if there are static versions of it around.


And honestly, with sufficient money, interest, and time, just about ANY aircraft can be reproduced from the ground up...as in this example:





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fuuuu! not another one :sad:


good points FC, me, I'd rather see originals preserved, save on displays and replicas flying on shows. Just in case

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What a shame...glad they got out in one piece

(most Warbird pilots who crash dont)

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