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Nooo! George Lucas Makes More Changes to Original Trilogy

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Why dont he just save his money and make a remake !!!!!! With todays technology a large percentage of actors can be replaced by CG and todays lineup of young actors can do the rest mmmm the possibilities for Leia :hyper:

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Lucas should replace himself with CG.

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"Lucas should replace himself with CG.'


he can't or he'll be unemployed like the rest of us, hahahahaha!

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I can just see it now: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The George Lucas Collection". Seriously, hasn't this man d*cked up his movies enough? Oh well...

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Ewoks blink now as well. Before someone else says it, Wicket blinked first!


But seriously, why did he add the yell? It ruins perhaps one of the most important scenes of the trilogy.

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I must be the only person on the planet, who doesn't like Star Wars.


The first one was ok...but the others?..daft (imho)

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Freddy Mercury didn't like Star Wars. Remember, he even put it into a hit song.

"All I want to do is...bicycle! Bicycle! Bicycle!"

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I must be the only person on the planet, who doesn't like Star Wars.


The first one was ok...but the others?..daft (imho)

Yep, old chap, you stand alone.

Edited by Jug

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