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Can't wait Paulo! good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif








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Can't wait Paulo! good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif



Only few more skins .... some more little FM tweakings and maybe another model touch and here we are, Pierre!





These are for Stratos.


I'ld remember to do a fake Parani skin too by gentle request ....



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Enjoy your new rig Sid!



Radio Free Europe?

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Spinners,... very good action screen!!!


Mirage over its air base...





Edited by Coupi
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Starting to get the hang of it again.
Winter over Europe.

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Gemini 10 recovery


Edited by colmack
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Sundowner's re-image of the F-101C.




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Waldo, waldo man 
I've got to be, a waldo man 
Waldo, waldo man 

I've got to be a waldo!


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Il-28 short wings version or maybe naval wingfolded version..

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Edited by Kulbit80
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