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I've recently noticed that when using a JDAM against a target while in level flight, the bomb always continues in a shallow sloping flightpath and overshoots the target by at least a mile. I just recently noticed this because I have not used JDAM often. I have tried releasing the weapons at several different ranges and altitudes, but with no difference. I can release the bomb in a dive toward a target at close range and it will guide, but in a B-1B or B-52 this is not an ideal employment method. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how to fix it.

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I have the same problem, and also a problem with ANY GPS weapons... found that out earlier while testing a good distance to release JSOWs on the Libya map. Unfortunately the link below (the post is almost at the bottom of the page) figured the problem out so no, it's not just you.



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i have tested lately a bunch of weapons including GPS bombs and missiles and i did not encounter any problems at all :dunno:


i´m still on nov2011 patch

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Thanks EricJ I'll take a look at that.


Ravenclaw, I am using the jul2012 patch so this might be the problem. Thanks for the info.

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I have the same problem, and also a problem with ANY GPS weapons... found that out earlier while testing a good distance to release JSOWs on the Libya map. Unfortunately the link below (the post is almost at the bottom of the page) figured the problem out so no, it's not just you.




Thanks for the link, however is there some sort of edit I can do to revert the GPS weapons settings to pre-june2012 patch? Just wondering because I usually use JDAM with heavy bombers and a diving attack is not an easy thing to do in an aircraft that large and bulky?



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latest patch, the same issue with JDAMs, must be something the patch "introduced"

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It's been awhile since I've used JDAMs, guess I'll check later

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Thanks for the link, however is there some sort of edit I can do to revert the GPS weapons settings to pre-june2012 patch? Just wondering because I usually use JDAM with heavy bombers and a diving attack is not an easy thing to do in an aircraft that large and bulky?




I'll see what I can do later on today...

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Best attempt is use the screenshot below as a gauge, or "box" method if you will. Using a GBU-31 I managed to drop it just on the bottom of the box I'm in, then pitched down generally towards the target and pickled the bomb, striking the target. It's a bit rough as I don't use the distance to target box but a little practice you should get it.



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Note that was July2012 patch level

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Note that was July2012 patch level


I'll give that a try, thanks again!

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No problem!

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so does the July update fix the GPS issue?

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Nope, it's part of the July 2012 issue, I just figured how to at least get the bomb on target better.

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I'm on June Update still, I have the problem

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tested yesterday, release at about 3,5 mil from target runway at quite low level (around 3000-3500 ft, had to dodge some missiles exchanges from two other flights around) and my bombs fell as should for a second, then leveled to start going up! Yes went up maintaining leveled position :not_i: my wingman's bombs behaved correctly

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I guess I'll stick with the Dumb-bombs, I'm pretty good with those anyways. Except in heavies, how the heck am I supposed to accurately drop dumb-bombs on target with a B-52 or a B-1B

Edited by RogerSmith

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hint: this game doesn't simulate heavies that good :wink: as for Bone I'd fly it soo low and fast I'd no need any accuracy


back on topic, it's the patch thing then, right?

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Carrying 50+ Mk82s means never having to aim well. :biggrin:

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Well, technically considering the series doesn't address campaigns past the early 1980s, it's surprising that there is any support for GPS weapons at all.


Having said that, it's a bummer the latest patches 'broke' them. Since GPS weapons are coordinate weapons, they work similar to INS weapons (in fact a lot of GPS weapons are actually INS weapons with GPS updating). has anyone tried to switch to INS guidance with low CEP to see if they work properly?



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Ornance download seems to have corrected the problem with GBU-10/12/etc, but now it seems to only affect the JDAMs

Edited by RogerSmith

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