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Finally Laid to Rest

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Well done .... :salute:

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RIP brave souls.

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I got obsessed with RAF Bomber Command after reading Martin Middlebrooks' books back in the early 90s. The sheer guts that those lads had to have to go out on those missions is something you won't find much of thses days.

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Any recovery is VERY MUCH worth the effort, be it the enemy or the own side. Attended a presentation some years ago by Col. de Jong, CO of the RNlAF Recovery Unit. Amazing, moving, sometimes magical stories with splendid results, and always enormous relief by the families when te loved ones somehow return after so many years ......... And even today there are finds.... http://www.amsterdam...ilitary-history


At this time the KLu Identification Unit is busy finding out who it was, and the soldier will probably be reunited with his comrades and be buried at the Oosterbeek War Cemetary.

Right in my own village the remains of an 51 Sq RAF Halifax were located and a memorial stone was erected at the place of the crash, attended by the families of the crew and members of the squadron. Moving and very worthwhile !!!

Edited by Derk

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