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My Son is a lucky lad!

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He's off to St Omer, for a four day school trip...revisiting Ypes, the Somme etc, for his History Exams!


I've instructed him to take as many photo's as possible! :grin:

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And we're instructing you to post them! :grin: Geo-tagged, with captions!


Hope he has a fun, safe and meaningful trip!

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Actually, he's lucky because he has a great father.

What I know you, Simon, from this forum, I don't doubt it.


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Wow sounds like an incredible trip, can't wait to see the pics.

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Maybe they need chaperones? :dntknw:

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Actually, he's lucky because he has a great father.

What I know you, Simon, from this forum, I don't doubt it.



That's very kind...thank you :drinks:

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I wish we would have made such interesting school trips - good luck for your son's journey, Widow, and indeed - we want some photos!

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I hope he has the same sort of experience I had as a boy when we went on a Boy Scout field trip to Fort Ticonderoga in upstate NY. I was only eight or so, but being there made what happened there all the more real and got me interested in history.

Just to add to the day, there was a man working there in the restoration projects who was a history teacher in a nearby high school and he gathered a bunch of us to go on a walkabout outside the fort, down towards the lake. We dug about as he instructed, and found arrow heads and musket balls ourselves!


What a day it was, and I wish the same sort of thing for your son.


One day I should very much like to visit England and France to do the same thing there.

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Lucky indeed! No such school trips when I was a boy. "Today children I have something very special planned for you. We're going to take a tour of the cardboard box factory ... again."



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Hmmm... - mine was actually not SO bad - we went to see the cast iron works in my hometown.

(I was one of the last who saw it - only 2 years later it was torn down.)

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Lucky indeed! No such school trips when I was a boy. "Today children I have something very special planned for you. We're going to take a tour of the cardboard box factory ... again."




I know that feeling. I think we made only one interesting trip during all the years I spent at school. But I had my revenge on the teachers by being an enfant terrible. :grin:


Widowmaker, your son is indeed lucky. :drinks:

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