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Bring It Iran

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About the other Gulf countries:

The other Gulf countries lack training, leadership and coordination? Maybe, but They lack the most important thing: The desire to do something about.


Think about that: Iranians make their nonsenses and menaces. As a result, crisis and Petroleum prize raising......They are all selling petrol, men!. It's a win-win situation for all of them. They don't care a thing about their American allies. They only want them to act as world Police whern things are too out of control (as in Kuwait).



About Iran:

If Iran is attacked, it will be a very limited attack. So, some ships-buildings-dead people. All of them heros against EEUU imperialism....Iran raising the flag of the true believers... Moral leadership in Middle East, etc


If Iran is not attacked, "those damn Imperialist Yanks are panicking about the powerful Iranian armed forces". Again, Iranian moral leadership in Middle East. This it's the whole thing is about.

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Okay Typhoid we can refrain from spouting FOX news talking points. We should strive to keep this disussion oriented toward Iran's asshattery not personal political opinions.:salute:


oh really? Which were so-called Fox talking points - and since when do only one side of a comment merit a post?


and thanks for the thumbs up on the other post.

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gulf states have the latest air force technology like f-15s and f-16s block 60 and typhoons and KSA already has the AWACs , those fighters can make lot of damage to iran

im not sure about their training ( but i know usa trained thier pilots ) , coordinates , leaderships and ETC , but im sure those people ( gulf states ) really wants to erase iran from the presence!

iraq had a war of 8 years with iran , both sides lost more than 1 million peoples , iraq won the war but what was iraq fighting for gone for iran after the war

dunno whats gonna happen this time and how long this war will take and how many people gonna get killed , but i know iraq won't be involved in it! because of the lack in its armament and the government are already a good fellow to iran...

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It's just like Vietnam...we pull out and things look like they'll be far worse within a year. A "damned if you do, damned if you don't" setup. We either stay indefinitely and pay the price, in people and finances, or we leave after already investing a lot of said people and finances just to have the end result be as if we left immediately after the fall of Baghdad. Iran's meddling has tempered any optimism I had that things would be allowed to develop as they should.

Likewise Pakistan's meddling in Afghanistan (because they're scared to death of India getting chummy with them) means that country likewise will get no peace, whether we're there or not.


In both Iraq and Afghanistan, a peaceful stable return to prosperity under their own power is contrary to their neighbors' security concerns so they work to ensure it doesn't happen.

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In both Iraq and Afghanistan, a peaceful stable return to prosperity under their own power is contrary to their neighbors' security concerns so they work to ensure it doesn't happen.


theres no peace here , man

150 people already died yesterday ... blink.gif

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