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Fifa Ban Poppies

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Fifa ban Poppies? War veterans today condemned international football chiefs for refusing to allow the England team to wear poppies on their shirts when they play Spain next Saturday.

now im sorry if i upset anybody,but what an absolute disgrace,football is arguably the most watched and played sport on earth,yet fifa bigwigs strike again .sorry guys rant over im seething :angry2:

Edited by Adger1971

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Probably this could be solved, by simply depositing a load of cash in the appropriate FIFA official's back pocket. Or better still, putting him up against the nearest wall.

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FIFA are a total waste of space anyway...if I was the England Team...I'd wear them anyway!!!...and Fifa can go f*** themselves

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George Batt, the general secretary of the Normandy Veterans Association, condemned the decision, describing it as "disgraceful". The 86-year-old, who fought in the second world war, said: "I don't really understand it. I can't see any harm in wearing a poppy. You surely don't need rules and regulations in Fifa like this. It's so sad.


"I would think about 90% of the population wear them. I'm lost for words. I think it's a bit childish because, after all is said and done, if it wasn't for us blokes Fifa wouldn't be here. They wouldn't be playing football."

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Utterly Ridiculous!


I suppose they're going to justify it on the grounds of Health and Safety. I'm all for H&S but the dangers of a plastic poppy stem vs. those inherent in the game itself are minimal. If they want to cover their arses, just leave it to team/individual discretion, for God's sake!


EDIT: Just read the article. Players' kit not allowed to carry any additional 'political, religious or commercial' messages! I don't feel a poppy falls into any of those categories and in any case it is globally commemorative so the ruling should not stand. Geez!

Edited by Dej

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Could be, that the regulations are so strict about ANY additional signs, which might express anything else but football;

so that no one is given any reason for an opposing temper or hooliganism.


But as for FIFA - that lot is so goddamn corrupt, that I wonder, why they don't go as far as to sell the desired results

to the highest, best bidder? Or do they do that already?

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Some one needs to shove a bayonet into the damn lot of those Fifa officials... bunch of thieving lowlifes. And that is me being polite...


As an ex-member of the RAF and British Army I find that this is disgraceful and is beyond the words that I can write here...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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I'm not very familiar with that poppy wearing tradition. Is it done only in the UK, or also elsewhere?


Regarding FIFA, well, it's a strange organisation.

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I'm not very familiar with that poppy wearing tradition. Is it done only in the UK, or also elsewhere?


Regarding FIFA, well, it's a strange organisation.

Its to do with Remembrance Day 11th hour of the 11th Day of the 11 Month at the time the guns stopped firing in WW1

where we remember the war dead. There is normally 2 minutes silence in the UK and the commonwealth sorry if I missed other countries but I do no know...



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Thanks for the explanation. Doesn't sound like anything political at all.

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Thanks for the explanation. Doesn't sound like anything political at all.

No its the simple rememberance and thanks of those who gave their lives and are still doing so today so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we have today... :salute:

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Given that the England strip already contains the Umbro company's parallelogram logo, there are evidently exceptions allowed to the supposed rule against 'political, religous or COMMERCIAL' stuff being displayed. Money speaks louder than blood, with these people.


In the UK we (most of us anyway) take very seriously the debt we owe to those who have served in the Armed Forces, and in particular to those who've lost their lives, and wear our poppies with pride, in the words of The Royal British Legion's motto. Witness the spontaneous displays of respect at (now Royal) Wooton Bassett. Most countries have comparable traditions and they should be respected not disrespected.


The message at the end of the OFF intro video is a poignant reminder of the origins of the poppy tradition, taken as it is from the first line of the poem by Lt Col John McCrae after burying a friend in WW1:



In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.



Edited by 33LIMA

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I wasn't up on this ridiculous ruling; don't pay a lot of attention to soccer.


It is patently preposterous; what's next -- no flags or other symbols of nationality?


It's another tradition stomped to death on the altar of political correctness.


I think I may have been born 40 years too late sometimes.

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The Poppy symbolises soldiers from ALL sides who died (at least thats how I view it)


I feel as sorry for the German Soldiers who died in the mud and filth of Flanders, as I do for the Commonwealth Soldiers who did

(and all other nations)


I'd pass them a little brown envelope....but it would contain Semtex...and 30lb of Dog ****!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Maybe the FIFA buffs are not even aware of what they stand for?

I guess, if you allowed them to get the copyright on poppies shown inside a soccer arena,

and then to get them printed as stickers or created as plastic flowers, and sell them -

then they wouldn't mind.

(I wonder how much money they must have charged to allow the nervewrecking Vuvuzeelas!) :grin:

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For a football governing body, they don't seem particularly up to speed with the concept of scoring own goals. I think that's utterly disgraceful, almost as obscene as the money footballers earn.


FIFA - a four letter word beginning with F.

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Good one! :good:

I just walked the dog and saw a football game om a little field near my home.

No league of anything, just two regional, not widely known teams.

But they played with so much energy and enthusiasm.

Maybe we should simply go to such plays, and ignore the FIFA and their perverted football.

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If there's no money in it for us then ban it. Absolutely outragious IMO.

As someone else said.....put them all up against the wall - I hate to see good oxygen go to waste.

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We had a similar incident here in the states when members of the New York Mets were denied permission by MLB to wear NYPD (New York Police Department) and New York firefighter hats on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Bud Selig (the d-bag commissioner of baseball) was thrown under the bus in a big way and it turned into a public relations nightmare for the MLB. There is a human element that transcends sports and I don't see the harm in teams wanting to pay tribute to good causes. The question many ask is where do you draw the line?



Edited by Shiloh

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"It's another tradition stomped to death on the altar of political correctness."


I rather suspect, having read the Graun article about this, that you can put this one down to commercial concerns.


The whole point of the FIFA ruling is to enforce an article which prevents the alteration of shirts - a massive advertising opportunity - at a moment's notice, so as to enforce the (expensive) legal rights of those comapnies who've bought 'shirt space'.


Basically, allow any presence on those shirts - no matter how well intended, like poppies - and out will come the corporate lawyers to complain that their 'space' has been intruded upon.


I'm sorry that I can't get all het up about this. I'm actually representing the local Labour Party at our village's cenotaph next Sunday, and I will wear a poppy, and probably have a much greater understanding from my reading and research about WWI than 99.9% of the people who'll be bowing their heads that day.


What you've read isn't about "Pee Cee", it's about sales. Please understand that.





On Edit: Actually, it isn't about sales at all. It's all about a capitalist system that everyone seems so very happy defend even though it f***s them over, and their descendants, as they wish to commemorate their forebears' actions and lives. Basically, if you're pissed off with this, then you're pissed off with where society is going - financially and morally. It's got f*** all to do with 'pee cee'.

Edited by themightysrc

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On Edit: Actually, it isn't about sales at all. It's all about a capitalist system that everyone seems so very happy defend even though it f***s them over, and their descendants, as they wish to commemorate their forebears' actions and lives. Basically, if you're pissed off with this, then you're pissed off with where society is going - financially and morally. It's got f*** all to do with 'pee cee'.


I think the World IS moving towards a more 'Socialist' idealogy....people are fed up with Corporate strangleholds.

This doesnt of course mean, that making a sucessful business into a money earner..even a BIG money earner is a bad thing...just that you should have a Social responsibility.... Bill Gates is an excellent example of the latter....the Corporate Banking System..an example of the former

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If people really cared enough about it they'd do something about it, but as it is the majority will probably just go 'oh no it's terrible' for a while, but won't care much more than that so long as they still get to watch Football.

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