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Lloyd C.II in progress

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Here's the beginning of the Lloyd. (I have also started the Albatros C.III, but I'm not very far along on that one.) The gunner is taking a lot of time to figure out. He also takes a lot of data so I've had to lower the detail a bit. The ripples on the wings had to be sacrificed to bring the file size down. There was no forward gun on the Lloyd, so I put a load of bombs to give the pilot something to do. The Lloyd could carry up to 200kg of bombs, I put six 12.5kg bombs in a rack under the fuselage.


I haven't started the cockpit yet, and I still need to do skins. These are just the flat colors applied in 3DS.




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interesting... Frankly, never came across this frame :ok:

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I think FE is the only sim that will have so many Austrian Front aircraft. Very cool indeed.

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All we have to do when you are through with all the Austro- italian Front planes you are creating, is get quack74 to update/expand his Italian Front Campaign to include them !!!

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Oh I will for sure. I will make a new campaign for the mid to late summer of 1918 as well. I'm kind of waiting for Jan Tuma to release the Albatros D.IIIOef he's been working on. I'll need to redo all my Oef ace skins from the Caporetto campaign. Adding in this Lloyd will be a nice touch too. I'm so far behind on my Aviatik skin packs I was working on because of work and family stuff. Stephen's punching out these planes so fast. But I'll catch up soon. I'm working on skins and decals now for the Aviatik D.I and the Phonix D.II (a) models. The Aviatiks are hard because of the Hex pattern camo. The colors are really hard to guess at.

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With all new planes Stephen1918 is creating, you should be able to do a Austro-Italian 1917 campaign too. :clapping:

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With all new planes Stephen1918 is creating, you should be able to do a Austro-Italian 1917 campaign too. :clapping:



Early 1917. My Caporetto campaign Starts in October 1917.

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The Lloyd C.II is getting closer. It will be flying over the Italian front soon. Making the gunner move correctly took more time than I thought it would, but I got it worked out.


I also made a skin with early Polish markings (couldn't resist!) Each of the partitions declared their independence separately and used different markings until reunification. These are called the "Cracow" markings and were used in the southwest district of Poland 1918-1919.


Are there any historians out there who can tell me what the "Z" stood for?



Edited by Stephen1918
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Nice work! I do hope there will be FE2 versions in future.

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Nice work! I do hope there will be FE2 versions in future.



I use FE2 and Stephen1918's models work just fine for me.

BTW another beautiful plane Stephen1918

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There will be, mate, as I have FE2 now. The FM will be the same in both versions, but now I can help Stephen with folder structure and testing in both games. Tomorrow I'll start working in the FM (It's 23:43h in Spain now).

Of course, the FM will be based in the Peter01 FMs, and I'll add the new Schwartzlosse_gunner machine gun (and maybe more loadouts, very difficult looking for data for this aircraft).

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Tremendous job, Stephen,


Congratulations ! :good:

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Outstanding job!! I heard that TW is hiring now... :grin:

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