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Seeing how TK released a swiss Hunter and those Hunters were Maverick capable, it came with a different cockpit?? The B Mavericks were optical so a TV screen is required IIRC.

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Not at home, will I get a cockpit with TV screen? Should I??

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TKs Swiss hunter are not able to carry Mavericks.

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And is your one Maverick capable with updated cockpit??

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Maverick capable but no TV

Edited by Soulfreak

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Great!! Will download this evening.

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the cockpit is only updated with a RWR screen and some details , no tv - screen a tv - screen can only be added by making a new cockpit in 3ds max , but you can fire the maverick by simply pointing the gun sight on your target as long as you are in  weapons range


the mavericks that i made for the swiss-hunter are set as a rocket pod this way you have the lau-117 launchers on the pylon but no longer a tv-screen , but since the cockpit does not have a tv-screen this should not be a big problem

on the other hand the swiss-hunter has the correct oerlikon rocket racks and  the 80mm rockets


if i ever find the time to make a new swiss- hunter cockpit i will do so






Edited by ravenclaw_007
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most of the DLCs are wasted money if you know bout this little site here......   the F-4N is about the only one better in DLC than here that i can think of (DECM as part of model, slotted stabs) and even then it  does better when touched up with Sundowners templates!

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F-4N became that much better after several patches wich added slotted stabs and dropping ailerons to what was originally just an F-4B with DECMs. And it could be even better if it could carry AIM-7E4s without editing, as it was capable of in RL, AFAIK. And it could really use an stock Sharkmouth or Black Knights skin.

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ah  but that brings us back to the arguement...... why buy stock (and you know you'd have to pay) when you have it here.   and the slotted stabs was a final fix TK made, as ALL naval Phantoms were given the slotted stabs after teh Ja came out with them and the Navy figured out how they improved the handling esp around the boat...

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you should see my new F-4N / J / S  :grin:

Edited by ravenclaw_007
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you should see my new F-4N / J / S  :grin:

how far along and do ya need decals for it? everything say post Vietnam.........

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still a long way to go , the 3d models  are almost complete but i still have to work on the mapping and the templates

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well let me know if your interested.  my N skinpack is set up for every tactical unit that flew it (only ones like VX-4 missing) and i am working the same for the S right now, tho thats is abit slower due to getting off on side tangents like the tankers.  still very likely done before the summer at latest. as for the J,  have plans on that to do post Vietnam, which is my area of interest.  would be in the same vein, but there would be alot of Vietnam timeframe to work on.  would need to redo the decal.ini s but otherwise could save alot of space and time just making universal skins and adding the decals.

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the skins you have may no longer fit because of the changes i made on the 3d model if you like i send you the templates as soon as i have them final and you can make the skins


the first to be finish will be the S

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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you just saved me 5 bucks!


I'll be waiting for the new N/S RavenClaw Specials!!

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it will still  take  some time Kevin what ever project you have go ahead with it

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you should see my new F-4N / J / S  :grin:

And your F model when we can enjoy it???

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And your F model when we can enjoy it???


uuuupppsss ....  i still have to finish some skins

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Danke...... I fly with your's F-4E until it arrived

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your skin work is far better than mine sir.  i was just pointing out that by the time you're done i will have every tactical unit that flew F-4Ns and Ss covered via tga. but when they are ready i wouldnt mind taking a crack at them an ini dancing the decals from TMF and TW locations to new spots on yours.  or if you'd rather have marking on skin, i can shoot you the tga and you can apply as a layer  like in your E models.  i just happen to like the decal route like a couple of other modders here

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problem is that large decals cover the details of the skin  , if i´m done with the templates i will give you a pm :good:

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