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WOFF Installation

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I need some encouragement and a kick in the butt please.


I have been staring at the box which contains my WOFF DVD for 3 weeks now. Still unopened. 


For some reason, I am hesitant - don't know why.


Please tell me to calm down and everything will go OK. :dntknw:

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Calm down and everything will go OK :good:

Actually I haven't got it yet but if OFF is anything to go by installation was a doddle.

I'm off to bed now. It's far too late for me.

Good luck Aroth and don't worry.

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Calm down and everything will be ok.


My box does not meet WOFF specs on any front but it nstalled painlessly and works great. No worries sir! Worry about the "Hun in the sun."

Edited by DukeIronHand

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For some reason, I am hesitant - don't know why.


Sorry, to hear about your internal struggle, and hope that you're able to resolve it soon.


But just out of curiosity you're hesitant about ???

low end system, installation steps, becoming addicted and having no life once you start playing.....???? 

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Same as Huksbee, and it is working excellent on my rig which is classed as the lower end of the spec reqiured.  I have even had a furball with upto 20 aircraft with frp of 30-65!


Get it loaded and join the fun!

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Not trying to steal Aroth's thread, but seeing the posts about WOFF running on low end systems peaked my interest.  If those with low end systems could post their specs, I'd greatly appreciate it.  I've not even considered getting WOFF because of my rig's specs:


  CPU: Intel Core2Quad 9450 2.66GHz
  RAM: 4GB
  Video: nVidia GTS 450 w/1GB RAM
  OS: Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
  Monitor: Samsung P2450H 24-inch monitor


Any chance WOFF would run?  or is it too low end to even try?  Thanks...and Good Luck Aroth (and yes, it will be OK clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif)

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For me:

P4 3.6 Dual core


WIN XP 32 bit

GTX 460 v2 card with 1 GB


Way below spec but WOFF runs great.

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Installs easy.   Since patch 1.11, lots of people reporting better performance too.   Take the leap sir!

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PatchV1.12 is failing to install for me. I am currently running V1.6 - 4132g which installed on my Win7 64bit computer with no issues. I am getting a Setup Error window popup:





Setup cannot find your Over Flanders Fields installation.

This patch cannot be installed.



When I click OK I get another Error window popup:





Runtime Error (at 25:444):

Patch installation cancelled. OFF installation not found.



I am getting the exact same two Error message windows when I attempt to install the "Skins Pack1.exe"


Is there a work around? As I said before all previous Patches thru and including V1.6 installed with no issues.



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I'd delete the patch, download it again and re-install.  If that doesn't work, I'd uninstall WOFF and start fresh.  Must be a corrupt file in there somewhere sir.  It's worth the effort.  WOFF running like a champ on both low and high end systems alike since 1.11.  

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My posting over at SimHQ WOFF Technical Forum is finally getting responses. So I have decided to track your TBS suggestions over there.


Thanks for the quick response. I think I may just "bite the bullet" and uninstall/reinstall WOFF. The 'Files Installed Locations' record must be corrupted since my WOFF Version 1.6 runs as advertised.



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Well, I had a corrupted Win7 registry alright.


An uninstall of WOFF, a registry cleaning with CCleaner, and a reinstall of WOFF started the ball rolling. I installed Patch_V1.12 and The Fokker Scourge Add On with no further issues. I now have a running WOFF V1.12b - 4204 installation. Thanks for all the help.



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