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Russo-British naval incident in Scotland

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Their A$$Holes, with the winter games coming and terrorism in their own boarders. I think they need to rethink this rekindle of the Cold War bullshit. Putin's an a$$hat and he needs to rethink his govt. stance on stupid military mind games.

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I think that the russians have so many internal problems that they shouldn't do this kind of cold war games, they must focus on keeping their own (internal) security rather than doing this stupid things.

Edited by cangas

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Big deal - The USN and Royal Navy will be doing more or less the same thing elsewhere in the world. Case in point USN cruiser(s) shadowing the Liaonig's group.



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don't know what is sadder, the fact that there are no vessels to respond fast enough to a threat in that region

or the fact that the Russians think they can go everywhere they want and nobody in the world cares :\


It's very smart to mention that the area is unprotected and basically unsafe!

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The territorial waters of UK are 12 nm if i remember correctly. The Kolyas were 30nm away from coast, what means 18 nm outside british territorial waters. Where is the problem?

It would be different if the russian ships would sail into the 12 miles zone. But outside this zone is freedom of the sea where you can sail whereever you want.

This so called incident is a yellow press "storm into a teacup".

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They need to have something to make people want to CONSUME MORE NEWS.

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