33LIMA 972 Posted March 16, 2013 Methinks that these are the two planes that FE/FE2 now needs most: This isn't a matter of personal preference. FE lacks a genuine later-war German general-purpose 2-seater like the LVG CVI above. It also lacks a 1916-17 configuration BE2, whether a later 2c with the skid-less undercarriage, shallower cockpits, upward exhausts, and sump cowl under the engine, or the unequal-span 2e type. Both were major types, for which neither the current 1914-15 configuration BE2c, nor the mainly 1917 DFW CV, are really adequate substitutes. The lack of these types leaves a significant gap in FE's core, Western front planeset. PLEASE can somebody with the necessary skills [you know who you are! :) ] consider making these great planes? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 941 Posted March 16, 2013 I'm imn agreement on the Be. there were a few versions that were in so much use. prob the "sterotypical" cannon fodder plane onthe allied side.i can think of alot of stuff I would rather see but I can't think of anything we need more. also the Be gives you alot of bang for your buck. you can prob make a large number of verions with a "little" modification. Aslo there were single seat fighter versions that had alot in common with the 2 seater. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ojcar 157 Posted March 16, 2013 In fact there are a lot of two seaters needed..... -British: BE2 is the most needed, but also the FK8 -French: Farman F40 and Dorand AR are badly needed. Two types as important as the two British ones above. -German: I would do a Rumpler CIV or a LVG CV before the CVI (more timespan use), but also an early B type (LVG, Aviatik or Albatros one, even a Taube). And the Halberstadt CL II is badly needed for those flying Schlasta missions. For these waiting to fly over Palestine, the AEG CIV was a main type for both Germans and Turks (and also an useful plane for Western Front). -Italian: there is not a single late war Italian two seater out there. I'm using the RE8 as SIA 7b, the Albatros CIII as SALM 2 and the DH4 as Pomilio PD...... -Austrian: An UFAG CI or Phonix CI wouldn't hurt anyone... -Russian: A Lebed type, maybe? or a gigantic Ilya Muromets (this one probably need a new airfield and Formation). We can only dream about that. The fact is there are very few people making planes for this game, and they have real life stuff too... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+quack74 329 Posted March 16, 2013 Well I know I would love to see a Phonix C.I or an Aviatik C.I for Austrian two seaters. A true SIA 7b or a Pomilio PD for the Italians would be great too. With gterl's Italian terrain in the works, these would all be perfect add-ons. Stephen1918 was going to work on some more seaplanes this summer. So we'll "sea" what's up his sleave. Mid to Late war seaplanes would be perfect for my late war Austria-Italy campain I've been working on. A Hansa-Brandenburg W.18 or any Lohner type. Macchi M.5 for the Italians. But the Hansa-Brandenburg W.12 and W.29 were also very cool looking seaplanes for the Germans. Man, there are just so many planes. We're going to burn out Stephen1918! Lol! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sockboy 0 Posted March 16, 2013 Hi Chaps, My Current wish list of main Aircraft Omissions to date that id love to see in game are: A Bleriot X1 A Taube A Caudron A Vickers Vimy Any Russian Aircraft Lohner C.1 Rumpler C.I. Vickers F.B.12 Early War Aircraft is what the game needs more of, that and some more German Two Seater Aircraft/Bombers..with some New Terrains we can inject even more life into this Brilliant game... I was also looking recently at some Russian Aircraft of WW1 and there are quite a few possibilities and more info on them available on the Net..some potential Candidates could be... An Anatra DS Recon Aircraft An Anadwa VKh Light Bomber A Mosca MB 2bis Fighter (monoplane 1916) A Sikorsky Mourometz (4 Engined Heavy Bomber, the worlds First, 1914) A Sikorsky S-16 Fighter A Voisin Ivanov fighter Other Aircraft that id love to see in F.E are: Sopwith Salamander Phonix D.III Fiat R2 Short Bomber Armstrong-Whitworth F.K.8 Nieuport-Delage 29 Dorand A.R.1 Paul Schmitt 7 Ago C.II All the best to everyone here and long live F.E.! Wishing all a great weekend and keep flying Rab Watson (Sockboy) Fife Scotland Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 941 Posted March 16, 2013 there is an Anatra and sikorsky aircraft already out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+quack74 329 Posted March 17, 2013 It is amazing how many planes were created during the Great War. Seemingly endless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panama Red 22 Posted March 17, 2013 I think sockboy needs to scroll through the FE/FE2 add-on planes. He would be surprised how many of his requested planes already exist for FE/FE2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
