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Help a CA Member Marat with an SF Mod

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I got this in my PM today from Marat, I didn't know we had an AN-2 Colt. Could someone assist him please?


Dear Dave,


I wuld like to ask what is the problem with An-2 Colt? When I want to land it burns and crashes. The same problem is with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc An-2 Colts in my group, After my taking off when they follow me on the run way they burn and crash. How to manage this problem. In fact I do not know what and how to do anything in data.inis in order to solve this problem.


Could you be so kind to provide a finalized data.ini or smth of this plane to allow me to us this plane fully as I was just about to delete this plane.


Many thanks & kindest regards






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I think its from the old column5 site. Didn't know he'd updated to gen 2 tho.

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The problem is : the flight model is designed for 1st generation install patch 06


No way it would fly in SF2 without a new FM...


Maybe with a First Eagle 2 "borrowed FM"? :dntknw:

Edited by Cliff11

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This is from the SF2V Gold Pack. Try it out.


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nice to FINALLY have a decent data ini!! Could have used that for the KAW version (which is why it got cut from the release)


I've got a bunch of other changes; cockpit swaped out for something 'closer', different engine sound, metricized the pit, destroyed model, etc.


the Aeroflop skin could use redoing, adding decals for the registry numbers....anyone know where or how to find Russian civil aircraft registry numbers? An even dozen would do ... what with decal randomization it's farily easy.


I could easily assemble a package within a day or so. SF2 only, of course.



EDIT: so, can some positively tell me if the PZL-MIELEC 2 is the Polish produced version? found a listing of registry numbers...

and who did the FM, so if I choose upload this, proper credit can be given?

Edited by Wrench

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This is from the SF2V Gold Pack. Try it out.


Many thanks for your help!!!

I got this in my PM today from Marat, I didn't know we had an AN-2 Colt. Could someone assist him please?


Dear Dave,


I wuld like to ask what is the problem with An-2 Colt? When I want to land it burns and crashes. The same problem is with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc An-2 Colts in my group, After my taking off when they follow me on the run way they burn and crash. How to manage this problem. In fact I do not know what and how to do anything in data.inis in order to solve this problem.


Could you be so kind to provide a finalized data.ini or smth of this plane to allow me to us this plane fully as I was just about to delete this plane.


Many thanks & kindest regards

Many thanks to you, Dave, for your help!!!

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I should have uploaded this earlier. Attached is the latest version of the AN-2_DATA.INI from the SF2V Expansion Pack, which has some additional tinkering with the flight model and so forth (beyond that found in the version you used) to enable AI to fly this thing without a hitch.

This version of the AN-2_DATA.INI will be included in the next update to the SF2V Expansion Pack.

Eric Howes


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