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What WW2 Ships would you like to see done?

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Graf Zeppelin (german carrier)

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Strasbourg to be eased out of the building basin at St. Nazaire..............



Edited by Hinchinbrooke
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perfect timing for the French Navy to show up with all the WW2 French planes being put out.Looks beautuful

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RAN Carriers: Toowoomba, Woolongong, Geelong, Burnie, Wyalla and Kalgoolie and--




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Very nice, like those French WW2 ships I remember seeing a pic of one called the Jean Bart may have been a cruiser a really good looking warship.

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Very nice, like those French WW2 ships I remember seeing a pic of one called the Jean Bart may have been a cruiser a really good looking warship.


Jean Bart and Richelieu were the last French battleships after Strasbourg and Dunkerque.


Anyway, about to wrap things up, but here are the two sisters entering Mers El Kebir before the fateful July of 1940.



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they're sharp looking boats, Hinch!!

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For me it must be The mighty Hood and her nemesis, the Bismark..Stringbags away !

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Ark Royal, Bismarck?-you get Tirpitz 2 for 1? You can't sink Bismarck without the Ark Royal and her Swordfish, And Tirpitz would be great in the Fjord's in Wrench's upcoming work with Norway partial terrain! Was any other RN carriers based off Ark Royal design?




Edited by usafphantom2

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Admiral Scheer,Graf Zeppelin Graf Spree, ScharNhorstpost-75584-0-93820200-1383015172.jpgpost-75584-0-93502700-1383015184_thumb.jpgpost-75584-0-75723800-1383015197_thumb.jpgpost-75584-0-13176200-1383015214.jpgpost-75584-0-39579900-1383015657.jpg



Edited by usafphantom2

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RN Indian Ocean Fleet carriers



aka: East Indies Fleet


they're called "Illustrious class CVs" and "Attacker Class CVEs"


been done for a WHILE

Edited by Wrench

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