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Hello gang,


Wondering if in the massive array of awesome aircraft for the "2" series of this sim, whether there is a Photo Crusader for this fun-loving photo-taking Crusader nut? Have checked here,at C5, and A-Team .... Kind of doubt it, but I thought I'd ask just in case.


thanks so much,



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Check out Yankee Air Pirate for a WoV version of the RF-8... but beware, if you tell Zero-Cinco you are just buying his products for the models, he'll get angry and say he doesn't want your money (after happily taking it). You can only use YAP products the way Zero-Cinco specifies and if you ever release a screenshot showing the products being used in "unauthorized" ways, be prepared for hellfire and brimstone to rain down upon you :)

Edited by streakeagle
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YAP has got the RF-8G


another team is working (slowly) on the RF-8A

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And as we all know zerocinco is an asshole.

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And as we all know zerocinco is an asshole.


I take it you're not a fan of his then?

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He must be really pissed off at Insky, then. Crap rains upon everybody, old chinese proverb.

Edited by macelena

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hmm, aren't there recon crusaders in SF2:V Air & Ground expansion?

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YAP has got the RF-8G


another team is working (slowly) on the RF-8A


and Volker has the RF-8A :grin:

and a RF-8G can easily made from that model


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and Volker has the RF-8A :grin:

and a RF-8G can easily made from that model





Das Flugzeug!!! pilotfly.gif

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I take it you're not a fan of his then?


Whatever gave you that impression?

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Thanks for the replies,


First, I had no idea about the YAP drama - and frankly I have no appetite to engage in it. This is a hobby, for goodness sakes. If I choose to buy it, I'll enjoy it as I see fit.


On YAP, I was unclear as to whether YAP2 was intended for the 2nd gen SF series - if someone can clarify to what extent, if any, YAP+WoV2 work well together, that would be most appreciated.


Failing that, I'm just thrilled to hear about a project by Ravenclaw/Volker et al - though gauging from the screen, it looks to be a good while yet from completion. I'll happily wait (if not easily, though! :) )since I have had such an amazing experience with the Ravenclaw (el al) Bucc. That was the first mod I installed when I got into the 2nd Gen games, and the prospect of an RF-8 A or G of that caliber is just pure delight.


On the Air & Ground Expansion, it references A and G models, but I assumed they were clean fighter models repainted to sit in for actual photo models. Perhaps someone can confirm that ...?







Edited by deltalima

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i got the RF-8A model 1or2 months ago from Crusader , it is a TMF model and needs some rework a cockpit and some nice skins so it is a lot of work that i can not do this year but maybe next year

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Thanks, just to confirm ... :)



Confirmed that YAP works with WoV2, or confirmed that A&G Gold RF-8 Crusaders are indeed repainted fighters?








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YAP is SF1 only



Perfect, thanks - that answers my question. Then it's the painted up pseudo RF-8s as part of A&G Gold for now, until Ravenclaw and team works their magic. That works - Gold looks like fun, and I'm really enjoying the fighter version Crusader in the new WoV2, so life's still pretty good.



Raven, thanks for piping in. This will definitely be the mod I most look forward to. I've collected almost every publication on the Crusader, so if perchance you or your team need any reference material, I'm happy to provide. I'm certainly no pilot, fulltime historian, mechanic, or other formal F-8 subject matter expert. But I worked with Alphasim on QC/beta on their FS9 payware model back around 2005 - so yeah, I'm a bit of a "'Sader" nerd.


Thanks for the replies, and cheers all!



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Perfect, thanks - that answers my question. Then it's the painted up pseudo RF-8s as part of A&G Gold for now, until Ravenclaw and team works their magic. That works - Gold looks like fun, and I'm really enjoying the fighter version Crusader in the new WoV2, so life's still pretty good.



Raven, thanks for piping in. This will definitely be the mod I most look forward to. I've collected almost every publication on the Crusader, so if perchance you or your team need any reference material, I'm happy to provide. I'm certainly no pilot, fulltime historian, mechanic, or other formal F-8 subject matter expert. But I worked with Alphasim on QC/beta on their FS9 payware model back around 2005 - so yeah, I'm a bit of a "'Sader" nerd.


Thanks for the replies, and cheers all!




send over what ever you have on material that saves as a lot of time looking for it :grin:

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Nice to,see another Sader freak. I too have just about everything ever made about the F-8. Best fighter in Vietnam.

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send over what ever you have on material that saves as a lot of time looking for it :grin:



Heve got something too Volker, will send it in the related PM! :cool:

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send over what ever you have on material that saves as a lot of time looking for it :grin:



Hello RC,


PM me with what you need. It's mostly in book/document form, so I would need to know what you are looking for. I tried to email, but the system didn't allow that.






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Just saw this this in the screenshots thread ....






Whose model is that - looks nice!!





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That is the YAP RF-8G with a skin I did for it.

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Very smart looking .... though I thought YAP and 2nd gen games didn't play well, as per Ravenclaw's comment earlier in the thread .... and I'm assuming this is the 2nd gen game given it was in the 2nd gen screenshot section ... am I missing something?




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Read the knowledge base.

there you can find how to make a SF1 Aircraft flyable in SF2.

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OK - fair enough. I just figured there was some merit in the perspective from the guy who recently launched a significant mod (S.2 Bucc) for both the 1st and 2nd gen platforms.


I'll keep digging through the KB ...



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