+ST0RM 145 Posted October 21, 2013 I'm Boom135. Couldn't get Storm, as there were already a lot of versions in place. Just added you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted October 23, 2013 You are playing on US server? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted October 25, 2013 (edited) I was a while offline. Thatswhy my opinion about the development lines comes now. Personally i like the german and the soviet med lines. For the germans i liked the czech vehicles, the P35t and P38t. Both are great fun beasts. I like the P3/4 and then the VK3001D, which is my favorite. For the soviets i like the T-34 and T-34/85. Nice vehicles. And in my eyes the soviet T-28 is a real fun tank. You need the long 57mm gun, a camo net and the bino optics. Then play it like a tank destroyer. One of the most underestimated tanks. Tier 2 and 3 are still fun. Tier 4 becomes painfull. Tier 5 is the best for farming credits. You must decide which tanks you want to play in the higher tiers. And this line you must develope. Edited October 25, 2013 by Gepard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted October 26, 2013 The problem is, when you reach the 38t na, you will be a scount in Tier 8 and higher matches. You just need to die trough it, than the fun begins again. T-28 is great, its huge, but you can fight down a Matilda easily. A KV1 has some problems to fight against a tilly, but if you know the weakspots... a T-28 is just enough for it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted October 26, 2013 For patch 8.9 a new free tank is announced. We will get the Tier 2 light american tank T7. No idea, what this is. But if it is scrap, then we have a new free slot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted October 26, 2013 New free tank? Ok that`s nice, during the time, WOT gave me over 5 free slots so far.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted October 29, 2013 (edited) Seit Patch 8.8 macht es wieder Spaß mit Maschinenkanonen zu spielen. Man muß jetzt nur noch den Feuerknopf drücken und dann rattert die MK das ganze Magazin leer. War ja vorher anders, da mußte man für jede Salve einzeln drücken. Das habe ich per Zufall gestern mitbekommen und gleich mal meine leichten Tanks ausgepackt. Der T2Light macht nun viel Freude. Der ist schnell und die 20mm Knappe macht ordentlich Schaden. Mit dem PzIIG habe ich einige wüste Gefechte durchgestanden. Das letzte war auf Provinz. Ich stelle mich immer gern auf die linke Seite, dort wo die Häuserreihe ist. Da ich immer Tarnnetz und Scherenfernrohr dabei habe ist dort die perfekte Aufklärerposition. Man muß sich nur ab und zu mal hinter den großen Felsen verstecken wenn man beschossen wird. Nach einer Weile wieder auftauchen, warten bis nach 3 Sekunden das Scherenfernrohr aktiv wird und dann sieht man sehr oft den Gegner auf dem Feld. Schell eine Salve hineingepumpt und zum nachladen wieder in Deckung. Und das ganze zig mal hintereinander. Lief auch ganz gut. Ich hatte 1 Abschuss und der LTP der mit mir auf der Flanke herumstand machte 2 Kills. Nur unsere Deppen auf der rechten Flanke versauten die Sache fast. Sie ließen sich einer nach dem anderen abknallen. Als es dann 4 : 7 gegen uns stand verließ ich meine Position und fuhr nach Osten. Dabei entdeckte ich, daß der Gegner zum Sturmangriff ansetzte und uns mit 5 Fahrzeugen attackierte. Ich zerstörte einen Cruiser III, während meine verbliebenen Kumpels einen PzIC und eine Su-26 zerstörten. Ein M3 Stuart attackierte unsere Anhöhe und knackte einen unserer Verteidiger, während sich der feindliche LTP in unsere Basis setzte. Das sah jetzt ganz böse für uns aus. wir hatten einen LTP, einen T2 Light und einen Panzerjäger I. Die hatten einen Stuart, LTP und eine SU-76. Unser Glück war, daß sich die SU-76 auf der anderen Flanke herumtrieb und der LTP unsere Basis eroberte, also den Stuart auch nicht unterstützen konnte. Ich umging den Stuart und beschoß ihn mit zwei Salven. Dann zog ich mich zurück. Während er sich auf mich konzentrierte griffen der LTP und der PJI von der anderen Seite an. Dann bin ich wieder aufgetaucht ballere eine dritte Salve, bekomme aber auch einige Treffer Gegenfeuer ab. Dann trifft der Panzerjäger und der Stuart platzt. Nun wird die Zeit knapp. Unsere Basis ist bereits zu 70% erobert. Also gebe ich Gas und jage mit vollem Speed den Hang hinab um den LTP zu finden. Ich entdecke ihn, gebe ihm eine volle Salve und da das nicht reichtum ihn abzufackeln, weil viele Geschosse einfach nur abprallen, ramme ich ihn noch. Als Ergebnis steht er in Flammen, ich habe nur noch 50% Lebenspunkte und die Ketten sind ab. Und die Su-76 taucht am Horizont auf. Also Werkzeugkiste aktiviert, Ketten draufgeschmissen und ab gehts. Einen Augenblick später knallts an der Stelle wo ich gerade noch stand. Ich jage voran, versuche in den toten Winkel der Su-76 zu gelangen. Zum Glück sind der LTP und der PJ heran und nehmen die Su unter Feuer. Die zieht sich hinter die Häuser in der Mitte des Tals zurück. Ich umgehe die Häuser und stoßé von hinten auf die Su-76, die sich bereit macht den frontal attackierenden LTP zu empfangen. Nach einer langen Salve ist sie nur noch Schrott. Ich liebe meinen PzIIG!!!!! Man ist zwar fast immer eines der schwächsten Fahrzeuge, aber trotzdem fahre ich ihn recht erfolgreich. 