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Yea, don't let the lack of AA on those screenshots fool ya...it's a pretty nice model.


Which is why I think those saying Exp3 is dead are premature. TK used assets from the PC games to make SFA and SFA:I...there is nothing that says you can't do it the other way around.



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exactly FC, there is still possibility Exp3 will be TK's Opus Magnum in terms of SF series, even maybe as a kind of goodbye to PC or sims development


or it will be on par with some of the DLCs, yet priced 5 times, you never know

Edited by Stary

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He needs something red in his new DLC ;)

problem is, he didn't made a thing with "reds" since these DLC started 2 years ago, just saying



of course as some others I am more and more convinced the Mig-25 will make it into Exp3, specially after seeing the model in game

Edited by Stary

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Not that excited myself - I relegated my MiG-25s to RARE status in SF2E because in the 70s because it makes the game to easy :)

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Not that excited myself - I relegated my MiG-25s to RARE status in SF2E because in the 70s because it makes the game to easy :)

Yeah. Foxbat + TW AI's propensity for turning fights = lots of kills.


But still, would like to see it in there. We'll make it flyable in no time.

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According to him cockpits are far more expensive than anything except terrains to make, and there I figure the cost is roughly equivalent, so cockpits are only parts of expansions or full titles.


Skins are of course cheap, as the DLC has shown, but everything else has been minimal changes at most aside from campaign customizer and the standalone ME release as DLC.


Now he could "sub" one cockpit for another plane, as so many of us have done, and as the first gen titles did with making AI-only planes flyable for MP, like the A-4 cockpit that was EVERYWHERE. I guess he doesn't want to sell a plane as DLC that way, though, for fear of backlash at it having the "wrong" cockpit.

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Yea, I can't see him doing cockpits for Red air anytime soon, if ever. Too much time/money for not enough (perceived) market.


The exception I might see is if he decides the next wave of PC releases after Exp3 focuses on the KAW...then I could see a Mig-15 pit. Maybe.



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yes but at this pace (which is understandable given the manpower etc) the engine behind say KAW title will be way outdated. Maybe if he enhances the NA terrain engine, but I doubt (he'd gain more by updating the old one)

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Well, I'd say the only reason he'd dive into the KAW is because no one else is doing it. Since the engine is already outdated (more or less), I don't think that is as much of a factor.


He already has several assets that could be used in KAW with very little modification. Pretty much the big things he would need to create that don't exist at present are a Sabre (with cockpit...), B-29s as AI, some appropriate ground objects, and a terrain. That would be a minimum needed to be marketable.



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well, I'll sell him my terrain.... :rofl: the gods know i sure use the frakking money!! (have to split it with stary, of course ...they're his tiles!!)

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I have been as you probably know working on an Iran Iraq mod, and then it dawned on me: What if exp3 is Iran/Iraq? Hmm? Cruise missiles from NA, Mirage F.1, MiG-25, Su-20/22m?


Probably not. But I think it is an awesome conflict from a technical and aviation point of view.

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But unfortunately not from marketing point of view...


I'm not some kind crazy red wings enthusiast but I would love MiG-25 as DLC.

Edited by ArturR

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I have been as you probably know working on an Iran Iraq mod, and then it dawned on me: What if exp3 is Iran/Iraq? Hmm? Cruise missiles from NA, Mirage F.1, MiG-25, Su-20/22m?


Probably not. But I think it is an awesome conflict from a technical and aviation point of view.


Tomcats, too. It would almost fit TK's tendency to cover what no-one else covers.

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interesting, never thought of that possibility...


and as Iran and Iraq are both headlines countries these days... hmmm


as for KAW I was pretty sure he'll do it after seeing what's in Exp1, then announcement of new terrain engine for NA made me almost sure it'll happen but I don't know.

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Hmm I think Iran-Iraq might be a weee-bit controversial considering the planeset, player would be Iran Air Force pilot, don't know how popular that might be right now lol


If it will really be EXP3 and not just MF1 DLC, I think we need to think about the Mirage in a bit different role, maybe Chad-Libyan war or something like that...

