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Halberstadt D.V

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shadow? once there once not (or just because angle of screen-shot?)

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Thanks for catching that.  I've been experimenting with shadow distances and didn't notice the shadows went away!

Edited by Geezer

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Superb modelling and great work here - look forward to trying it out. Gave the old Halbs. (2 and 3) from 2007 a test in FE2 a few days ago but the textures look strange and the FM is a bit odd. This one is obviously superior. Well done.


Happy flying!,

Von S

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Oh, yes. If you're talking about models from Bwf, they are really made of very rough, as if the axe heved, skins of very low quality, while the FM is such that it is simply impossible to fly!

However, Halb. D.III, made by A-Team, looks pretty good and flies not bad. But before this model it too far, of course.

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Superb modelling and great work here - look forward to trying it out. Gave the old Halbs. (2 and 3) from 2007 a test in FE2 a few days ago but the textures look strange and the FM is a bit odd. This one is obviously superior. Well done.


Happy flying!,

Von S

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<FEISTY SMILE> F...ing phone, f...ing connect, f...ing separatists!!! I type one thing and they sent another, and then, when they want!!!


I meant that the models

from Bwf look lile they hewed with the axe. It really is a clumsy work - is something a very remoted resembling their prototypes.

Relative to HalbD3 by A-Team... Previously, there was comrad Capun. Once upon a time he quarreled with the admins and took away all their models. Thay can be freely downloaded from this site


but there is a very complicated registration - as the KGB and the CIA combined! ))

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Nearly ready for release.  Ojcar has tweaked the FM and, as usual, Stephen1918 has been an immense help in answering my questions.  Shots below show a dogfight between eight D5s and ten Martinsydes, with good framerates.











Edited by Geezer
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Looking good! I want to fly this plane!


2 PM Sunday: just submitted it for release.  Should be available pretty soon.

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Beautiful plane, Geezer!


For anyone using FE1 - you'll need to convert the ini file to ANSI encoding for the plane to show up in your game. It's an extremely easy thing to fix:


Open the file named "HalberstadtD5.ini" (I use Notepad for this.) Do a "Save As..." At the bottom of the Save As window change the Encoding setting from Unicode to ANSI. Then click "Save" and you'll be all set.

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Thanks Steve.

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Quite amazing! Honest to God, you are not only a great maker of models, but also an artist!

Thank you.

Edited by Crowford

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Quite amazing! Honest to God, you are not only a great maker of models, but also an artist!

Thank you.


Thanks.  Wait 'til you see the Falco!  :biggrin:



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Thanks so much Geezer. Just superb, amazing modelling. And the look of the cockpit whilst flying the plane is sublime.

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For FE/FEG: I don't have them so I don't know how to install these files. If you run FE/FEG and have trouble loading these files...


At last I was able to download this fine model (in view of my slow internet). As you foresaw, there is a problem at installation of the HalbD.V into FE. Alas! The game does not see the new plane... So the flight did not take place.(

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At last I was able to download this fine model (in view of my slow internet). As you foresaw, there is a problem at installation of the HalbD.V into FE. Alas! The game does not see the new plane... So the flight did not take place.(


Did you try Steve's instructions?


For anyone using FE1 - you'll need to convert the ini file to ANSI encoding for the plane to show up in your game. It's an extremely easy thing to fix:


Open the file named "HalberstadtD5.ini" (I use Notepad for this.) Do a "Save As..." At the bottom of the Save As window change the Encoding setting from Unicode to ANSI. Then click "Save" and you'll be all set.

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Did you try Steve's instructions?


For anyone using FE1 - you'll need to convert the ini file to ANSI encoding for the plane to show up in your game. It's an extremely easy thing to fix

Oops... I'm sorry. My fault. I really didn't hear about it...

Thank you for the instructions, you helped me a lot.

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Allow me to criticize. Yes, the plane is very good and to fly on it simply pleasantly. However, despite all the undoubted advantages, the model leaves the impression of slightly incompleteness. As if it was done in a hurry… For some reason on the plane are not displayed bullet holes (the aircraft always looks unharmed). Maybe it’s only I have such trouble? But that’s not all. When viewed from the cockpit, visible unfinished bracing wire (see added screenshot). In addition, the only available instrument is not working; a pointer will never budge. The controls are also motionless… Perhaps these shortcomings will be corrected in future versions of the model?

Edited by Crowford

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Yes, I finished it in a hurry.  I was tired of looking at it.


I still am, so don't expect an update anytime soon.

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Hi, guys.

Somebody has tried to make the correct 'holes' for this plane? I tried, but to no avail. After any hits D.V looks safe and sound. Even after a good thrashing the plane looks as good as new. :gamer: Apparently, here there is a problem not only in the alpha-channel...


The same question also applies to the Falcon and the Gladiator.

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What about it? Nobody knows anything?  That's a pity. The situation is more serious than I thought.
None of my attempts to make a visible 'holes' have not met with success. Even the substitution of the TGA files that are successfully working with other airplanes in the game, can't get it to work. I'm very grieved…

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The name of the .tga used for the "holes" has to match the name of the corresponding .bmp image in the aircraft's texture folder. I noticed the names did not match up.


The .tga that reads "fuse_HOLES" in the D.V's main folder should read "Halb D5 Fuselage_HOLES" (the name of the fuselage .bmp in the texture, "skin" folder).


When I tried it out I did get some damage on the fuselage. But I didn't see any on the wings yet. I'll try again later. Didn't have much time to check it all out.





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