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I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

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Sunday and 10:58 a.m cst. I said I enough of the craziness and left. For months I've been having problems with a co-worker and for months management didn't want to listen. This employee is nothing but a bully on  a 3,000 pound piece of equipment and should I or anyone else say anything to him then you'll be in a long lengthly discussion with human resorces because he said the one word he can say in English. Es Disrimination! Mucho Disrimintation! So I said fuck it you want to go around endangering lives and being a dick just because you want to be then have at it. I'd rather be unemployed than maimed or dead.


A part of me says that was a bitch move but another part of me says I did the right the thing. Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to remove yourself from the equasion.

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Or you could remove yourself from the equation. Skyviper - Juan = Happy! That might work better. Why did you not try to learn Spanish and study his native culture so you could understand him better? Your supervisor must be a complete phuqtard to not be able to tell if this dude was operating a machine in a dangerous manner. Or it could of been just your own perception of the possible danger. Don't worry you can buy Red Bull with foodstamps. ( I am being sarcastic. Ha! Ha!).

Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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I got money saved up and a few job offers here and there. I also have family in Texas and Minnisota that'll put me to work really quick. I never stay unemployed long (my longest to date has been three weeks ... only because I didn't take a job offer I had on day two of unemployment) I did try to learn this quys language so we can communicate better. I've tried everything humanly possible to get the matter resolved peacefully and still all my efforts were in vain. Simply put the guy's a dick and management doesn't want to deal with the issue and I'm tired of getting uclers over it.

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Just trying to make you laugh. Good luck in M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A. I would not go to Texas if you paid me. Oh, I guess that is why you are going there! Ha!

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:) Thank you for the laugh.

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Good on you! If management isn't willing to listen, then you did the best you could in this situation. Some guys can be stubborn to understand even if you hit home your information with a sledgehammer. 

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good for you Skyviper id like to belive i would have done the same thing. Altho i minght have ran him down in the parking lot with my car and said "opps did i hit something?"  backs up to check [bump] [bump]  ........ :search: hmmm :diablo:  yup that shit :skull:  is in the road and then drives off .........[bump] [bump].

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Burying the hatchet in his head, is still burying the hatchet. No one ever stated where you had to bury it.

Good on you, you can't put a price on the effect someone else's bullshit, coupled with your organisation's inaction will have on you and your family. Sounds like you didn't need the gig, so getting out sounds like a strategically wise move. Good luck with your next job nevertheless!

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I got money saved up and a few job offers here and there. I also have family in Texas and Minnisota that'll put me to work really quick. I never stay unemployed long (my longest to date has been three weeks ... only because I didn't take a job offer I had on day two of unemployment) I did try to learn this quys language so we can communicate better. I've tried everything humanly possible to get the matter resolved peacefully and still all my efforts were in vain. Simply put the guy's a dick and management doesn't want to deal with the issue and I'm tired of getting uclers over it.

I feel for ya bro. Only in America would some one seriously buy into  the idea that it is your responsibility to learn some fuckwits native tongue in order to maintain a safe work place and communicate vital workplace information to the aforementioned Asshat.  Ive seen guys like that play the human resources / race card numerous times and it never seems to fail them. Good luck in the job hunt.

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Yeah, my wife and I were at Home depot yesterday and all, I mean all, the signs were in Spanish and English. Immigrints don't have a need to learn English if everything is in Spanish, ya know? I find that a bit annoying. Skyviper, I feel for you. I quit my job at the jail after 4 1/2 years; too many jerks youd like to take out behind the woodshed and cant. Got a job now at the local university and couldn't be happier.

Edited by pcpilot

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Familiar feeling... I left the "army" after 7 years, and even though I  had no full job since then, I did not regret. I swear I rather die than putting on any kind of uniform anytime in my life...

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I was being sarcastic. Does anyone not have a sense of humor?

Someone needs to develop sarcastic font, because I get boned for that shit all the time on FB.

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Good luck buddy, in a fair, or even a logic world, you could have got him fired. However, keep up. Let make an opportunity out of this. Will be hard, but you might end up better than you were before. Just keep moving, and good luck.

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