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Thank God TK has forgotten FE2 to this patching fever!


Pah - and now you have reminded him - thanks a lot :bye:

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Pah - and now you have reminded him - thanks a lot :bye:


FE2 is technically not part of the SF2 engine.

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Don't worry, MigBuster, FE2 wasn't patched for ages, and I think this is deffinitive. Besides, nobody forces you to patch!

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what would happen if you were to say:


build the terrain with HFD in max,


cut the terrain into perfect squares (like the terrain editor would) and map them with their own BMP (like you would with Tiles).


make the Sea Plane,


detail w/ airbases, trees, donkeys, stargates, whatever,




do the INI configuration for each Tile.


Remove the Shader for the LAND texture.




shouldnt we (In theory/ concept), be given a Terrain w/ LOD detail, but using Tiles/BMP Textures on the land instead of the shader?

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no one has mentioned it, but i just remembered,


the Carriers in SF2:NA have an "Tower View", looks more like its on top of the tower by the radars though.

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what would happen if you were to say:


build the terrain with HFD in max,


cut the terrain into perfect squares (like the terrain editor would) and map them with their own BMP (like you would with Tiles).


make the Sea Plane,


detail w/ airbases, trees, donkeys, stargates, whatever,




do the INI configuration for each Tile.


Remove the Shader for the LAND texture.




shouldnt we (In theory/ concept), be given a Terrain w/ LOD detail, but using Tiles/BMP Textures on the land instead of the shader?


yes, but if someone actually read what I wrote earlier, such meshes aren't threated as land by engine, you can fly through them... sheesh why I'm bothering with my experiments?


not to mention sea plane has to be different LOD file, not part of the land map, also the chunks have to be exported as individual parts

Edited by Stary

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no one has mentioned it, but i just remembered,


the Carriers in SF2:NA have an "Tower View", looks more like its on top of the tower by the radars though.


...And just HOW do you get that working?


No dice for me :huh:







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F11 key Sidd

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yes, but if someone actually read what I wrote earlier, such meshes aren't threated as land by engine, you can fly through them... sheesh why I'm bothering with my experiments?


not to mention sea plane has to be different LOD file, not part of the land map, also the chunks have to be exported as individual parts



even if you use the "L_meshname.lod" but remove the shader info from the INI?



thats what i meant by export (each individual lod).


i might tinker this weekend, as I can google some decent HFD BMPs to use.


hide water plane, extend parts of the island and create a slope around all of the edges to force the pixel shader to draw the "Sand" looking texture to simulate beaches.

Edited by SkateZilla

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interesting part about the slope SZ, I use standard TE exported heightfields from existing maps, but instead green-orange, convert them to grayscale, seems to me this way I can force Max to "see" more detail in the heightmap

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yeah basically model the shelf, and find a way to make it a lil bit visibile by lowering the sea mesh a teeny bit or something.

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ok, how do you make a hieght map from say, the sat. images on the EarthExplorer/USGS site?

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From my experiments, and this ruins my concepts how this works, the "global" sea that fills the map has to have holes where land meshes are, I thought (and tests proved) that the sea mesh repeats all over, but in NA map in some areas you can see chubks of land hovering ove water with empty holes underneath. Not having the holes in sea mesh causes horrible Z-buffer issues from distance in sea/land transitions.

To me, the more time I spend with it, the old engine with reflective animated water could do just fine at the current new engine's state and info available to us (which is none in fact) :blink:


ok, how do you make a hieght map from say, the sat. images on the EarthExplorer/USGS site?


I use GTOPO 30 DEM, has among other formats grayscale heightmap in it included for given part of the globe. I know GTOPO30 isn't state of the art resolution, but for test work should do just fine

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From my experiments, and this ruins my concepts how this works, the "global" sea that fills the map has to have holes where land meshes are, I thought (and tests proved) that the sea mesh repeats all over, but in NA map in some areas you can see chubks of land hovering ove water with empty holes underneath. Not having the holes in sea mesh causes horrible Z-buffer issues from distance in sea/land transitions.

To me, the more time I spend with it, the old engine with reflective animated water could do just fine at the current new engine's state and info available to us (which is none in fact) :blink:




I use GTOPO 30 DEM, has among other formats grayscale heightmap in it included for given part of the globe. I know GTOPO30 isn't state of the art resolution, but for test work should do just fine


can we stick the new shaders for water on the water int eh old terrains?



I use GTOPO 30 DEM, has among other formats grayscale heightmap in it included for given part of the globe. I know GTOPO30 isn't state of the art resolution, but for test work should do just fine


you have a link?

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can we stick the new shaders for water on the water int eh old terrains?



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F11 key Sidd


Wait, I know that!


How do you get it to work from carriers???









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i havent found a tower view line, it prolly relys on viewpoint for radar position or something.


i just happen to press F11 for giggles one day while on the deck.




Also, if the ground texture is shader rendered, there's gotta be another layer for the IceCaps.

Edited by SkateZilla

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Also, if the ground texture is shader rendered, there's gotta be another layer for the IceCaps.

I guess ice caps are separate mesh mapped with tga or dds for transparency, kinda like IL2 forests, sans multiple layers :dntknw:


I still haven't figured out how to do more than two materials on ground (iceland_dirt1 and rocks ones)

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I have here Water-maps and ini files to get Carrier Single Missions working for:


- Stock Desert

- Stock VietnamSEA

- Stock GermanyCE

- Stock IsrealME

- WaterWorld (although a little bit modified Waterworld)


USN carriers are working Nicely, no escort ships though.

So far only seen the Kiev appear on GermanyCE!? The other four maps somehow do not like the Kiev.


Credits go to PureBlue for his VietnamSEA example


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I have here Water-maps and ini files to get Carrier Single Missions working for:


- Stock Desert

- Stock VietnamSEA

- Stock GermanyCE

- Stock IsrealME

- WaterWorld (although a little bit modified Waterworld)


USN carriers are working Nicely, no escort ships though.

So far only seen the Kiev appear on GermanyCE!? The other four maps somehow do not like the Kiev.


Credits go to PureBlue for his VietnamSEA example




Escorts showed up for me.

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i know i promised the edited AWACs voice this weekend, however, i've spent about 80% of the time from Friday night to this afternoon at Portsmouth Naval Hos. w/ my father.


Will continue working on it in my time after work during the week.

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i know i promised the edited AWACs voice this weekend, however, i've spent about 80% of the time from Friday night to this afternoon at Portsmouth Naval Hos. w/ my father.


Hope he is ok. Handle your business.

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I have here Water-maps and ini files to get Carrier Single Missions working for:


the waterworld is just my WW2 Marianas ... hmm...need to test that in my PTO install...next question is ... are the carriers working??? IF they start workin, it's an easy fix to edit the targets ini . Mymy... Mariana Turkey Shoot time!!


thanks Gerwin!!


edit: quickie fix for teh waterworld ini ... pointer line for the planning may is incorrect should read:






Edited by Wrench

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Anybody who got the crusie missiles figured out?


I tried converting a EOGR missile to crusie missile format; and it ended up overshooting the target, and then backwards.

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