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I have been as you probably know working on an Iran Iraq mod, and then it dawned on me: What if exp3 is Iran/Iraq? Hmm? Cruise missiles from NA, Mirage F.1, MiG-25, Su-20/22m?


Probably not. But I think it is an awesome conflict from a technical and aviation point of view.


Nope wont happen.. during the poll TK made for the next expansion/aircraft, he said that the F1 is going to be a F1C for SF2 and SF2E which is a fighter/interceptor with secondary ground attack capability

(just a depressed sight in fact)

Iraq had F1E models (F1EQ with customer nation identifier added) which had very different capabilities compared to the basic F1C.

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The Iran-Iraq scenario is one of my favorites. Not only it is another Tomcat title on cover, which sells, it provides 2 different nations from what we are accustomed to. The planeset is also very interesting. But this one would require in my opinion at least one flyable MiG. It is also true that F-1C is different from F-1EQ.



F-14A (flyable)

F-4E (flyable)

F-5A/E (AI only)

P-3C (AI only)

C-130 (AI only)



MiG-21 (Flyable, this or -23)

MiG-23 (Flyable, this or -21)

MiG-25 (AI only)

Mirage F-1EQ (Flyable)

Super Entendard (AI only)

Su-17/20/22 (AI only)

Su-24 (AI only)

Su-25 (AI only)

Tu-16 (AI only)

Tu-22 (AI only)


I can already imagine TK saying that this would be too expensive project, or that the scenario does not have enough selling potential. Even though with the above planeset there would be only a couple of new flyable and quite a few new AI aircraft. Minus MiG-25 if it comes with Exp. Pack 3.

Edited by Carlos_Tex

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Well no worries, I am working on it so we can fly this conflict :biggrin:

It certainly is one of the most interesting conflicts of the late cold war era regarding weapons and planes employed.


BTW since I am upgrading the cockpit for the new Mirage F.1, if anyone has any detailed avionics info on the Mirage F.1E (EQ or otherwise) that would be very welcome! I have fairly good refs for the F.1C and C-200 as well as the CZ and AZ variants (even bought an AZ manual) but the middle-eastern Mirages are kinda hard to get info on.

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(even bought an AZ manual)

Arrrrrrrrrgh you should have asked me, that one can be freely downloaded online, I got it that way...

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No expansion will come with terrain. He doesn't have a Persian Gulf terrain in any existing title, so that won't be happening. :grin:


Anyway, I concur that he won't make an Iran-Iraq war. It takes place until after 1982, which is outside where he likes to go, as well as requiring a large new terrain and a lack of a "good guy". That cuts it for WWII and Eastern Front combat, but not in the post-Vietnam world.


Korea (whoever makes the terrain!) is a great way to go. Not only does he cover a neglected area (and I agree he'd need new ground, sea, and air AI objects, but NA got those with its terrain as well), but the planes largely are radar-free, so it should be a bit cheaper to make them as there's no lengthy avionics work needed. Then, for those who have the other titles, a merge offers the planeset and ground stuff needed for a USS Pueblo campaign. Tack on a what-if late-70s scenario like SF2E and NA have, and you've got a great 3-era span to a single title.

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but the middle-eastern Mirages are kinda hard to get info on.

modelfan(dot)ru is the site you look for


as there's no lengthy avionics work needed

avionics work is done to death as far as 50s are concerned, just minor ini works needed

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New terrain is a no-go. I keep saying that the expansion will have Mirage F1, some other Mirages, a few red stuff including MiG-25, with luck, USAF and NATO F-16s, and with a lot of luck, the return of the Starfighters. However, think of the DLCs, like South African Mirages, F-104S if Starfighters come along...


Anyway, i think Android is the main thing now, so if and when Exp3 comes out, we better keep it out of our plans so far

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If ThirdWire would do a Iran-Iraq full title they could make it so that the same terrain could be used for a Desert Storm game. Even though Desert Storm would be uber expensive, it would also be the title with the most selling potential released by ThirdWire.


But i also have to agree, Korea is a nice scenario too. Even though planes are somewhat less expensive, naval units and stuff make it an also rather expensive possibility.

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Carlos to be honest there is an ODS already created in here which is pretty damn amazing and well worth a try. It is in the SF2 Campaign download area.

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