33LIMA 972 Posted March 17, 2013 We all have our personal preferences and it's up to those who can deliver rather than those like me who blithely post wish lists. But I venture to suggest that future additions should be guided by some principles, which I suggest should be: Priority 1 - those planes needed to fill the major gaps in FE's current core theatre ('walk before you run'), which is pretty clearly Western Front, in the years 1917-18; hence the strong need for a late BE2c or BE2e, one or even two later-war German general purpose 2-seaters, and one or even two 1916-17 French equivalents like the Dorand which Ojcar has mentioned. And yes as Ojcar says, the AW FK8 is a major gap in the RFC-RAF 'orbat' even tho we have the RE8 for general-purpose 2-seater duties. In this regard, Stephen's recent DH9 and the Fokker & Albatros DIIs have been especially welcome - they fill gaps in FE's 'home turf'; Priority 2 - planes which fill any major gaps in other theatres (like the Pomillio or SIA, or possibly seaplanes IF TW ever manages an 'shipping patch' for English Channel and Aegean Sea operations); Priority 3 - planes which expand the planeset for the early and middle years on the Western Front, ie 1914-16 (like the Taube, Caudron G or Farman F40); as air combat in this era was limited, anything much before the 'Fokker Scourge' would be my lowest priority. Most interest in the WW1 air war is always going to be in the Western Front (look at indicators like books in print) and most of that is in 1917-18, with some spillover into 1915-16. While additional theatres and early Western Front planes are always very welcome, and there is no WW1 plane that I will not welcome being added to FE, the Western Front in what might be termed the classic era of WW1 in the air has so much variety (not least in types of planes) that its interest is strong and enduring. Hence my suggested principles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panama Red 22 Posted March 17, 2013 I have no dispute with what you are saying 33LIMA, but ultimately, it is up to the 3D model builders on what they are interested in building, not what we want. So no matter what we ask for, if the 3D model builders are not interested, it will not get built by them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
33LIMA 972 Posted March 17, 2013 Quite right Panama, but one lives in hope said modders may be open to a little influence....! How about a little more influence? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
33LIMA 972 Posted March 17, 2013 ..and a bit more... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sockboy 0 Posted March 18, 2013 (edited) Hi lads Thanks for the advice and replies, I didn't realise some of these aircraft had been released, been away from First Eagles for a wee while playing FH2! Just downloaded Stephen 1918's excellent Russian Aircraft and wow, this man seems to have made a large amount of excellent Aircraft...well impressed!!! Thank you mate.. Also downloaded many new skins that id missed by Quack and Gambit (again I thank you lads, excellent work). I of course realise that a wish list, especialy an extensive one, is just that..real life and the more than considerable time and effort it must take these talented modellers to make aircraft has to be taken into consideration and really my list is just some suggestions of what aircraft id like to see in this excellent Sim, some of my favourite kites, I agree that there are gaps in other fronts and time frames that there are planes which have a higher priority to be produced. its all good..any new planes at all are a bonus to be honest. Just look at what this community has achieved since the stock release all those years ago (and I loved it even then despite the gaps!) Thank you to all the talented modellers and designers here for all their hard work and output over the years to make this Sim as great as it is. We have such an extensive plane set and some excellent mods,terrains and campaigns out there. Kind regards and best wishes to all.... Rab (sockboy68) Fife Scotland Edited March 18, 2013 by sockboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+HerGr 11 Posted March 20, 2013 (edited) I intercede for this planes German: Taube-any type Aviatik or Albatros B. French: Bleriot XI Caudron G.3 Russian: Ilya Muromets yes and any flying boat used by RNAS: Curtiss H-12 Large America maybe Short 184 Edited March 20, 2013 by HerGr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panama Red 22 Posted March 20, 2013 HerGr: There are already two Aviatiks over at Skunkworks. Just go over and join that site to get them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+quack74 329 Posted March 20, 2013 The Ilya Muromets would be very cool. That one would be right up Stephen1918's ally with his Eastern Front maps and Campaigns. I would like to see that one for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ojcar 157 Posted March 20, 2013 The Muromets it's a lot of work. It probably will need special Formation and a new Airfield..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Stephen1918 1,474 Posted March 20, 2013 We need more model builders around here! I have a Be2 and an LVG CI started. I also some that I made before I started doing stuff for First Eagles. Those need pretty extensive conversions before they can be used here, and it will take time. I'm focused now on seaplanes and naval missions and I'll be working on that for now. But, as I did for the Eastern Front, I will take some time out now and then to do things for the rest of you. I think it's a good idea to have a wish list, so let's keep this going. It would help if you could provide links to the specs for each plane, and links to any plans you may know of, especially hi res top and side view drawings. Photos of the cockpits would be a great help too. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+quack74 329 Posted March 20, 2013 If I had an extra 3G's laying around for 3D max , trust me, I would be building. It facinates me. I wish I could learn. There were a few guys around but lost interest in FE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panama Red 22 Posted March 20, 2013 Stephen1918: I hope you are talking about a Be.2E, since we already have the A/B, C & D versions over at Skunkworks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
33LIMA 972 Posted March 20, 2013 (edited) We need more model builders around here! I have a Be2 and an LVG CI started. Yippeeeeeee!!! this guy is a STAR!!! A BE2 and a late LVG is GREAT NEWS! Stephen - is there some freeware s/w - 3dmax or something - you would recommend, to anyone here who is at least willing to give it a try, in the hope of discovering that they have both a knack for it and the patience of a particularly patient saint? Like many of us I daresay, I did a lot of modelling 'back in the day' (including 1/24 balsa scale models of WW1 planes, built from my own plans, long binned alas). But the only time I ever tried 3d modelling was a local diesel railcar using a package designed for MS Train sim, that ended up lost in a hard drive crash, about 20% complete. So I'd probably fail both of the above criteria, but would at least give it a bash. Edit - just noticed you said 'LVG CI' not 'LVG CVI' or 'CV' - maybe a typo, as the latter two were major types and the CI and CII were small beer, altho perhaps quite useful in FE2 as a 1915 C-type? Edited March 20, 2013 by 33LIMA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,108 Posted March 21, 2013 if you guys want trains (well, sitting still at any rate), you can easily import the locomotive, boxcars, pullman cars, flat car, tank car, af20 depot building, train tracks, train stations "bahnhoff"(large station building for ww2) building etc from SF/SF2. it's a simple copy/patse into the terrain folder, add to the terrain _types ini, and place on the map Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
33LIMA 972 Posted March 21, 2013 (edited) Interesting, Wrench....railways being one of the big gaps in FE. Tracks running about the countryside, or trains running on them, might be neat not least as landmarks; but are not really necessary, since aerial attacks on junctions or running trains happened but were comparatively rare in WW1. It's railway stations and goods yards with static trains and lots of wagons in sidings, in towns, that would be needed most, these being regular targets to attack or defend and railway yard or station attacks often featuring in historical accounts of air operations. Once placed, can stations or wagons in simulated goods yards be made to be actual targets, for AI or player-led flights, I wonder? Edited March 21, 2013 by 33LIMA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,108 Posted March 21, 2013 yes indeed! the game automaticlly assigns them as targets, based on their values, as usual. i've been using them for a long time (2007? 08?) all over various terrains .. India/Pak, the ww2 (that's Kiel above), midwest USA --don't remind me about building the Baily Yard; Korea (KAW), MTO/North Africa, etc: anyplace that historiclly had rails, I put 'em! now, the setup above is designed to be placed as the 'center' of the target area, as they are a pure PIA to place the objects. So, I have a 'store' of pre-built layouts for a north/south and east/west. That means, you build the rest of the city 'around it'. Or create them as seperate target areas WITHIN the city; but in SF/SF2, this causes issues with target area overlaps. Not a real big deal, but it's gets a little "strange" at times. the other bad thing is, due to the tracks being like runways, they need a flattened area, otherwise they disappear into the ground what I do't rmember, is if FE has all the objects pictured above; warehouses, water towers -- it must have something! like those. If not..substutitues are pretty easily found Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+quack74 329 Posted March 21, 2013 (edited) Sorry to get off topic but I know most of you have seen this before but this is one of my Rail Yards WIP for the Flanders terrain. I'm making a shipping port and Depot complete w train sounds, ship whistles and misc ship yard sounds and seagulls. Very cool to have added sounds to the terrain. My airfields all have birds chirping, a light breeze, distant dog barking, and some mechanics sounds. Making a nice place for the Sea Planes. Edited March 21, 2013 by quack74 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites