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Which models do you want or need first?  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. Surface combatants

    • USN: Arleigh Burke FltIIA class Aegis destroyer, San Antonio class LPD
    • USN / Taiwan: Kidd class / Kee Lung class destroyer
    • JMSDF: Abukuma, Hatsuyuki, Asagiri, Murasame, Atago, Hyuga
    • Russia: Sovremenny class destroyer, Ka-25 ASW helicopter
    • Royal Navy: Type 45 Daring class destroyer, Albion class LPD
    • PLAN: Jianghu frigate variants, Luda class destroyer, Type 052C class frigate
    • Submarines: Los Angeles, Virginia, Seawolf, Akula, maybe even SSBNs
    • Ground vehicles: Type 90 MBT, M1A2 TUSK, Smerch rocket launcher, etc.
  2. 2. Aircraft carriers

    • Wasp class LHD
    • Kuznetsov (Russia) and Shi Lang (PLAN, ex-Varyag)
    • Charles de Gaulle (France)

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Some French escort vessels will be good too.

We've only La Fayette Class frigates ( 3d Model a bit outdated) and FREMM ones.

Nothing to cover the Cold war period and provide a valuable escort to the Foch and Clemenceau aircraft carriers ( Mirage factory product) or La Fayette and Bois Belleau ( made by YEYE)

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Is there a real foch class somewhere? I've only found frankenships adapted from scb-125 until now

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Is there a real foch class somewhere? I've only found frankenships adapted from scb-125 until now

yes long time ago The Mirage Factory have made a real Foch Class ship


Cheers Eole

Edited by Eole

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  We may need some Chinese ships for them to sink, though!



So far I've done the Yukan and Yuting LSTs, Luda destroyers, Jiangwei destroyers, and Jianghu destroyers. Just for fun, I'm going to throw together the Jianghu-III, the "missing link" between Jianghu and Jiangwei classes:


Then I'll move on to making more modern and dangerous ships.


As for French escorts, I would like to do my own versions of the La Fayette and FREMM someday, and also a Horizon.



The Takanami is nearly finished. Hatsuyuki class and update to Asagiri class are being uploaded tonight.





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Quote WhiteBoySamurai : "As for French escorts, I would like to do my own versions of the La Fayette and FREMM someday, and also a Horizon"


Very good news regard to the high fidelity of your past products :hyper:


The Suffren-class frigate will be a good choice too : designed as escorts for the Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers  ( I like to use this British Type 82 destroyer instead .. better than nothing)




It's a pity I have no 3D modelling skills just INI and skinning, but I have a lot of good materials for all the Cold War "Marine Nationale" 's  vessels (One of my Uncle is a high ranked retired of our Navy : La Royale)

So if you need valuable informations about French Navy (Cold War period) I can help.


Cheers Eole


Edited by Eole2

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Aha, and our Rafale M need a R91 Charles de Gaulle too  good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif

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We have the Aleck product, unfortunately with in build a plenty of low res polys Rafales stuck on the deck, I tried to ask him to remove them from his 3D model but no answer for now :closedeyes:


Edited by Eole2

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yes long time ago The Mirage Factory have made a real Foch Class ship


Below the SF2 version


Unzip to your ground object mod folder


Cheers Eole


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Very good news regard to the high fidelity of your past products :hyper:


The Suffren-class frigate will be a good choice too : designed as escorts for the Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers  ( I like to use this British Type 82 destroyer instead .. better than nothing)




It's a pity I have no 3D modelling skills just INI and skinning, but I have a lot of good materials for all the Cold War "Marine Nationale" 's  vessels (One of my Uncle is a high ranked retired of our Navy : La Royale)

So if you need valuable informations about French Navy (Cold War period) I can help.


Cheers Eole


I'll consider the Suffren class. But I'll need 3-view diagrams and photos.


Working on the Kongo right now. I've completely rebuilt the bridge and most of the superstructure.


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OK I'll send you a PM with all the Suffren Class 3-view diagrams and photos and other materials I have ASAP.


Nice work on the Kongo

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Sorry for the delay some RL issues


Attached file with in it 3-view diagrams and documentations ( a big part in French in way of translation)


Suffren Class Frigate.7z

Edited by Eole
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And i keep using Kashins and Spruances for Suffrens and Leygues classes... sigh

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Thanks for the materials, Eole2. It's a big help. 

I really wish I had a partner who could help build the European ships and other vessels I'm less familiar with. It's hard running a one-man shipyard...


