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Mmmmm doable about the colors, but, what about the intake ahead of the tail???

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fake pilot anyone?  and keep it simple to keep cost down.  they would have had alot of 23mm ammo from the other types retired,  keeping 24 fighters out of 251 delivered (and say for sake of arguement 140+ on hand at reunification) you can get engines for parts and overhaul. avionics and weapons would be needed to bring into NATO, but linking with GCA or even better the AWACS would be more like the previous system, overall cheaper in equipment and training and have a "low emmission" intercept system than putting in a new radar that need to be guided by GCA into the area anyhow.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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To be fair, the OP only asked for the skin and not a new 3D model or added parts.

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If it is only the inlet part, here you go. The zip contains the template also (only 256*256 now)

I think would be better if chaff dispensers and RWR receiver also being included, but only if someone want a full mod of it.


You will have to add the system name to the tail section in the Bis_data.ini. and put this behind the pilot entry too.


It looks like this at the moment.


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Nice one logan4. I'll look forward to using that.

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Thanks Spinners, feel free!

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In 1991 it was decided to modernize the MiG-21bis to new MiG-21bisD standard. D stands for Deutsch = German. It was planed to hold this plane in service for the next 10 years and to use them as selling argument for MiG-21 modernizations of the MiG-21 fleets of the former Warsaw Pact contries.

The testflights started in spring 1992. And had following steps:


MiG-21bisD-V1 evaluation test. Modern electronic pack in modified back container, glas cockpit, Grifo-F radar, HMS.








MiG-21bisD-V2 canard evaluation test





MiG-21bisD-V3 evaluation test of air to air refueling,  new canard position and french IFF system








After evaluation of all 3 Versions the Versuchsflugzeug V-1 was selected for modernization of the MiG-21 fleet in autumn 1992.



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Love the three versions but the one with canards and refueling probe is just amazing!

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I think so, all are beautiful but....refueling and canards are better

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could you do a version with refuelprobe without canards also? and maybe with added IRST (like on mig-29) ? plus that thingy logan did^^

Edited by dast24

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The 3d job is made by Alejandro. So it could be possible to create a D4 version without canards. But at the moment i'm not working on such a version.

My german MiG-21bis update program consist of 3 steps.

At the first i plan to make the MiG-21bisD1 as electronic update program with new western Radar (Grifo-M), jammer, chaff and flare.

The MiG-21bisD2 will be a agility update program with canards and inflight refuel probe, but without improved avionics.

The MiG-21bisD3 will recieve the D1 electronics update, plus D2 canards and refuel probe, new RB199 Mk.105 engine and slightly increased fuel capacity. Perhaps i will give her an other western Radar (Blue Vixen) with AMRAAM capability, must check first, wheter a Blue Vixen would fit into the nosecone of the MiG-21bis.


Logans air intake is designed for the place, where i put the avionics container. I could only use it in the D2 version, but the old R25 engine does not need an aditional airflow.


The IR seeker, i think, would not fit in the design philosophy of a westerized modprogram of the early 90th. But for a russian style update it is a good idea. Perhaps i should start a rework of my old MiG-21BISON mod. But first will come the german bisD.


The 2 weeks timeframe is not the usuals joke. I think if all mod work will run fine, i could release the bisD series in mid May.

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First costumer of the MiG-21bisD1 update was Poland.





First MiG-21bisD2 was sold to Czech Republic. In front an experimental splinter camo in background the pale NATO gray camo.



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A WoX version of all 3 MiG-21bisD versions is uploaded. Needs only the Okay from admin.

For a SF2 version i will need a week to be ready.


Unfortunatly i cant include the nice splinter camo into the pack, because i was unable to contact the guy who made it and he had not signed the freeware agreement.

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Excellent work Gepard!



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The SF2 version is uploaded now.



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