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Barmy Offers Club has a new member. Welcome aboard Rambling Sid. Outstanding effort sir. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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It's all quite simple.


Barmy Offers Club has a new member. Welcome aboard Rambling Sid. Outstanding effort sir. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:


Absolutely! Welcome to the club, Rambling Sid. New guy buys the drinks--again! :drinks: hic!

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Anybody else get these great gurning faces in the sky ?

And...will they be there in P4

They will be much worse in P4.

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Well Lieutenant, I hear you've been seeing faces in the sky, most interesting.


Frankly I don't care if you've seen the Kaiser himself looking down at you - you aren't getting out of the Balloon attack job that easily - 05:00 on the dot!

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Nothing like a good British pint to put things right!!!:blink:

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Thank you, gentlemen,


for your kind and helpful comments.


I have assured the doctors and orderlies here that,

so long as the jacket is securely fastened, OFF is

a proven therapy when combined with my extra-mural

medication regime :grin: . So far, so good.


Barmy Officers Club ? Well thanks very much. Does

it hurt ? Isn't there somthing more humane than a club ?


Bar Steward. No, I mean really - drinks all round.



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Sid, you wouldn't believe it - today I have seen the same Ernie-type cloud face as you had. :grin:

Could it be, that we were flying on the same day, in the same region?

No, it can't be - you were at the north sea in winter, and I'm near Verdun, in spring.

See here - above my tailplane:



Edited by Olham

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Oh dear, Olham,


I feel I must apologise, once you have noticed them they

do appear fairly often. But they are not in every mission

on every cloudy day. They don't bother me, just an amusing

part of OFF world.


Actually, in your screenshot there are 4 Ernies :yikes:

1. The one you mention, above the tailplane

2. One further left just below line of tailplane

3. On the right, level with nose, in from rmargin

4. Near 3, slighly below. Closer to nose.

A lovely illustration of my point, thanks :grin:


Hey, does this mean I'm not barmy ?

Well, bugger - I wanted the badge.


And +1 on "Ernie".


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Oh dear, Olham,


I feel I must apologise, once you have noticed them they

do appear fairly often. But they are not in every mission

on every cloudy day. They don't bother me, just an amusing

part of OFF world.


Actually, in your screenshot there are 4 Ernies :yikes:

1. The one you mention, above the tailplane

2. One further left just below line of tailplane

3. On the right, level with nose, in from rmargin

4. Near 3, slighly below. Closer to nose.

A lovely illustration of my point, thanks :grin:


Hey, does this mean I'm not barmy ?

Well, bugger - I wanted the badge.


And +1 on "Ernie".



Thanks for spoiling OFF for us, Sid, now we'll never be able to look at the OFF sky, without seeing muppet faces in the clouds, that we would never have looked for or seen before. Like Tolstoy being told good things would happen if he stood in a corner and thought of anything, except a small while bear. No prizes for guessing how that ended up.


Can the mods please delete this thread, before Sid, encouraged by the spread of this phenomenon, also reveals he can make out the figure of Kylie Minogue lurking in the shadows of OFF's hangars, or masonic symbols in the patterns of tents, etc etc :grin:

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or masonic symbols in the patterns of tents, etc etc :grin:


Errr... well that one's not news, I've been playing OFF with one trouser leg rolled up, this past year, just in case.


[EDIT] Yeah, and you know OFF2 will have cows, right? That's to attract the alien abductors, that is. And they'll know where you live 'cos Olham's got you all plotted, see! [/EDIT]

Edited by Dej

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Who wil be the first sim pilot to die from colliding with a cow, I wonder?


OBD should also sponser a cow-tipping competition when P4 comes out. Cow-tipping is a long and hallowed tradition here in the states. Right Lou?

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I think the first post in the thread although a bit of fun needs a spoiler alert on the front! Once you tell people to look for things they will always see them and it could spoil their enjoyment?

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Thanks for spoiling OFF for us, Sid, now we'll never be able to look at the OFF sky, without seeing muppet faces in the clouds, that we would never have looked for or seen before. Like Tolstoy being told good things would happen if he stood in a corner and thought of anything, except a small while bear. No prizes for guessing how that ended up.


Can the mods please delete this thread, before Sid, encouraged by the spread of this phenomenon, also reveals he can make out the figure of Kylie Minogue lurking in the shadows of OFF's hangars, or masonic symbols in the patterns of tents, etc etc :grin:


Well, of course Kylie is there. Or is it Richard the Lionheart, no - Marcel Proust. If I stand on one leg into the wind ( this is where Dej goes wrong) it can look like Tolstoy.

Or do I mean Trotsky...


How can the presence of Kylie Minogue possibly spoil OFF :grin:

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How can the presence of Kylie Minogue possibly spoil OFF :grin:



Indeed, AFC pin-up material. Mind you, so are the sheep (and for we Welshmen too, alledgedly) :grin:


And I've tried 'standing on one leg into the wind', old chap, but I keep getting me foot caught on the firing lever of the Vickers. Put half a dozen round through the Skipper's tailplanes yesterday... he wasn't happy!

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Alright, that last post from RS seals it. As president of the BOC I'm calling for an official vote from founding members Dej and Olham. All in favour of accepting Rambling Sid into the Barmy OFFers Club, say 'Oy'.




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I think the first post in the thread although a bit of fun needs a spoiler alert on the front! Once you tell people to look for things they will always see them and it could spoil their enjoyment?

Not necessary for me, Pol - I fly without TAC and Labels, so I have more important things to watch out for than faces on clouds.

Let them look out for Kylie Minogue - until they hear the Rak-ak-ak-ak-ak! of my twin Spandaus behind them.

Daydreaming and cloud-watching is not for alert pilots, meine Herren!


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Alright, that last post from RS seals it. As president of the BOC I'm calling for an official vote from founding members Dej and Olham. All in favour of accepting Rambling Sid into the Barmy OFFers Club, say 'Oy'.





!YO eerga I

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I think the first post in the thread although a bit of fun needs a spoiler alert on the front! Once you tell people to look for things they will always see them and it could spoil their enjoyment?


I can but agree, Polovski,


it was a light-hearted post but the query was sincere.

Thought one of the old hands could clear it up:

"clot, its such and such..." sort of thing.


Never meant to spoil anything for anyone.


If I have, sincere apologies, I can only hope you expunge it from your minds.


My experience is that enjoyment/immersion in OFF is undiminished.

For me they are a reminder that I am in OFF world and Anything Can




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Oooops - I missed that, sorry, Lou - ahm - Herr Präsident!




And as you are just at it - may I also suggest to consider the inscription of our good Carrick?

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Errr... well that one's not news, I've been playing OFF with one trouser leg rolled up, this past year, just in case.


[EDIT] Yeah, and you know OFF2 will have cows, right? That's to attract the alien abductors, that is. And they'll know where you live 'cos Olham's got you all plotted, see! [/EDIT]


What is this anyway - IN Flanders Fields, Farming Simulator 1918???


All together now - 'Four legs good, two legs bad!'


Anything, to get the thought of muppet cloud faces out of my mind - hell and damnation, remembered it again!!!!

Edited by 33LIMA

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Perhaps a different OFF oddity will help, LIMA.





Anyone else seen this in OFF? I was on a mission above the lakes NE of Nancy when I spied it myself. Talk about your Easter Egg. :blink:



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