The new Kongo model is done, and I've started re-texturing. Even the parts of the ship that I didn't completely rebuild have been remapped for more detail and less memory usage. I'm pretty sure this will be my best-looking ship yet.




So you're probably wondering, "what's taking so long with the Essex?" It's the mapping. Well, the thing is, I started this model before I had a complete grasp of ambient occlusion. That's the thing I do to add natural shadows to the model's texture and make it look more real. The uvw mapping needs to be done in a specific way (i.e. no overlapping areas) in order for the ambient occlusion to come out correctly, and it's taking foreeeeever on this model because of the complexity and my own lack of foresight.  I also outsourced on many components (some CA members donated parts from abandoned models, etc), and those parts aren't optimized for it either. 


For example, the ship has an open hangar. I'm hoping aircraft parking can be added down there, but at very least I can put some lights on the ceiling or whatever. Here's the view from the main elevator:


So I have the details on the outside of the hull, the insides and outsides of the hull itself, the insides and outsides of the walkway around the edge of the deck. And they all overlap when unwrapping and I've had to separate them out by hand. I really painted myself into a corner (no pun intended).


Were it not for this, I could just box map, slap a basic paintjob on the boat, and call it a day. But I know you guys expect better from me, so I'm not cutting any corners.


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we REALLY appreciate all the hard work.


I don't think you can set a 'parking slot' in the hangar bay, but one could always build a static into the lod (but why add extra work)?

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So there's no z-axis for parking spots? Hmm... I guess when I release the Essex, I'll just supply the coordinates in case someone wants to do the "this plane is actually a missile that never shoots" method of putting stuff in the hangar.



Testing out the Kongo in game while I work on textures:


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You could try adding a second deck lod with a separate entry from the flight deck in the data ini to represent the hanger deck.  

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You could try adding a second deck lod with a separate entry from the flight deck in the data ini to represent the hanger deck.  


I'm not sure if the game engine can support more than one flight deck, but it's worth a shot.



Kongo is close to being finished. I think it looks much better than my old model, but judge for yourself.


You can also notice the ambient occlusion I was talking about when comparing these shots to my previous post.


At 44000 polygons on the close-in lod, this is my third most complex model (so far) after the Tico and Sovremenny. 


The VLS hatches are the same as before, just re-textured individually and much prettier. Too bad you can't hop out of a helicopter and walk around the deck.


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Minor texture update for Takanami is up. 

Overhaul of the Kongo is also up.



Just in case you don't feel like bothering to re-download and update: This is not only one of my best-looking models so far (in my humble opinion) but probably the best 3D model of the Kongo available on the internet. It would cost you a few hundred dollars for something like this or this, with 5-6 times the poly count, flat grey featureless textures, guns and other major components that are just entirely incorrect, etc. I'm still not nearly a pro at this, but I think I'm getting pretty good at my modelling niche, especially when it comes to my favorite ships.


Along with the model itself, the Kongo's data has also been updated so that it can lead an escort flotilla. Task groups in the JMSDF are centered around either a DDH (coming to SF2 eventually), or a DDG like the Kongo or Atago.





I've been spending so much time on super-high-detail ships that I'm thinking of doing another low-poly vehicle pack before I finish anything else. You guys need more targets, right?

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We need more ground targets, like spanish vehicles, yes, also the soviet Kamov naval helicopters will be a blast.


But that Kongo is just wonderful, thanks fr crearing it, It will be great trying to defend it.

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when you need gas SacTown has all the comforts of home just a hose, rope or chopper away


Edited by colmack
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Nice AOE, colmack! I'd like to see some replenishment ships other than the generic fleet oiler in the game.


I'm starting to put together some PLA vehicles.


I started with a Type 69 tank (work in progress), which I can then mod into a bunch of other Chinese tanks derived from that design.



There will be some air defense units too. I got to re-use the 37mm guns from my PLAN ships here.




And I did a little bit more work on my other big project.






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Sorry, work at the shipyard has been a little slow. I took a break from the big projects and ground vehicles pack to overhaul the last few ships I hadn't gotten around to, the Jiangwei frigates. I corrected some realism mistakes, optimized the models, and completely redid the mapping and skins. I also finished the Jianghu-III, so now we'll have nearly every Chinese surface combatant from the 60's to mid 90's. Parts from these will also be used in other PLAN ships I'm working on.




These will be uploaded either before or after this weekend.

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