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Didn't see this posted already. New DLC is out.

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No slotted stab.


The N didn't get the drooping ailerons. That's just J, K and S.

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I would love to get someday DLC "proper HUD collimation"...

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The N didn't get the drooping ailerons. That's just J, K and S.


Are you sure? As far as my research goes, they were fitted to the B in the late '60s (after the F-4J entered service), so I am sure the N had them as well. Does the DLC F-4N have them? I bet it doesn't...

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do you have pics, Blade, of the N TPS birds? not because i doubt but i sure could use em for reference! you are correct sir on VF-21 and 154, i based my info offa book from 85 but it wasnt at school with me this afternoon so i got it jumbled in my head. didn't know the Marines used TPS on their N's though makes sense as they used em longer. and as far as i knew drooping ailerons were retrofitted as part of BEE LINE. will look it up after dinner for sure..

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The F-4Bs had their chin IRST replaced with RWR antennas similar to F-4C/F-4D (the F-4C never had an IRST, just an empty fairing and early F-4Ds were slick noses like F-4Js). As the RWR's capabilities were expanded, the chin fairing gained bulges. Look at F-4B photos and you can see this evolution. The F-4Ns were made much later, but the chin fairings went back to the original streamlined shape used by the original F-4Bs. So my question: is the chin fairing on an F-4N still a RWR antenna, empty, or was the IRST restored by given that the RWR could have been relocated to match F-4J/F-4S which have no chin fairing? From all of my reading, I doubt the IRST was restored, but if the both the money and space were there, it would have been smart to restore it. I will have to review my references to find out.

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Spirit in the Skies implies that the AAA-4 was never removed from the F-4Bs and the RWR antennas were just shoehorned in around it with the F-4N retaining the never removed AAA-4. But I am pretty sure another source which I can't recall had the AAA-4 being removed and never being restored. Can't remember the other source.

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Every written description I have read in regular books indicates that many F-4Bs and ALL F-4Ns had slotted stabilators. Locked inboard leading edge flaps are also mentioned every single time.

However, the F-4B/F-4N manual I have which was up-to-date as of 1975 makes no mention of the locked leading edge flaps, only the original operation is described while some later modifications to the operation of the blown flaps system are described. There should have been separate performance charts for aircraft with slotted stabilators as well since it affected landing speeds, but no such charts exist. Don't know if this is due to the manual being too close to the initial flights of the F-4N. The few clear photos I can find of F-4Ns either clearly show the slotted stabilator or the leading edge is too indistinct to tell one way or the other.

I can also say for sure that dropped ailerons have not been added.


I have no further info on AN/AAA-4 in F-4B and F-4N aircraft.

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I think I need a plate for my crow.


I started looking around for pics of the slotted stabilator and found droopy ailerons! That sure looks like an F-4N from here, doesn't it?



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yep looks like from their last cruise before the Tomcats. if you look closely says N above the BuNo. plus the B never got the DECM as a B, but the N and RF's got the longer DECM due to where they had to plug the cable on the basic B airframe as opposed to the basic J. still can't see a slotted stab tho! research (to include convo's on CA) sho that the J started the slatted stab, then was retrofitted to select B's, all N and select RF-4Bs that went thru the SURE upgrade. S had the stabs and DECM by virtue of being J's in 78 during the conversion (DECM was added in 74-75 timeframe).

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A DLC postcard ...


And old F-4N skins recycled (olny changed F-4B_67 to F-N in textures' names)


They seem to fit well on new model.


they should fit, it's the same external 3d Model, w/ the structural changes (added antenna's etc)

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do you have pics, Blade, of the N TPS birds?


Sure. I will upload or link more if I have the time.











Edited by Blade

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thanks Blade. VF-202 makes my project screwy now tho with full color and loviz...... oddly the CAG bird in those is loviz while the line bird is full color! prob just make em all loviz for that unit/skin.

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thanks Blade. VF-202 makes my project screwy now tho with full color and loviz...... oddly the CAG bird in those is loviz while the line bird is full color! prob just make em all loviz for that unit/skin.


I also prefer the full loviz one. Three more:








Slotted stabilators are clearly visible. It's a shame that the DLC N lacks them...

Edited by Blade
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I didn't make myself clear: TK's new N-model definitely did not implement droopy ailerons.

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BTW, I am still sure that locked inboard LEFs, drooping ailerons and slotted stabilators were standard features of the F-4B from about '67-68 (see the photos below). This means that the N had them as well.


This photo was taken in 1971.




This photo was taken in Feb 1968.



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I didn't make myself clear: TK's new N-model definitely did not implement droopy ailerons.


well (based of commentary from other DLC releases) maybe his ad slogan is "Not accurate, but the same price and healthier than a 1/4 lb cheeseburger!"


excellent shots Blade. however i do disagree, from what i read in Spirit in the Skies, and Grey Ghosts, those items didn't come standard on the B but rather were applied as aircraft came off the line and went thru depot maintenence. it also seems that most birds went PACFLT and to Nam after retrofit, as most (yeah not all but most) pics of such birds are somewhere round Yankee, Dixie stations or Miramar..........

Edited by daddyairplanes

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What´s wrong with Phantom DLCs? I mean, the extendable nose gear on F-4K could be hard to get done properly, but wasn´t this OK in the older navy Phantoms?

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i'm talking bout commentary in each thread for every DLC thats been released Macelena. such as white tailcodes on Euro 1 green fer example........... over all i like TKs work and try not to be too bad a rivet counter but some things do stand out esp when it your fav aircraft. and it not like the slotted stab has to be invented with a J and late E models in game........

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i'm talking bout commentary in each thread for every DLC thats been released Macelena. such as white tailcodes on Euro 1 green fer example........... over all i like TKs work and try not to be too bad a rivet counter but some things do stand out esp when it your fav aircraft. and it not like the slotted stab has to be invented with a J and late E models in game........


I didn´t mean that, but there is any Phantom DLC right? the Japanese, maybe. I mean some things are understandable. OK with the F-4K. The tail markings in the phantom skins are explained...but not satisfactory, to say it some way. Now...this? How could they get it wrong?

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Did some digging around. Drooping ailerons and locking the inboard LEF are added to F-4B sometime before 1972, slatted tails are supposed to go with the conversion, but didn't always happen. F-4N was all of the ongoing fleet mods PLUS avionics and life extension.


So what we need is a patch to put the ailerons right on the N and change the tail. As was mentioned, should be easy since those features are already part of other models.


TK has an opportunity to separate some of us fools and our money with an F-4B(69) or something depicting the planes that got the new droops but not the extensive rebuild.


Somewhere in here he's also got a chance at some filthy lucre and selling us an F-4J that's got the ALQ-126 fairings and AYK-14 gun sight.


I'm a generous enough soul to fork over the cash for those DLC. I love all the tiny variations.

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If I can't have the sharkmouth on the VF-111, I don't need it.......... Too bad!

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well if its markings that are whats messed up thats too easy to pop out a mod fix for. time to do the last two units are all thats holding up my USAF DLC mod



but if he could add a new DECM he couldnt bring the old stab from the J? budget shall hold up my buying the N so i will gripe a bit longer...............

(hey it is a soldiers inherent right to bitch)


and stingray i'll take a look in my files tonight. have a BLN decal placement set for the noses, and think i have the sharkmouth included. if so i'll upload decal.ini and sharkmouth to this thread

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