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Monty CZ

Early WWII fighters & bombers WIPs

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Thanx guys

and after 3 days the basic mesh is finished:




now the hard part


Monty CZ

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I dont know why but this plane comming along nicely and I am fast as Flash Gordon :-)


UVW mapping


Monty CZ

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looking GOOD!!!

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This looks like another alluring model from the studios of Monty CZ!!! Thanks in advance for another impressive piece of work.

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Monty did you planar map the fuselage? sides top and bottom?..

lookijg good.

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Russo yes I always use the same method on my planes

on previous picture you can see the green lines and white lines on grey background

the white lines are mesh edges and the green is edge between side and top maps.

SOmetimes it could be difficult to make but the result is the best I know.


Monty CZ

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Color check:



I dont have the best color charts I think because this RLM 61/62/63/65 scheme looks odd

Monty CZ

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and according to another source this is the same color scheme:


but this time looks more real to me


Monty CZ

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ok I am choosing this color scheme:




free weekend ahead so I think that tomorow I will have it in game :-)


Monty CZ

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Aaaand ingame check :-)





textures arent finished but I cant wait :-)


Monty CZ

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just plain awesome. cant wait for anti-ship raids in the desert. I know its the a version. Hope someone can do a desert skin for it in future.

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Monty, those are just uber Fantastical, superb. :clapping: Bloody hell man ! Great job. Just wanted to be clear that that's very cool stuff there :grin:

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Thanx guys for the support.


For my fellow Stuka betatesters:


do you have ideas how to set inis for:

1) AI dive bombing

2) gunner on player plane shooting above the target (AI gunner is like sniper :-( )

3) better FM - it slow and unstable around Z axis (yaw)

4) fuel amount - where are the tanks and how much fuel it had in RL


etc etc


Thank you

Monty CZ

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#1) look here http://combatace.com/topic/51538-sf2-finally-got-the-ai-to-dive-bomb-properly/

#2) in the data ini, change the vlaue or add the section:




The value should match the AimAngles= 2nd number , e.g. if its AimAngles= 0.0,-1.0,0.0 then its as in my example AIData section


#4) I'll look through my manuals and books.

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#4) 480 liters in 4 "flexible leak-proof" rectangular internal wing tanks



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