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ODS Road2Hell question...

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So at some point I was hoping to recreate the somewhat controversial Highway of Death mission in a multi-part AAR. I saw the the ODS campaign also shipped with those Road2Hell single missions, but whenever I try to launch it I get to 80% loading screen and then the loading locks up. I've tried selectively deleting units to see what is causing the mission to hang, but I can't seem to hit on it.


Anyone have an ideas or other single missions that replicate the Highway of Death? I'm hoping to start it out with the A-6 dropping CBU on the lead and trail vehicles and then bringing in some A-10s.



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When you get the error at 80% do you have a copy of the error message? That way I know what .dll file is failing you.


Wrench, any ideas?

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When you get the error at 80% do you have a copy of the error message? That way I know what .dll file is failing you.



Why, that sounds like the "CallKevinASAP.dll" error that eveybody's been talking about... :biggrin:

Edited by Fubar512

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since the terrain isn't in the state I originally released it in, I've no clue. So ????

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BeachAV8R, I just tested the Road2Hell single missions in my ODS install and they ran just fine. Maybe we can compare the files in our ODS installs to find out what the problem is?

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Actually, some of those ODS missions specify the wrong aircraft types, because newer aircraft were substituted when we did the SF2 version of the mod. I thought had taken care of all the name changes in those missions, but I checked again today and found three aircraft used in the missions with incorrect names.


Attached to this post is an updated set of .MSN files. These files will be included in the next cumulative update to the mod.


I can't say whether these name problems caused the freeze that Beach AV8R encountered, but it's conceivable that they did, depending on the particular mission that he selected.


Eric Howes



Edited by eburger68

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I was on that road in 1991. A month after it happened it was just beginning to be cleaned up. Went back in 2001, kind of weird to see it all cleaned up.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys...


Dave - No idea because the loading screen just freezes, I don't get an error message or a CTD..just a freeze..


KJ - That sounds like a good idea, except my damn SF2 + ODS install is so heavily modded that I doubt we could pin it on any one thing. I'm using Razbam cockpits, ODS models, a whole bunch of Stary's effects..etc..etc.. So that would probably be more trouble than its worth..


eburger - Thanks for the updated files. The Road2Hell one still freezes at 80%, but I just did a workaround and used the OP-08 mission to represent the Highway of Death. Granted, the units are advancing further into Kuwait instead of retreating, but the concept is the same for illustrative purposes. It works for me..




Tanker - That must be a pretty incredible experience. I see a lot of photos of the carnage and devastation and am always amazed that they let people sort of poke around that area so soon after the fact. I'd imagine there was a lot of unexploded ordnance (CBU) laying around and it could be pretty dangerous. I'd imagine that the military has quite an extensive collection of photographs and video of the destruction that might never see the light of day. The whole affair was rather controversial but I sort of come down on the side of destroying the enemies equipment. Also, the death toll, by many accounts, seems to have been inflated because it is widely believed most of the Iraqis fled into the desert once the bombing started in earnest.


By the way - anyone interested in a detailed chronology and analysis of the Gulf War air war should check out these five documents that comprise the Gulf War Air Power Survey. I think they published the document in 1993 and over the course of time it seems that the US Government decided that didn't want so much of that information out there and apparently they removed it from the government hosted websites. They can still be found on the Federation of American Scientists library website:




Scroll down to the 6-part Gulf War Air Power Survey to download them. Fascinating reading...



Edited by beachav8r
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BeachAV8R, I took a look at the OP-8 and Road2Hell mission files and crossed out the aircraft in them that appeared in your earlier ODS mission reports.


The following objects are called out in the Road2Hell mission file but do not appear in the OP-8 mission file. You might want to take a look at these objects.  



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Just curious, if you dont have an object like a M3A1, will the game not load the mission at all or will it simply load the mission but not include the M3A1 and its role in the mission?

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I did get this mission working by removing the M113 and M3A1 from the mission - I don't know why that was crashing it because I see them in my OBJECTS directory.. The mission worked great (what a FPS killer that mission is!)...


Thanks for all the help..



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