106 Gefechte und 103 Abschüsse. Für einen leichten Tier 3 Panzer ist das nicht übel. Patch 8.9 soll morgen auf dem EURO Server aufgespielt werden. Es gibt eine neue Reihe deutscher Panzerjäger und ein paar neue Premiumpanzer. At american server the update 8.9 will come on 31.October. For a time of 5 hours the server will shut down. New features are a new line of german TDs, some new premium tanks from China and Japan and a new Map. Edited October 29, 2013 by Gepard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted October 30, 2013 Patch 8.9 is out on Euro Server. They really gave us the T7 light tank. Its an american light vehicle with 12,7mm machinegun. The reloadtime is terrible high. Starts by 30secondsifyou have a 50% crew. I set in a 90% crew from an other tank and the reload time went down to 25 seconds. Its damn long time. But you has aprox 150 rounds per salvo, so you can harm a lot of enemy vehicles very badly. Problem is, that the penetration power is weak. The turret rotation speed is slow too. 24° per second. I'm not impressed, but my son loves this little Amibeast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted October 30, 2013 Yes I have tried it, it`s an interresting tank. But the Marder III is realy nice, cant wait to have the 88mm on Tier V TD I have cleaned 4 Garage slots for the new TD line! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted October 31, 2013 You said that if a tank impressed you on the battlefield, to buy it. I did just that. The T18 is a pig, but the armor is incredible. I'm just trying to save up enough research experience/points to upgrade it. Do you use the free experience or save it? Looking forward to the patch tomorrow. -Jeff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted October 31, 2013 The T18 is a funny TD, I had sold it as i have reached the Wolverin and later the Jackson. I try to save the free XP, but if a tank is a pita, I use them, 'Best example is the ISU, I still used the first gun from the Su-152 until i had 65.000 XP ready for the very last one. Try to find a good way for you, the free XP are only generated with elite tanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted October 31, 2013 Free experience you should only use to improve a newly buyed vehicle. The most tanks are terrible with stock weapons, tracks, engines, turrets etc. I use the Free EX to develope the needed issue. As example the VK3001D. As stock vehicle a completly looser. To become better i needed a new turret to implement the long 75mm gun. So i waited till i had had enough free ex, so that i was able to develope the turret, so that i could start with the 75/L70 gun. With this gun the 3001D is great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted November 3, 2013 Its strange, how fast some folks can level up. Yesterday i saw the TD on E100 basic at american server in combat. Dont know, how the name is exactly, but i mean the top tier of the new german TD line. How the player could have this vehicle so fast? Two days after release of patch 8.9? Really? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted November 3, 2013 You can exchange gold for free XP, so he has paid for it.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted November 4, 2013 But you must have enough free Exp. If i have counted correctly there are more than 150.000 free XP neccessary to do this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted November 14, 2013 Update!I've been working my up the levels for various countries. For the US, I purchased the M3 as a stepping stone to the M4 Sherman. I HATED the M3. Biggest POS ever! Sold it quick and got the M4. So far, I like it's speed, but am disapointed in the 75mm. Its fairly accurate, but doesnt do squat for damage. And I'm not going frontal, but opt to knock out a track or engine. They just bounce off. I thought about researching/buying the 105mm for it, to give me the punch, but the reload time is super slow. People dont work in teams enough to leave me hanging for that long.Moving on the German side. I still love my Ltr. That and the MS-1 are my go to's when I need to rack up some points. But again, the noobs often ruin my plans and get killed so quick, I'm forced to fight it out against an overwhelming enemy when I'm last to die.I had the Panzer II for a bit. Liked it's speed, but it got smoked a lot. So I sold it for the Pzr38. I've since moved up to the -38na.I think the most frustrating parts of the game are the movement of the enemy unseen by me even though I'm directly looking in that area, the bot accounts/afk bastards and the random matching of a lvl III tank against lvl V.But I'm having fun... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted November 14, 2013 Do you has a camo net? If no, then buy one. Binos are also very helpfull. They increase your own viewrange by 25%, but only if your vehicle stand still for more than 3 seconds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted November 14, 2013 Do you has a camo net? If no, then buy one. Binos are also very helpfull. They increase your own viewrange by 25%, but only if your vehicle stand still for more than 3 seconds. I have been looking to get those but didnt know how well the netting worked. For 100K points, it better be good. I'll look into the binocs too. Thanks Gepard. -Jeff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted November 15, 2013 I usually have camonet and binos on my vehicles. The net reduces the range on which the enemy can you detect by 25%, the binos increase your own detection range by 25%. But you must stand still for 3 seconds. For bigger guns the loading help is usefull. It reduce the loading time by 10%, but you cant remove it (only against 10gold). For fast vehicles the ventilation us good. It increase the skill of your crew by 5%. But this device you also cant remove. Sometimes this usefull little things are reduced in price. Last weekend you could buy it for half price. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted November 16, 2013 After the patch 8.9 the game become terrible. Not cause of the patch bbut of the amount and kind of people that started to play it. I`m not a racist but the whole bunch of Romanian people and "Siema PL" are useless ingame. 1. My Tank is a TD I drive next to a guy in a bush and he starts to shout at me to leave this specific bush, cause its his! I ignored him and he started to shot at me... WTF 2. I was in a AMX 12t, in a Tier X fight, no chance to do anything just spot, So i was sitting in a front bush and was spotting in the hope not to be spotted by the enemy. An ISU152 wanted to havea suicide scout.... I ignored him .. result was, he killed me WTF 3. The first who die are crying "Noob" and are also useless as before. Im starting to have problems with the people, I ignore everyone ingame, all guys im typing int to drive back.... die in the next 10 seconds .. I`m imagine i can kill my teambuddis with the drive back command Best tank for this game is a fast medium or a very well armored heavy... cause you need to go into dogfights! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted November 16, 2013 Does Romania and Poland has school break? Perhaps thatywhy so many fools are driving around. Take dads account and believe they are good tankers .... If i let play my son to my account, then he is allowed only to play tier 1 and 2. He must learn first how to play and fight. Sometimes he is really good. Up to 7 kills with a MS-1. But really annoying are the high tiers 9 and 10. So many guys there are using gold ammo and have no idea of tank warfare. At ami server i play the Leo PTA and with this tank i was so many times killed by one shot. And if i take a look to the database which ammo the enemy must have used to oneshot me, then it is mostly gold HEAT rounds. Most funny battles are tier 5 and 6 and of course tier 1 and 2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted November 16, 2013 As I said before, I really dislike the way the game matches for a battle. A level III tank against a level VI or VII is pure bull. I have a low chance of survival or even scoring. While I have seen a lot of crap typing back and forth, I generally disregard it. I'm working on getting my M4 up to a better gun so I can penetrate. Right now, the stock 75mm just bounces off EVERYTHING!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted November 16, 2013 At tier 3 you has some good vehicles. But very often tier 3 are used as scouts, so you has to face higher tiers. In such battles you should know the strengh and weaknesses of your vehicle. If you are fast, then you can use it as "run scout" if you are slower, then use the way of "sit in bush scout". You get also exp for detecting enemy vehicles and if thise vehicles are damaged or destroyed by your allies. What means, that you dont need to fire a round to help your team to win. Only detect the enemy and mark them for the TDs and snipers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted November 16, 2013 At tier 3 you has some good vehicles. But very often tier 3 are used as scouts, so you has to face higher tiers. In such battles you should know the strengh and weaknesses of your vehicle. If you are fast, then you can use it as "run scout" if you are slower, then use the way of "sit in bush scout". You get also exp for detecting enemy vehicles and if thise vehicles are damaged or destroyed by your allies. What means, that you dont need to fire a round to help your team to win. Only detect the enemy and mark them for the TDs and snipers. Yeah, I've just figured that I should be scouting for the big guns in those battles. I just don't like being bait. Got my 76mm for the M4 today. Now I'm dealing out some punishment. -Jeff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,848 Posted November 19, 2013 With a 100% crew you will love the Sherman. The soviet T-34 is a good credit farmer too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites