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You'd think it would be easy... (probably is)

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I'm having a blond moment here, after numerous attempts to intercept a flight of Mig-25's with Sundowner's Arrow FGR.3 and not having been able to get a lock I decided the RAF could do with an upgrade. I was able to splash Mig-21's all day long however the ECM on the 25's was too stong. After shopping around the RAF seems to have decided that the Arrow is potentially adaptable to house the AWG-9 systems recently in service with the F-14... The RAF in this instance will be using the Blue-Dragon missile (an SA-11 reskinned and edited).... systems integration is proving to be a Royal PITA...

I've taken the various radar entries from the MF F-14A_82 ant transplanted them into the corresponding Data and Avionics ini's of the Arrow, I can get the F-14 hud symbology to work however I can't get the radar to fire up, probably missing something really obvious.


so far I've moved the entire Avionics Data ini from the F-14 to the Arrow's avionics ini and the Detect system entreis into the Data ini... now out of ideas.... ummm help please  :blackeye:



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Is your Frankenmissile working when carried by something else? Does your missile have the right 'ini' lines to make it work?

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Yeah the Frankenmssile works fine, test fired it against a flight of Mig-21's with the original CF-105 radar. Its actually your fault I started messing with this bird, saw your pics over at WHIF modeler of the 105 with a quad of SA-6's, Sparrows/Skyflashes look a bit on the small side under those massive wings so wanted something a bit beefier  :biggrin: 
 Now that I've tried messing with the radar, mainly to get TWS working, I've been left with no operational Radar... figure theres a line in an ini somewhere I should be changing but damned if I can think what it might be. 

Heading out in 10 minutes, will check the vid tomorrow, thanks.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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In the video (thanks Fubar512), it took the Eagle driver 4 missiles to down the one Foxbat! Air combat is NOT easy, no matter what era. Just be glad you can do it over and over until you get it right, or, modify your weapons when you get up there and try it again.


By the way, at 40:01ish, the narrator says that the MiG-23 Flogger is a two engine fighter?

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In the video (thanks Fubar512), it took the Eagle driver 4 missiles to down the one Foxbat! Air combat is NOT easy, no matter what era. Just be glad you can do it over and over until you get it right, or, modify your weapons when you get up there and try it again.

I'm sure the Raytheon engineers modded them afterwards!

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Capt Pitz and Tolini only had what they had at the time. They wouldn't get a 2nd chance. Good thing the Iraqi pilots were not any better, or things could've gone bad real quick. There were no Raytheon engineers in the cockpit adjusting the missiles at the time.

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True dat! by the time ARH missiles go into service there becomes other countermeasures like towed decoys. It is a constant game of sword and shield... For the pilot in pit, ya never know!!


Capt Pitz and Tolini only had what they had at the time. They wouldn't get a 2nd chance. Good thing the Iraqi pilots were not any better, or things could've gone bad real quick. There were no Raytheon engineers in the cockpit adjusting the missiles at the time.

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I'm having a blond moment here, after numerous attempts to intercept a flight of Mig-25's with Sundowner's Arrow FGR.3 and not having been able to get a lock I decided the RAF could do with an upgrade. I was able to splash Mig-21's all day long however the ECM on the 25's was too stong. After shopping around the RAF seems to have decided that the Arrow is potentially adaptable to house the AWG-9 systems recently in service with the F-14... The RAF in this instance will be using the Blue-Dragon missile (an SA-11 reskinned and edited).... systems integration is proving to be a Royal PITA...


I've taken the various radar entries from the MF F-14A_82 ant transplanted them into the corresponding Data and Avionics ini's of the Arrow, I can get the F-14 hud symbology to work however I can't get the radar to fire up, probably missing something really obvious.


so far I've moved the entire Avionics Data ini from the F-14 to the Arrow's avionics ini and the Detect system entreis into the Data ini... now out of ideas.... ummm help please  :blackeye:




fallenphoenix1986, did you change the "AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll" line in the "Arrow_FGR3.INI" file to read "AvionicsDLL=AvionicsF14A.dll"? 


AircraftFullName=Avro Arrow FGR3
AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <-------------------------Change to AvionicsDLL=AvionicsF14A.dll


If the "Arrow_FGR3_AVIONICS.INI" file is set up for the "AvionicsF14A.dll" file structure and the "Arrow_FGR3.INI" file is still telling the game that it is using an "Avionics60.dll" format avionic file then the radar is not going to work .


Secondly the lines below were taken from the "F-14A_AVIONICS.INI" file. You need the lines in bold to be placed under the [TargetTWS] entry in the "Arrow_FGR3_AVIONICS.INI" file in order for multi-targeting to work.


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By the way, at 40:01ish, the narrator says that the MiG-23 Flogger is a two engine fighter?


It's the Dogfights, they are pretty good and very entertaining but not very accurate when it comes to technical details, somebody probably mistook two intakes for two engines...

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