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PLAAF jet buzzes Navy aircraft

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Its typical behavior of all sides. No need to worry. If a chinese recon bird would appeare 135 miles from Hawai US fighters would do the same stuff.

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Nothing new, remember the 2001 incident when the Chinese plane actually collided with a USN P-3 when the interceptor flew way too close? That enemy pilot was also just trying to show off and scare the P-3 crew and made a huge mistake. 


This was just a similar pilot trying to scare the crew of the P-8, I agree it's unprofessional as the article says but it's definitely not the first time it has happened. At least this particular pilot knew not to fly too close and cause a potential midair.

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 At least this particular pilot knew not to fly too close and cause a potential midair.


If the article is acurate he barrel rolled around the P-8 at a distance of 45 feet... before I read it I figured it was going to be a load of bull seing as wester fighters have been doing the same thing to Soviet/Russian MPA/SIGINT birds for the best part of 70 years but this guy was stupidly close.



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If the article is acurate he barrel rolled around the P-8 at a distance of 45 feet... before I read it I figured it was going to be a load of bull seing as wester fighters have been doing the same thing to Soviet/Russian MPA/SIGINT birds for the best part of 70 years but this guy was stupidly close.




Yeah I didn't read the article, just the headline and first few sentences as I too thought what you originally thought. That is stupidly close, glad it didn't result in a midair.

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One article I read yesterday about this had the Chinese warning about a possible future collision! Ram Jaeger!

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ordway, I read somewhere recently (where?) that they have a special squadron trained for this, flying close to intimidate. Not sure, but wouldn't be surprised.


Wasn't there a pair of Hornets collided with each other while playing around a Russian or Chinese plane about a decade ago? Another one....I think there was a Russian badger -- or something -- buzzing a US navy ship and flew into the sea. I've forgotten everything about these two incidents. Dumb me.

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It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye...


And when the PRC pilot loses his eye, because he collided with a heaving, heavy, and lumbering aircraft, his government will scream to high hell how a slow moving transport/recon/special duty aircraft deliberately chased their nimble, yet innocent fighter down and intentionally rammed it.

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