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Personalised wingmen

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Wouldnt it be great if you could personalise your wingmen names!....you could fly with people you know...it would certainly up the ante!

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Wouldnt it be great if you could personalise your wingmen names!....you could fly with people you know...it would certainly up the ante!


I believe if you go to your Pilot#Dossier.txt file you can change them to whatever you want.

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Why yes you can. I've been doing that since shortly after taking to the OFF skies.



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Sh*t!...I never knew that!...thanks

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Wonder if you could do it for opponents in quick combat... good way to get back at the boss after a bad day at work... :rofl:

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Yup, I also sometimes do that.

Remember, that your ingame pilot No. 2 will have the pilot files No.3, for some sim program reason.

Here's the way:


(your sim folder) > campaigns > CampaignData > Pilots



Edited by Olham

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That's good to know. :salute: Are the default names for pilots the ones who actually flew for the squadron/Jasta at that time?

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Not in your Pilot Dossier - those are phantasy names; so feel free to change them.

The real aces of the Staffel are not in your dossier.

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That's going to open up a whole new experience!


In the old B-17 game, my entire crew were made up of real life friends...it made a real difference to the experience

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In good and in bad it does, IMHO. I had just found out and changed some of the names,

and then the next day, my friend from schooldays, Wolgang Ippen, did not return from our last sortie.

He never came back. Made the feeling quite realistic.

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UK, wouldn't you dream of writing "Algie", "Bertie" and "Ginger" as wingmen for your Sopwith? You've red too much of "Biggles"!

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UK, wouldn't you dream of writing "Algie", "Bertie" and "Ginger" as wingmen for your Sopwith? You've red too much of "Biggles"!


hahaha...quite possibly Capitaine

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This was a good point that I hadn't realised. Although I appreciate that there were numbers of Americans serving in RFC squadrons, I have changed a couple of of 'Kalebs', which sounds more American to me - although I have usually seen it spelt Caleb - to more British sounding names (I now expect someone to tell me of one or more genuine British pilots called Kaleb!)

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actually, there shouldn't be a wingmen named at all. there weren't wingmen in ww1. that was invented due to the experiences of the legion condor in the spanish civil war that one had an official wingman.

in ww1 of course there were teams who liked to fly together more than with others, but without beeing officially wingmen. i think this wingmen thingy in OFF is rather a CFS3 leftover.

in ww1 if you fly alone with another mate very often, you weren't his wingman, nor was he yours. you just flew together, although the protecting behaviour could be the same. but the term wingman belongs to ww2, not ww1 AFAIK

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UK, wouldn't you dream of writing "Algie", "Bertie" and "Ginger" as wingmen for your Sopwith? You've red too much of "Biggles"!


Actually, neither Bertie nor Ginger flew with Biggles in WW1. Algernon Lacey or Henry Watkins would do.

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