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I like! Even if I have to fly my stupid little sibling Gripen!

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I like! Even if I have to fly my stupid little sibling Gripen!


Fly big Brother Draken instead. Much more macho ;-)

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new Viggen maybe?

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new Viggen maybe?

I just been asking for one for about two years now. I pretty much given up hope, sadly.

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I thought after the release of the first TSF there was a project started to turn that (viggen) max8 model into our universe, but I can be wrong.. 

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it was but it didn't ended well...


how's about DATs one?

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There has been several but for different reasons, none have worked out. One of them I suppose is because DAT has a Viggen and most people can get it if they desire so they do not see the need for one that can be released with a package. However, for me it is unfeasable to base a campaign around somebody having to wait 1-2 weeks to access one of the aircraft. It is sad, because they have a pretty decent J-21R as well.



how's about DATs one?

How about you ask them this time? :biggrin:


Its actually pretty funny. It is not even _their_ 3D model to begin with, they converted one from a person who have also given me access. However, I doubt neither me nor CA is willing to go to court just to see if a conversion of a model into a Game constitutes protected by copyright; especially as the skin is by paulopanz, the FM by Baffmeister - and the list goes on.


Bitter? Me? You bet.

Edited by JonathanRL

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However, I doubt neither me nor CA is willing to go to court just to see if a conversion of a model into a Game constitutes protected by copyright

You wouldn't neither would CA, Capun simply converted someone other's work available for free on the web
Edited by Stary

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Looks great!! Will it include new cockpits for Swedish fighters??  (like the Draken)

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Only new cockpit will be for the J 28 Vampire.

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Fly big Brother Draken instead. Much more macho ;-)



You bet! Especially the awesome Danish F-35/RF-35


I just been asking for one for about two years now. I pretty much given up hope, sadly.


You and me both. At the very least I wish DAT would give us an SF 37 as well.

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Well, ironic then. Back in Dec 2008 I started working on the full Viggen family (my very 2nd project that time), few weeks into it the one for SF1 got released so I stopped everything with it due to this and some issue it developed with my max9 during bolean cuts. If not so urgent I could dust it off as soon I'm able to.

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Let me put it this way. A Viggen would give me material for at least _three_ more campaigns in the 1970 to early 2000s range. So please do if you feel you have the time.



You bet! Especially the awesome Danish F-35/RF-35

The Real F-35 is of course included in the package.

Edited by JonathanRL

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Will it include any new language speech? Swedish speech would be nice when flying for the Flygvapnet. 

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then try talking JRL into doing one, as he had such plans but then despite my encouragement dropped the idea


so all please repeat:


do it do it do it

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Yeah, Swedes talking FTW!

Then we can have the Finns asking on broken Swedish what they are saying*? Then the Danish will join in and everybody will assume the Soviets are scrambling the radio channels..  :biggrin:



*) Imagine this man sitting in a MiG-21:


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The language package is still on the table. Just not for this release.


I want to do it correctly, so when you hear "Aquila Lead"; you will actually be Aquila and not somebody else. That requires timing and work with the subtitles. Recording it all is easy. Making it fit in is harder.

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