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Strike Fighters : Android Edition

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I'll take a hovercraft


ops! I did not wrote that

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Ok, so it does seem like quite simply TK isn't seriously looking beyond what he's doing right now. He's committed to that and spends little time on out-year planning. That's fine, he's got stuff to do for now.


Modders simply have to gamble.


As for why he thinks a feature will cost more than some of us do, my guess is he HAS planned those features out already. He figured what he wanted to do to achieve it and then how much it would cost. Some of us might have thought of a "simpler" way that may or may not be cheaper or feasible, but I think after all this time we should recognize that while TK may listen to our suggestions for features, he doesn't listen as to the method of including those features we suggest. His plan says "X costs $Y" because that's how he'd do it, and while we might think "but if you do Z to implement X it will cost only 10% of $Y!" he's tuning that out. It's hard to argue with success. Maybe it's not a runaway success, but it has been succeeding enough for now that it makes sense he wouldn't listen to others advice when doing it HIS way has enabled him to carry on.


So all we can really do is vote with our wallets. If the product is a good value to us, we should get it. If not, skip it.


I WILL comment that I hope NA isn't a sign of the new direction his releases will take. Previous titles featured multiple flyables, some unique to that one (F-16 in Israel for example) and others appearing elsewhere (like F-4E). NA only gave us ONE new flyable (granted it was more than just an earlier/later model of an existing plane) and just one previously released flyable, if you install it alone, with a new terrain (and the new naval features). The 2 expansions offered more new planes (albeit using existing terrains)! The previous titles generally were 6-8 flyables + a terrain. If current economics mean TK will be releasing an expansion as 2 flyables + some AI on an existing terrain, and a new title is 2 flyables + some AI on a new terrain, that's not looking so good.


How can there be a Korean War game with that model? We'd get the Korean terrain, a flyable F-86 and P-51 and some AI friendlies, MiGs, and Yaks? Oh, I suppose we'd have the FJ-2 one, too, flying off a carrier? I'm sorry but that sounds anemic to me. I hope I'm wrong about that, but unlike NA and the others Korea wouldn't merge well. Sure we could use the terrain with more recent planes for later scenarios like the USS Pueblo, but few existing planes will work then. Most of the ones for Exp 1 would be too old, the jets are all too new. He'd have to make at least 6 flyables IMO to make it worthwhile.

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Ok, so it does seem like quite simply TK isn't seriously looking beyond what he's doing right now. He's committed to that and spends little time on out-year planning. That's fine, he's got stuff to do for now.


Modders simply have to gamble.


As for why he thinks a feature will cost more than some of us do, my guess is he HAS planned those features out already. He figured what he wanted to do to achieve it and then how much it would cost. Some of us might have thought of a "simpler" way that may or may not be cheaper or feasible, but I think after all this time we should recognize that while TK may listen to our suggestions for features, he doesn't listen as to the method of including those features we suggest. His plan says "X costs $Y" because that's how he'd do it, and while we might think "but if you do Z to implement X it will cost only 10% of $Y!" he's tuning that out. It's hard to argue with success. Maybe it's not a runaway success, but it has been succeeding enough for now that it makes sense he wouldn't listen to others advice when doing it HIS way has enabled him to carry on.



I really really doubt that adding slewable radar cursor is doable with mods.

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As far as new content goes, I don't think there's anything wrong with SF2NA.


The terrain is a tad disappointing, but even the screens I've seen of DCS's terrain don't look all that exciting. If I had a fortune, I'd pay it to have a global terrain like FSX or Outerra.


But as far as ground units and planes, it's got plenty.

Edited by eraser_tr

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Fix-A-Flat .... need some....


DCS's Terrain TBH looks just as old as SF2s, the exception being the GPU eating water shaders.

Isnt that supposed to change with Nevada though?


SF2:NA's terrain, looks and feels incomplete.

Flying through a village/airstrip with structures that arent even texture mapped,if there's any structures at all half the time,

Parts of the scattered islands are perfect squares even on high/unlimited everything.

No Transitional Shaders/Tiles/Textures at all...

No Custom Tiles... Everything is either the Shiny Water or the same Colored Texture-Shader for the ground

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I really really doubt that adding slewable radar cursor is doable with mods.

I think GM mode with targets locking would be simplier to implement, and badly needed

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TBH, a System that Incorporated a reverse Fuel Flow isnt that hard. We've have mods that do this already.



To make it more realistic, add a new system, and assign a key, and enable collision box linking, so you can actually connect to booms instead of flying through them. and simulate the coordinates similar to TailHook/Wires are simulated, once connected, initiate the transfer using the assigned key, which will start a reverse fuel flow system, while your normal engines are running.


SZ ,thanks for those awesome information

if there is a mod for air refueling for SF2 can you post it's link here? and what do you mean by '' add new system '' exactly?


I think GM mode with targets locking would be simplier to implement, and badly needed

+1 very badly need it , imagine you can chose any target in the area you are flying over and send your Jdam right on the head of that target

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but that goes beyond TK's idea of simple&fun I guess (but we can have pretty nice yet "simple" A2A radar modes) the unability of selecting any ground structure for guided weapons in indeed annoying -that's why I usually pack heavy iron myself

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If we model some buildings and give them the codes of planes with no engines and place them in the map the radar will identefy them as airplanes and then we can install a jdam or guided bomb model on an air to air code with a tweak that simulate the behave of a guided bomb

So in the game while flying we will detect those frames by the air to air radar and attack them using the slew method by the help of the f14 avionics using the fake jdams? Is this what you mean? If so then you have just beaten TK

We can also put lights to those fake ground targets for better felling while night raids

Edited by Teras

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that would mess up alot of things sadly, from parked aircrafts to mission generator


all I meant is that TK's implementation of A2A modes, while simplified works very plausible so to say, sorry for not making myself clear

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Ahh well no problem mate

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Can we try to ask to TK "how we can mod those radar mods ourselves"? Or you guys already asked?

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Can we try to ask to TK?

Well if you are lucky, he will awnser....

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Yeah, equivalent functionality of ground radar to the A2A modes would be great, especially for longer range A2G weapons. It shouldn't be too difficult to use alot of the same code.


But at shorter range, the current system works nicely and and lets you focus on delivery rather than locking up the right target. Though a bombing aid prior to CCIP using HUD's would be a godsend. Doesn't need to be a super accurate representation of DIANE or LABS, but a generic and simple system that would work across the F-4, A-6, F-105 and others.

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Well if you are lucky, he will awnser....


He answered me regarding the kickstarter idea, maybe he will answer again this time. But what should I ask?

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if he considers adding any A2G radar functionality beyond what's avaiable -last time ground radar got some work was when it was finally included to avionics70 lib IIRC (WOI...2008)

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i think answering the same question over and over again in emails forums etc is annoying both TK and DanW.

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i think answering the same question over and over again in emails forums etc is annoying both TK and DanW.


I don't believe he will add anything more functionality to the radars, he already stated it, being too hard to add, and not matching his idea of fun/difficulty but maybe "we" (as you guys the community modders) can add those features as a mod If he teaches us how "we" can do it.

Edited by Stratos

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or we can move to a new platform, where each jet/module has their own systems realistically modeled and not using a generic system.

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we don't have the source code , modeling and modding new feature such as radars means doing new avionics.dll

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it's all up to the man and his idea of fun in the end


as we're in droid version topic -anyone noticed what looks like new clouds (or background dome?) in that blurry screenshot?

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I'm working on one but no good results (if you'd like to have fake twilight all day and night that is)

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